30 day shred!

So I just bought the 30 day shred everyone has been talking about on here so I hope it works! I am starting it tonight and I'm so excited!


  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 406 Member
    I started this afternoon. Good luck! It's a doooozy :)
  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,648 Member
    Congrats and good luck! I'm on Level 2 now, and I have to say that Jillian will whip your butt and you'll probably want to throw things at your TV or yell at her lol, but every minute is worth it. You're gonna look amazing!! :)
  • Jen3274
    Jen3274 Posts: 4 Member
    I've done it multiple times, and never got past the first 2 weeks and Level 2. I started again this morning and hope I can manage to keep up with it this time. It's only 20 min a day, so I need to stop making excuses not to do it. Good luck to you! You'll be sore tomorrow :)
  • I started mine on September 17th :) I'm doing each level for 10 days (11 days total, but I rest for 1 day).

    Let me just say that level 2 is a KILLER. I'm only on day 2 for it but I have to stop multiple times because she really works you out hard compared to level 1, and doesn't let you rest at all. By circuit 2, I'm already screaming out, "OH MY GOD!" and calling Jillian crazy and such :P But really, it's a tremendous workout, I end up NOT thinking that Jillian is crazy (just super determined), and my thighs, abs, and stomach feel SO much stronger!

    Good luck! :)
  • blink182_mouse
    blink182_mouse Posts: 7 Member
    I just started today too good luck!!!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    yeye! you'll see fantastic results. I am on level2day6. 4 more days til i start level 3, yayyyyyyy
  • Mrswheels01
    Mrswheels01 Posts: 201 Member
    That is awesome!! You can do it! I am on level 3 day 2. IF you want support feel free to friend me :)
  • I started today too :-)
  • jillfrd
    jillfrd Posts: 29 Member

    I started yesterday and LOVED it! it's my kind of workout for sure, fast, intense, and fun. Jillian is not as annoying as I was worried she would be (I am always wary of fitness dvds instructors as I suspect they will all be annoying crazy people).

    I wasn't too sore this morning which was good, probably because I did the modified easy exercises and my weights were two soup cans! going to the shops today to buy some proper weights so I think it may get a bit harder.

    good luck and feel free to add me: I plan on doing it 6x a week and one rest day, and hopefully also do about 30minutes cardio daily too (usually either running or skipping rope)
  • thanks everyone for your support! I am excited hopefully all goes well! I'll have to let you know tomorrow! I'm a little nervous becaues it seems like it is going to be tough..
  • There is a group challenge you can join if you like.It starts tomorrow, Oct 1st.
    Best Wishes!!

  • jillfrd
    jillfrd Posts: 29 Member
    just went from level 1 with 1kg weights to 2kg weights. and tried to do the real pushups (could only do 10 though) oh man! fun times!