Are Ab Rollers a scam? No progress!!!

Hello fellow MFPeeps.

I received an ab roller as a gift a week ago and nothing is happening! I have been dedicating at least an hour a day to this. Frankly I think I get better exercise watching American Chopper than using this newfangled contraption.

My routine so you can picture me rollin...

20 minutes of rolling my obliques and lower abs for toning purposes.
20 minutes rolling from belly button to my chest.
20 minute freestyle.

The only changes I have noticed are less hair on my stomach due to the friction, and occasional irritation and tread marks.

Thanks for your help.


  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    It takes a little longer than a week to see results... And assuming you're eating properly and doing cardio to burn the fat. Truth is, subcutaneous fat loss cannot be targeted. It is lost all around the body. You want chiseled abs? Patience is the key ingredient.

    Edit: You don't need to use that thing for an hour a day either. Your abdominals and obliques are the same muscle as any other skeletal muscle in your body. Would you work out your chest for one hour?
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Hello fellow MFPeeps.

    I received an ab roller as a gift a week ago and nothing is happening! I have been dedicating at least an hour a day to this. Frankly I think I get better exercise watching American Chopper than using this newfangled contraption.

    My routine so you can picture me rollin...

    20 minutes of rolling my obliques and lower abs for toning purposes.
    20 minutes rolling from belly button to my chest.
    20 minute freestyle.

    The only changes I have noticed are less hair on my stomach due to the friction, and occasional irritation and tread marks.

    Thanks for your help.

    <SNORT>.......LMAO. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    If you want to get abs..

    Try doing 10 hindo pressups a day, then after a few days, twice a day, then after a week, 20 a day, then 20 twice a day...

    That will work out your whole body and you use your body weight not some rubbish you bought that will become landfill at a later date!! here is how to start, the lazy way!! he should also come back, will see if I can find another, but if you use this one to start should help.... Here you are.. But we do them different, once we have pushed forward with head up, we then do the same back, not go straight back..It is sooooooooooo much harder... Kills have been doing them for nearly 2 years...

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh 3.30 mins into the second one, it works, it is called a dive bomb push up!! But amazing xxx Try it! Good luck!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    What does 'freestyle' involve? :-D
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Basically doing abs work will help your abs. But it wont help lose that layer of fat hiding them. Only sustained fat loss will eventually remove that layer, thus revealing your abs. Obviously, at this point that ab work will pay off.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    you are doing it wrong,first off you have to do it while wearing a PINK tutu,fairy wings,and the minute you are done you must dance around your living room shakeing chicken bones and chanting obbe dobbie for ATLEAST 15 minutes. Do all that and you will have rock hard abs in about 3.5 hours
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I'm gonna go ahead and say that any ab "device" is bullsh!t. Check out the people on this site with awesome abs.. Ask them what they do.... Betcha none of them mention some gimmicky device. And also betcha most of them tell you that abs are made in the kitchen.
  • If you want to get abs..

    Try doing 10 hindo pressups a day, then after a few days, twice a day, then after a week, 20 a day, then 20 twice a day...

    That will work out your whole body and you use your body weight not some rubbish you bought that will become landfill at a later date!! here is how to start, the lazy way!! he should also come back, will see if I can find another, but if you use this one to start should help.... Here you are.. But we do them different, once we have pushed forward with head up, we then do the same back, not go straight back..It is sooooooooooo much harder... Kills have been doing them for nearly 2 years...

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh 3.30 mins into the second one, it works, it is called a dive bomb push up!! But amazing xxx Try it! Good luck!

    hey thanks for your help, i do the hindu push ups in some of my workouts but i do them the "lazy way"

    you have motivated me to try the more effective way now, appreciate the help, and from others as well

    oh and to the person who said i need a tutu and fairy wings... well lets just say i already implement those into my routine. while im wheeling i cant fight the feeling