Tabata Sequence Training

Has anyone done this type of training?? I just started with it and it is really hard but seems effective. Let me know if you are or have tried this and how it worked.

Thanks..................... JOJO

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  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Yes, sort of. I do a lot of bodyrock exercises, which are based on the tabata protocol. Pushing max effort for about 30 seconds, taking 10 seconds rest, then doing a different exercise for the next 30 seconds, max effort, yeah?

    Something like that I hope is what tabata is, the woman that creates the exercises has mentioned that word numerous times.

    I really enjoy it, it is fast paced, gets my heart rate up very quickly, and I really enjoy pushing myself to my limit for just those few minutes. It feels like a lifetime then the buzzer goes off and I am done!

    During the time where I was really into it, my eating habits were terrible. I saw more reps per exercise improvement but I didn't lose any weight nor did I get 'cut' or anything nice like that. Now that I have my eating on track much better, I am hopeful to start some of her training again soon once I can get to a gym with some wide open space and a few kettlebells/balls for me to play around with.
  • YES>>> I use this all the time - Excellent!
    Started out with squats (20 sec on , 10 off) for 8 sets, then moved to Biceps and Shoulders. Now I try to use the timing for all areas I may be struggling with. It burns :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Tabata is the bomb! I attribute a good part of my fitness to Tabata method and FORCE my clients to do it because most of the time they wouldn't do it on their own.
  • mmhenry28
    mmhenry28 Posts: 163 Member
    I do this all the time as well. Picked it up from boot camp and now take my friends out for tabata sessions

    I do 8 different exercises with the 8 sets each exercise.

    I either do a cardio session burpees, high knees, quick sprints or a weights one, kettle bell, bicep curls etc

    It's the most time efficient work out I have ever done.