What tools are available to change the mindset from "comfort eating" to "fuel?"

I use my sleep, nutrition and exercise as an overall baseline. I use it to check and see if I don't feel well for some reason, that at least I have ruled these out. Nutrion has always been comforting since my younger years. How do I change my mindset and carve new pathways mentally to say to myself, "Food is only there to fuel my body?" Thanks in advance!


  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,966 Member
    But…. Why?

    Food is not “only there to fuel (your) body”

    Food, yes, is fuel for the body, but, IMHO, only seeing food in this one limited way is not realistic.

    I mean, if you want to eat nutritionally complete protein bars, and nothing else?
    Go for it, I guess.


    Personally, I prefer a balance of healthy and enjoyable.
  • cupcakesandproteinshakes
    cupcakesandproteinshakes Posts: 1,111 Member
    There’s a podcast called mindful shape which I’ve found helpful. An episode called “natural v concentrated pleasures” was good.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,186 Member
    They're both. Don't overthink it.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,972 Member
    I agree with the others . . . but am going to pick it apart more. ;)

    Here's what I think:

    Yes, we need food for fuel (energy) and nutrition.

    Pleasure is part of a happy life, when we can get some. Pleasure in eating need not be off limits. But:

    We don't pursue pleasure to an extreme, or if we do there are bad consequences. Consider what life would be like if we indulged in various non-food pleasures to the absolute maximum. (I leave the specific pleasure types to readers' individual imaginations.) Results, probably not good, just as with overdoing pleasurable eating.

    You mention "comfort eating". That's not exactly pleasure, is it? IMO, it's more like compensating in one realm for problems in another. Problems are better dealt with via their root causes, not by compensating through other means.

    If a person needs comfort because of stress, then there are lots of other stress management techniques: Mild exercise, prayer/meditation, breathing exercises, hot aromatherapy bubble bath, journaling, other creative activities that release stress, adult coloring books, self-hypnosis, massage (including self-massage techniques), yoga, etc.

    If other emotions are leading to comfort eating, then it may take a little more self-analysis to figure out the root cause. Once that's identified, seek out something that deals with the problem, rather than simply distracting from it (as comfort eating may do). This can be hard and scary at first, but can lead to healthy self-realization and growth.

    IMO, what I'm really looking for in eating - and in life overall - is balance: Enjoying pleasurable things, but keeping them in a reasonable overall average context with essential self-maintenance, such as the fueling/nutrition aspects of food and eating.

    Being substantially overweight is not pleasurable - don't I know it! For me, it was important to viscerally realize that my future self's pleasurable life depends on my current self moderating my calorie intake (and getting reasonable nutrition). I needed my future self to feel real to me, and getting there really helped me with maintaining better current life balance in various ways - food, sure, but also things like finances and more. YMMV.

    Best wishes1

  • sthrthms
    sthrthms Posts: 1 Member
    I just heard a person say today that food is not your friend, but it’s not your enemy either. It’s just there. It doesn't have intentions. That resonated with me and I’m going to focus on that on my mindful eating journey. I love food WAY more than the average person, and I don’t mean eating. I mean I cook and bake. I’ve been a professional in different kitchens. I’ve eaten around the world. So food will never be just fuel to me, it’s unrealistic. But it’s also not my friend and it needs to stop being my focus. It’s time for me to shift and put food in its place. A wonderful part of the enjoyment of my life, like seeing the stars at night, gazing at the changing leaves, an amazing night’s sleep. There for my enjoyment but not a friend. Friends are my friends, there to support me emotionally. Food should not be supporting me emotionally.