If you ate 1200-1300 calories everyday and didn't lose weigh

t for a whole month and one week, even with power walking 3 1/2 miles at least 4 times a week... would you lower your calories or up your calories, or stay the same??

Please help! Thanks....

p.s its been over a month since I have been extra serious (time flys) but before that I was dang serious... and I am now back to being serious!



  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    were you eating back your calories? Idk, I'm a newbie, but today they told me to up my calories because I had them set too low.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I'd eat more
  • yummummum
    yummummum Posts: 257
    I would lower my carb intake. Up protein and fat.
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    gotta eat back your calories or your body will go into starvation mode! notice how MFP adds calories when you work out? there's a reason for that... try not to be under your daily by too much!
  • ashheartshawaii
    ashheartshawaii Posts: 18 Member
    Glad you asked this question- I am in a similar situation. I suppose I have lost, but it just seems sooooo slow... I do between 1200-1300 cals/ day, also, and walk at least 20 miles per week.
  • hellonurse524
    I'm dealing with the same problem and honestly, I think it's time to see a doc about it. There must be something hormonally that's an issue or metabolic-wise if you're not losing anything and eating that few calories daily.

    The only advice I can give as a nurse is to make sure you're drinking plenty of water and eating at least 2 non fat dairy items a day, calcium helps you lose weight. Also your body could be in a plateau if you're doing the same exercises or eating the same food all the time. Another thing (and I know it's awful to say cause we're watching what we eat) is ocassionally my body needs a reset. Meaning I may just go get that tacobell taco I'm craving. Or eat half a burger. Then my body metabolism kicks in to fight off that food and I'll drop weight easier.

    Hope this helps.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Up your calories. You should be NETTING what MFP says.

    Also, weigh your food and use a HRM for accurate burns.

    If you don't have a HRM, take it manually and use this: http://www.braydenwm.com/calburn.htm
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    id drink MORE beer!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    You aren't eating enough. Your body is hanging onto everything it can out of fear of not getting any more food.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    If you mean 1200-13000 AFTER you exercise and you're eating that NET -- you're probably fine.
    I would up protein, lower carbs regardless --- especially if you're still using the default mfp settings.

    Also...make sure you have the right goals chose. If you chose to lose 2lbs a week and you have less
    than 30 to lose --- change it to 1/2 or 1lb/week at the most.

    Make sure you're tracking calories burned correctly too -- with a good HRM and chest strap.
  • aldale
    aldale Posts: 118 Member
    I would lower my carb intake. Up protein and fat.

    I agree!
  • kimberly130
    I would lower my carb intake. Up protein and fat.

    I agree, I was eating 1200 and exercising but not loosing at all. I thought that if I ate back my exercise id be defeating the purpous, but this is incorrect. You need to eat what you exercise on top of your calories in order to continue burning.
    I ended up using my BMR rate as my calorie base and started to loose pretty quickly. :flowerforyou:

    Good luck!
  • brandenocs
    brandenocs Posts: 146 Member
    I wouldn't necessarily eat more or less... I'd look at WHAT you're eating first and foremost. Look at your fats, carbs, proteins, etc. MFP defaults to a VERY high carb percentage. I'd try upping your proteins first and lowering carbs.
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    Definitely up your calories. Try it out and give yourself atleast a couple weeks of eating more and see what happens. Drink plenty of water, eat as clean as possible...and you will lose. Eating less is only going to put you into starvation mode, causing your body to hold on to what you give it.
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    Also, there's one more thing..after you get this down..and that is watching your sodium, sugar and fat intake...those seem to be the hardest for me to keep low..but once you get into the habit, of checking..it should be fine.. drink your water..and try and keep veggies in your diet as much as possible..not the starchy ones..lol, I'm talking about the greens..:wink:
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I'll be honest.. you're going to have to do some trial and error to figure out what your body wants you to do. What works for one person, may or may not work for another. Best thing to do is play around with your calories, your macros and your water to see if it makes a difference.

    For me, I do not have to watch my macros - I only need to stay within my calorie range (2200-2500 NET calories) and I'm fine. I know how much water I need in a day.

    What you're currently doing isn't working - so don't be afraid to step out of the box and see what will work for you! :)

    Good Luck.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I vote up.
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    Up Water and Calories would be my suggestion. Good luck!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Same thing with me. But I've been eating at a deficit all year, with only 2 small breaks of 1 week. So I'm now eating at maintenance for a while and then I'll reduce calories after a few weeks or months. I'm within 10-15 pounds of goal, so no huge rush for me. I do think my body needs a break. Maybe you do too. Eat maintenance and keep working out for a bit, then drop your calories back down?