Nelski's Biggest Loser contest...CLOSED



  • Hey all

    SW: 160.2
    Week 1: 157.6 (-2.6)
    Week 2: 155.2 (-2.4)
    Week 3: 154.8 (-0.4)
    Week 4: 155.2 (+0.4)
    Week 5: 154.8 (-0.4)
    CW Week 6: 155.0 (+0.2), +0.13%

    I've been a bit lost ever since about week 3 when I had a wedding weekend and then my holiday :( I've just not been able to get back on track! I work long shifts in a ED and I am finding getting back into the gym on my days off hard. I have only entered my food diary twice since the 29th of August! In contrast when I have been losing weight I religiously track my food, I go to the gym about 4 times a week and wear a heart rate monitor so i can calculate the calories I've burnt, I also increase my water intake.
    However when i am bad, my downfall is BINGE eating!
    Today I had 2 large ice creams in the park, 2 large choc bars when i got home plus about 5 packets of crisps and 4 choc biscuits!!

    Anyway confession/whinge over!
    Tomorrow is a new day and I am going to really try to get back on track :smile:
    I am happy i am part of this as its the extra motivation im needing, thanks
  • FINALLY! I lost another pound! Sorry I'm a little late posting - busy day yesterday!

    SW: 205
    Last Week: 190
    CW: 189
    Loss this week: -1lb, -0.52%

    OVERALL: -16 lbs, -7.80%
  • okusaga2
    okusaga2 Posts: 12 Member
    SW: 196
    Last Week: 186
    CW: 185
    Loss this week: -1lb, -0.54%

    Overall: -11lbs, -5.61%
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Week 6
    Sorry it's late, had a busy weekend.

    1 reddebsings -7.8%
    2 Starshine1975 -5.83
    3 okusaga2 -5.61
    4 melmck2011 -5.29
    5 purple_dagger -3.25
    6 ag1232 -2.97
    7 Nelski -2.87
    8 dianer75935 -2.22

    FYI I will be on vacation this week so will not be able to weigh in. I will not be back in town until late Sunday night so totals will have to wait until Monday unless someone would like to just go ahead and do them on Sat or Sun.
    Have a great week!
  • dianer75935
    dianer75935 Posts: 186 Member
    last week 264.6
    this week 259.6 good bye 260's

    still confused on how to do the percentages.
  • dianer75935
    dianer75935 Posts: 186 Member
    sorry lost 5pounds
    STARSHINE1975 Posts: 168 Member
    Nelski, do you prefer I keep figuring my week's %? Or do you want me to start doing total % like you do? You've only posted the formula for weekly %. Just let me know how you calculate the total and I'm happy to put that instead.

    SW: 171.4
    Week 1: 168.8
    Week 2: 166.6
    Week 3: 166.2
    Week 4: 163.8
    Week 5: 162.4
    Week 6: 161.4
    CW: 159.4
    lost: - 2.0 lbs
    percentage: - 1.24%
  • SW 166.4
    LW 157.6
    CW 156.4

    Lost 1.2

    Total contest lost 10 lbs = 6.01%
  • No loss this week:

    SW: 205
    Last Week: 189
    CW: 189

    OVERALL: -16 lbs, -7.80%
  • okusaga2
    okusaga2 Posts: 12 Member
    SW: 196
    Last Week: 185
    CW: 184
    Loss this week: -1lb, -0.54%

    Overall: -12lbs, -6.12%
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Whoa, not many people left posting here.
    I will try to get the totals up today or tomorrow, but I'm at work now.
    Sorry for the delay.

    Starshine, you can keep posting how you are. I am only posting overall totals because it's the easiest for me, and in the end we are looking for an overall winner.
    It's still nice to see what everyone has done on a weekly basis so keep posting your current weight weekly and if you choose to post last week along with it's percentage. It's really up to the individual. I have everyone's starting weight so as long as I get the current weight I can do the total percentages.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Week 7

    1 reddebsings -7.8%
    2 Starshine1975 -7.00
    3 okusaga2 -6.12
    4 melmck2011 -6.00
    5 dianer75935 -4.07

    Not many of us left but great job to those of you have stuck with it! I will get back into it this week(even though I don't think I will be happy with the scale).
  • ag1232
    ag1232 Posts: 16
    I'm sorry I missed last week's weigh-in. I worked 18 hours over Friday/Saturday. But I'll be posting again on Friday! keep up the good work everyone!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    CW: 137.4
    I'm up 2 pounds and not at all surprised. I have not been good the past couple weeks, especially on vacation. Gotta do better!
  • FINALLY lost some more!

    SW: 205
    Last Week: 189
    CW: 187
    Loss this week: -2lb, -1.0%

    OVERALL: -18 lbs, -8.78%
  • dianer75935
    dianer75935 Posts: 186 Member
    last week 259.6
    this week 258.6

    woohoo another pound gone.

    please explain to me the percentage thing!!!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    last week 259.6
    this week 258.6

    woohoo another pound gone.

    please explain to me the percentage thing!!!
    you take your loss divided by your starting weight, or last week's weight, whichever you are trying to figure out, then move the decimal 2 places.
    so for this week, you'd take 1 divided by 259.6 to get .39
    STARSHINE1975 Posts: 168 Member
    Half way to my goal. *Happy dance*

    SW: 171.4
    Week 1: 168.8
    Week 2: 166.6
    Week 3: 166.2
    Week 4: 163.8
    Week 5: 162.4
    Week 6: 161.4
    Week 7: 159.4
    CW: 158.4
    lost: - 1.0 lbs
    percentage: - 0.63%
  • SW 166.4
    LW 156.4
    CW 153.6

    Lost 2.8 (woohoo!!!)

    Total contest lost 12.8 lbs = 7.69%
  • ag1232
    ag1232 Posts: 16
    Week 8:

    SW: 236
    Week 1: 235
    Week 2: 232.8
    Week 3: 231.6
    Week 4: --
    Week 5: 231.2
    Week 6: 229
    Week 7:--
    CW: 227.8
    Total Lost: 8.2 lbs
    lost this week: 1.2 lbs
This discussion has been closed.