What did you have for breakfast

Troll Posts: 922 Member
i had buttermilk pancakes with cinnamon and nutmeg in sugar free syrup with hot green tea. What did you have?


  • SadieluvzWolvez1
    OMELET WITH GREEN PEPPERS, ONION, POTATO, AND GRAPEFRUIT!!! not a whole or half grapefruit and a cup of all veggies put together :3
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Fruit Loops in milk w/Cafe Italiano protein mixed in.

  • Kickinkim418
    Kickinkim418 Posts: 257 Member
    Fiber One 80 calories Honey Squares with 1 percent milk
  • Jiv7
    Jiv7 Posts: 36
    egg in whole wheat toast topped with half an avocado and green tea!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    my diary. look at it. i was a hobbit this morning and had two breakfasts.
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    A blended shake with 1/2 banana, 1/3 cup oatmeal, 1 scoop of chocolate protein powder and lots of ice.
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    One egg, scrambled, topped with lucerne melting cheese and two slices of toast with no calorie spray butter.

    I had no clean bowls, otherwise I would have had corn pops and skim milk!
  • bonogul
    bonogul Posts: 96 Member
    2 cups of rice pudding and a plum :) haha i feel like a kid. But i deserve it after getting over a cold :)
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Smart Ones breakfast quesadilla. I planned on actually cooking but felt lazy. (like most mornings LOL)
  • JanetTerry
    JanetTerry Posts: 123 Member
    Kashi dark chocolate with coconut bar! An OxyElite PRO capsule, GNC Women's Ultra Mega Active Vita pack and a glass of OJ. I"m primed and losing weight every day. I weigh every day because I see results every day! Almost 30 lbs down YES!!
  • JanetTerry
    JanetTerry Posts: 123 Member
    Kashi dark chocolate with coconut bar! An OxyElite PRO capsule, GNC Women's Ultra Mega Active Vita pack and a glass of OJ. I"m primed and losing weight every day. I weigh every day because I see results every day! Almost 30 lbs down YES!!
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Multi grain English muffin with butter and a homemade strawberry blueberry smoothie. :)

    What is sugar free syrup, though? Can't be actual maple syrup . . .
  • bariachic
    bariachic Posts: 76 Member
    I had 2 scrambled eggs with pepper and 2 slices of turkey bacon.

    I cooked the turkey bacon first so that the eggs tasted like bacon, it was soooo good! and I made an extra piece of turkey bacon to put in my salad at lunch!
  • QueenCat25
    1cup Special K Vanilla almond cereal with 4oz skim milk and a banana on the side. =) And plenty of water, of course.
  • MonRos318
    MonRos318 Posts: 6 Member
    I had 1 chopped gala apple mixed with plain yogurt and 2 tbsp of smuckers sugar free raspberry preserves mixed with 1/4 cup of walnuts. I also mixed a little bit of cinnamon. So something like a parfait.
  • TattooedMommy427
    TattooedMommy427 Posts: 283 Member
    1 fried egg cooked in (real) butter, 3 slices of bacon and a couple slices of smoked sausage.
  • NoDairy
    NoDairy Posts: 88
    First green tea with lemon
    Then a smoothie: coconut milk, banana, rice protein, cinnamon, and lil bit of unsweet cocoa powder.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Peanut butter on a spoon.
  • Unwrapping_Candy
    Unwrapping_Candy Posts: 487 Member
    Quaker Quakes Rice Snacks - Apple Cinnamon, 2 servings
    Glass of REAL orange juice
  • happymayda
    toasted whole wheat bread with melting Skippy Peanut butter .....i love it wen my peanut butter is melting :)....oh and i drank a glass of cold milk.......very simple breakfast :)