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Copy an entire day to X amount of days

On the app you can select a day and replicate forward 2 days, but on the browser you can't?

And why is it only 2 days? Why can't we choose copy to Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun at the same time? That way people could set up A B (type weeks), etc.

It's just incredibly limited and frustrating meal planning for the week... surely some attention could be paid in this area.
5 votes

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  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 909 MFP Staff
    Hi there! Thanks for your suggestion. We hope to expand the date choices in a future update. I can definitely see how it would be helpful!
  • juanmaruiz18
    juanmaruiz18 Posts: 4 Member
    Jean wrote: »
    Hi there! Thanks for your suggestion. We hope to expand the date choices in a future update. I can definitely see how it would be helpful!

    But we only have the option for copy to the next two days. If I am doing Batchcooking, I would like to copy all the next week. Is It possible?