Why should you suffer,sweat and ache to get healthy?



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I sweat and occasionally ache, but I don't suffer. I enjoy it! I get a good endorphin rush afterwards and it makes me happy, something not a lot of things can do!


    And that's one of the things I hate about shows like The Biggest Loser. They make exercise seem like punishment - TORTURE, actually - for having lead a gluttonous and slothful life.

    It doesn't have to include suffering and pain. Sweat? That's inevitable, but I'd rather break a sweat because I ran 5 miles than because I'm too out of shape to climb a flight of stairs. Aches? I kind of enjoy aches. Makes me feel like I did something worthwhile. But you will never catch me crying, screaming, puking or falling down from exhaustion.

    (I'll just fall down because I'm a clutz!)

    Overall, though, I'd rather put in the extra effort NOW than have every movement cause suffering, sweat and aches later. I want strong muscles, bones, heart and lungs, because they have to last me a lifetime!
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Because it feels good to be in control!
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    I sweat and occasionally ache, but I don't suffer. I enjoy it! <snip>

    This! Plus I just feel so much better 24/7 when I'm being active. The energy I have the rest of the time make it well worthwhile to work hard for a short time.
  • nickiec85
    nickiec85 Posts: 20 Member
    lynheff, Your story is just the reason that I want to loose weight!! I have been in alot of pain since I was 21yrs old after a horse fell on me, then I was stopped by a horse, and then marriage..kids...chronic fatique syndrome ( I was told to go on disabilitly, but
    NOT! I could not do this) numerous surgies, and illness ....and a business that broke my body down. I have to have a surgery this fall to fix my shoulder!! You are awesome!! I strive to be like you!! I just keep picking up one foot at a time. I know that some of my pain will never go away, but loosing this 100 lbs will be like a miracle drug!!!! Wishing you many blessing of years of good health.
  • nickiec85
    nickiec85 Posts: 20 Member
    You go girll!!! That is totally awesome!!!