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How about a MyFitnessPal recipe search?

Got the newsletter with some tasty looking recipes, but when I click on the links, all it does is take me to the app. Would be nice to be able to do a search on your recipes instead of endlessly scrolling through the categories, hoping to find a specific recipe.
2 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 909 MFP Staff
    edited December 2024
    I can definitely see how a search function for the Recipe Discovery feature would be helpful. I've passed along this suggestion to to the appropriate team to consider for a future update!

    Can you also specify which recipe links from the Newsletter are taking you to the app homepage, instead of the recipe itself? Thank you!
  • mbeech3
    mbeech3 Posts: 2 Member
    Okay, I thought I was doing something wrong or missing something by not being able to search. For example if I want a recipe for chicken breast I cannot just use a search to find something new.
  • Rossme2013
    Rossme2013 Posts: 1 Member
    Same for me. I wanted to search and see if there was any recipes for walleye, but only see recipe categories no search feature.
  • BrianLeaton
    BrianLeaton Posts: 1 Member
    No search still. Really?? C’mon people. This is basic functionality.