I need motivation getting back on a workout schedule

In the past few years I've been no stranger to tracking calories and macros, with some success. During the pandemic I reached 200lb and post pandemic I lost about 30lb. Since then I've been able to reasonably maintain myself between 167 and 173.
This year however my average have been higher at 175 to 180 and I know it is because of increased responsibilities at work and stress.
I feel like I have no time or energy to go to a gym, I am in frozen Canada so I can't really go for walks, my apartment is tiny so I can't have gym equipment. I physically feel the need to exercise but I just can't will myself to do it.
What fun, low impact, no equipment, at home workouts you guys recommend?



  • GCHTX1
    GCHTX1 Posts: 1 Member
    I would say start with something easy, where the only barrier is inconvenience.
    Go for an hour walk. On this walk listen to YouTube videos on intermittent fasting, immerse yourself in fitness audio.
    Then listen to fitness podcast of people who have achieved highly..

    Set a start date, not of when you’ll go for the walk, but when you will inconvenience yourself with a walk so you already know it’s a battle of the mind, one you can win.

    Hope that helps..
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,991 Member
    edited January 7
    Yoga, mat Pilates, bands. There’s a zillion and one sources of free workouts online. mFP has them. Even my Roku has a free workout channel.

    Is mall walking a thing up there? One of our community centers has an indoor track, free to residents. Another has a full gym, dirt cheap, with “on request” video workouts in a room that supplies all the necessary equipment. (I’m a stickler for using my own mat in gyms, though. 🤢)
  • dannylivesbrah
    dannylivesbrah Posts: 5 Member
    Get down on the floor, do 1 pushup, then stand up. Repeat 20-100 times according to your fitness level.
  • tuckahoe88
    tuckahoe88 Posts: 39 Member
    Have you looked into "convict conditioning"? They are bodyweight/no equipment and, of course, intended for small spaces. There are a lot of apps for these workouts and you might find it motivating to progress through one bit by bit. Good luck to you!