What are your plans for the day?

Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
Pet Store
Thrift store
Steam Cleaning
Steam Mopping
Vacuuming and spot steam cleaning car(thanks kids!)


  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    coach the Power Rangers in our opening day Chipmunk league street hockey game against the dreaded Kings. (predicting a 3 goal win)
    walk after kids go to bed.
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    Beach time....including a 30min walk on the beach

    House to myself this afternoon after hubby leaves to watch his beloved Broncos so I will take that opportunity to get my housework done!
  • mother_war
    try to maintain what is left of my sanity?
    possibly get some coffee?
    lots of walking?

    they all have question marks because whenever i plan something it never goes through.. so i allow room for change.
  • spennato
    spennato Posts: 360 Member
    Plan A is Going to the Eagles game for Free.

    Plan B is 1) My sons Pee-Wee Soccer game
    2) Clean Out My Car
    3) Gym
    4) BBQ
    5) PHILLIES GAME!!!!( Not Live @ Home but still excited)
    6) Go To Bed
  • SetecAstronomy
    SetecAstronomy Posts: 470 Member
    7 loads of laundry (4 done, 3 in the dryer)
    Grocery Shopping
    Window Shopping
    Trying to enjoy this gorgeous weather while it lasts!
  • ferg1911
    IDPA match, already had a NSV since the pants I've not had on since spring are falling off of me!
    Grocery store
    Cook dinner
  • Seginns
    Seginns Posts: 39
    Grocery store
    Bake a few meals for the week
    Clean the deck, weather permitting
    Clean the living room, dining room, kitchen
    No exercise! Today is a rest day.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Sleep. I worked all night.
  • obstacleone
    Do about 4 miles on the treadmill throughout the day but focusing on incline as well.
    watch baseball and football
    go to the store to pick up some groceries
    clean up the basement.
  • shad1018
    shad1018 Posts: 191 Member
    Pumpkin Fest in Nekoosa

    the rest depends upon how late we stay at the pumpkin fest....:happy:
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    finish the rest of this shift (4 hours to go)
    eat what the other half has cooked (and try not to complain about how he's done it)
    wash up (only fair cos he cooked)
    sort some laundry
    go for a quick run (actually that should read slow and short, but you know what i mean)
    snuggle on the sofa and watch a film together
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    Raining again! Had plans for miniature golf with one of my best friends but that has been kicked off the plate. So, exercise at least before he and I and another friend head off to a wonderful brewery for lunch (Iron Hill Brewery in Lancaster).

    Also, waiting for "picker uppers" to get here -- explanation: I use Freecycle networks to give my clothes away... and I have 3 large trash bags full of TOO BIG clothes. I advertised these last night and I had many takers but the two I have chosen to pick up should be here sometime within the next 3 hours or so!

    It makes it nicer to give them away to someone who can wear them rather than take them someplace else where they can sell them... yes, some of these are very lightly worn (and others I've had forever) but sizes 26W-22W are now removed from my closet FOREVER!
  • GymRatRaceRunner
    GymRatRaceRunner Posts: 160 Member
    Son's hockey practice
    Steelers game
    Penguins game
    Rest day - no gym
  • tobias52
    gym this afternoon
    working on bonsais this morning
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Baby Shower.:yawn:
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    Early lunch with mom
    Steeler game
    Take out garbage
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I usually take Sundays off, but I'm gonna do a wrist/forearm day shortly, since I got those new strength tools.

    Then work a little later. Hopin I'm off tomorrow, I feel like relaxin and watching movies or something.

    Maybe laundry I guess.

    Nothin too crazy. Yet.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    10 mile run (Just finish My all time best)

    Watching NFL

    Watching NFL

    Watching NFL
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Work out for a couple hours
    Maybe wash some clothes
    Cook dinner
    Relax - it's a Sunday!
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 923 Member
    Made breakfast
    Daughter's soccer game was cancelled, so doing some trip planning/relaxing instead
    Watching Steelers game, sorta... grrrr
    Made soup for lupper
    Might do a hot bubble bath and go to bed early