Good Morning, seeking diet help!

No, I don't mean diet as in fad diet, but help with my daily intakes.

These last few weeks, I've been struggling big time with losses, in weight or inches. Just seems like whatever I do, I can't break past the 238-240 range. Starting to get a little discouraged as it's been several weeks stuck at this level. This morning kinda topped it off when I found an inch gone from my waist, but found it in my hips. D: lol

I'm hoping someone with more experience can look at my diary (it's open) for the last week or two and let me know what they think. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if my body is just unresponsive.

P.S.: Yes, I'll have a horrible net from last night. I worked out late and felt super sick-- so I went to bed without eating my calories back. Please don't beat me for that. D:

P.P.S.: If you go back far enough in my diary, my meals start looking weird because I changed my meal names last week, so things look shuffled around now. Sorry!

Any assistance on the matter is greatly appreciated!


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I have only had a quick look but you only have coffee & soy milk for breakfast. maybe you could change up your calorie balance and have a bigger breakfast?

    also, you dont seem to hit your calorie goal very often (even if you dont include yesterday).

    maybe focus on getting your 5 a day as well?

    good luck!
  • My apologies. I changed my calorie goal as of this morning and reset everything. It was at 1300 or 1500 as of yesterday.

    And what is a 5 a day?

    Edit: I forgot to answer you breakfast question. I'm usually on the run in the mornings and eating breakfast has always made me yak. Soy shakes are pretty much what works for me right now in terms of what I can stomach. Trying to work up to solid foods asap. :) Thanks!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    If you undereat too much, your body is smart enough to sense it and lowers your metabolism. This is why it's not uncommon to stall quickly if you don't eat enough.
  • If you undereat too much, your body is smart enough to sense it and lowers your metabolism. This is why it's not uncommon to stall quickly if you don't eat enough.

    Alright. I'll try resetting everything for a few days and look into more foods. I really don't want to sabotage. It's just so much to eat and so often! D: lol Thanks for the input!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Just change up what you are doing. Everyone is different, its so hard to know what will affect you. I don't personally eat 5 meals a day - I pretty much eat 2-3 and that works out fine for me (its more or less the leangains intermittent fasting schedule but that wasn't on purpose, I just feel happiest eating 2-3 bigger meals a day)

    Do you do strength training? 20-30 minutes 2-3 times a week can make a huge difference. I would add that before you mess around with your food - IF you think the food is working for you ok. But your diary has 1400/day -ish and for someone your size I'd think you could safely eat a lot more and keep losing. Some of the people on here seem to do just fine eating lower calories like that, I had to up mine because I was getting so tired and slow (And no, I wasn't eating below the magical 1200 number, I was eating 1450, but it wasn't enough for my body) and my workouts sucked horribly so even though my diary looked good and I was working out almost every day, I was slow and exhausted and not really losing.
  • Just change up what you are doing. Everyone is different, its so hard to know what will affect you. I don't personally eat 5 meals a day - I pretty much eat 2-3 and that works out fine for me (its more or less the leangains intermittent fasting schedule but that wasn't on purpose, I just feel happiest eating 2-3 bigger meals a day)

    Do you do strength training? 20-30 minutes 2-3 times a week can make a huge difference. I would add that before you mess around with your food - IF you think the food is working for you ok. But your diary has 1400/day -ish and for someone your size I'd think you could safely eat a lot more and keep losing. Some of the people on here seem to do just fine eating lower calories like that, I had to up mine because I was getting so tired and slow (And no, I wasn't eating below the magical 1200 number, I was eating 1450, but it wasn't enough for my body) and my workouts sucked horribly so even though my diary looked good and I was working out almost every day, I was slow and exhausted and not really losing.

    Thanks for the response!

    Yes, I do strength training mostly right now. I hit weights 4-5 times a week for 30-45 a session and work in muscle groups (arms/chest one day, legs/glutes the next, etc). Cardio started getting too easy and boring, so I swapped over to mostly doing weights with a cardio warm up about a two weeks ago. Just started doing more cardio last night for a team challenge.

    What I'm getting here so far is "Eat more." Orz