Do your pets exercise with you?

OK so I guess this is canine-specific. I can't imagine a fish playing frisbee with anyone (although I'd pay to see that!). So do your canine companions exercise with you? If so, what activities do you do? What breed is your dog?

I'm the proud mother of 2 Boston Terriers and a Wirehair Dachshund. Wednesday (the wiener) can't really exercise due to her body structure (her chest rubs the ground, honestly, she's the shortest wienie dog I have ever seen), and Thor (a Boston) is too young to be out and about at 3 months old. So, my faithful pal Indiana Jones (the other Boston) and I enjoyed a really nice walk this morning. I just get nervous about over-doing it with him because his flat face and we live in hot/humid environment. Dogs with shorter muzzles will get heat stroke faster than, say, a Borzoi or Lab or Collie or whatever. So it's just now getting breezy here in Southeast Texas and today was the first day he could go walkies with me! So much fun.


  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    My cat tries to do yoga with me. :smile:
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Walks are very important for a dog - no matter what breed. It is just part of being a dog! You are right to be concerned about the time of day you walk the Boston - early morning and after sunset are best. I walk my Yorkie 4-5X a day - a big walk in the morning - a few 10 min "potty breaks" and a big walk in the evening.
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    yes! at least 4 times a week! he is my buddy.
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    My animals think that when I get down on the floor with my mat that its time to play. When I'm doing forward bends, my dog decides to lay on my mat right behind me, so then I can't lay back down. My cats think that when I'm stretching, they should get involved as well. At least they do know how to do 'down dog', 'up dog', and 'scared cat' poses.

    Pets.... what can I say?
  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    My Golden lays next to the treadmill while I'm on it. But since we are getting cooler morning in Houston area, it's about time for him to get up and both of us walk outside!
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    I have a 13 lb yorkie, Harrison, and he is soooo energetic, I can take him on 3mi walks/runs and he loves it, but he does get tired any more than that, and I've definitely had to carry him at times when he was too tired ;( when it's too hot or too cold I take him on short walks and go for longer ones on my own.

    They have little water carriers for dogs now to take with you, but I think if you have a bottle and maybe bring a plastic baggie to pour it in you can make sure your guys are hydrated :happy:
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I take my boss' corgi running and a pom for walks. Runs and walks without a dog just seem to be such a waste. Also ride horses so we both get a pretty decent workout from that!
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    You could take your dogs to a dog park. They will get to run around and play with other dogs and you can play fetch, etc.

    I run with my dogs. I have two - one is a big sheltie mix (almost 50 lbs) and the other is smaller, we think a sheltie/daschund mix (about 25 lbs). They are great running buddies and have gone as far as 12 miles with me. They absolutely love it.
  • elizamc
    elizamc Posts: 285 Member
    I run along a tow path and often pass with a lady on a bike with her Staffy running next to her, sometimes faster than others - they both appear to enjoy it.

    Mind I'm not a lover of 'loose dogs' on the tow path because I'm afraid of them and am always apprehensive in case they run after me. Sometimes I walk to get past them and then run again. Mace is not an option as its illegal in the UK.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    I wouldn't be caught dead out walking without my dogs : ) They're my faithful companions! I have an 8 yr old Jack Russell Terrier and 6 yr old Blue Heeler, both wonderful boys. We go to one of several parks every day, and hike down to the river where they love to jump in and cool off in the summer. Walk time is 30 mins a day, can't go much longer than that with the Heeler due to a knee injury. Sometimes he gets a "day off" and I take my terrier on a big ol' hike for an hour or more. Fun stuff!
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    my dog lenny a black lab likes to get under my feet whilst i'm doing my zumba in the kitchen, does that count?

    in all seriousness i'd love to be able to take him out for long walks and he'd love it but in the past year his health has dropped off dramitically and he's developed diabetes plus his spondilosis, hip displaysia, arthritis, and desperate lack of coordination (he doesn't seem to know where his rear feet are any more, the vets think it might be neurological) and common sense has pretty much rendered taking him for even a short walk to the end of the street impossible. he still gets as much exercise as he can through play and the vets are happy with him all things considered, but i'd love to take my boy for a walk through the forrest
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    We took our mouse on a walk.....of course, that consisted of my daughter holding him while he crawled on her arms and sat on her shoulder. We're trying to figure out a way to tie a string around his rolly ball and "walk" him.
  • StephNE500
    My husband and I have two boxer/shepherd-mix dogs who are both almost 4 years old. They go on a 1-mile walk with us almost every day. We also "play ball" with them in our fenced-in backyard to allow them to run around off a leash. Dogs' hearts need exercise just like peoples' do!
  • Pinnagerjaggin
    Yes! I love running with my dog. My golden that passed away used to be my best running partner before he got older. I have to wait for the puppies to get older before I start running with them. They do walk a half a mile each with me equaling a mile walk for me.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    If I walk out the door dressed for a walk (I swear they know) I think they cry actual tears. I feel so guilty so I take them. Walking 3 dogs (1 being a puppy) is hard work but they love it so much.
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    Just got back from a lovely walk with Bella (doberman) and Rupert (lab/dane mix). We're in S TX too and the weather is awesome today! We were out for about 40min and they are now happily laying on the tile under the ceiling fan.

    Bella is also very supportive when I run on the treadmill. She stands right beside me and occasionally licks my legs as if to say, "you can do it!"
  • jcn1109
    jcn1109 Posts: 49
    Good question. I'd love to take my cocker spaniel for walks, but she tends to trip up the baby's stroller. If I could figure out how to train her to walk BESIDE the stroller, I would happily take her for walks with us.
  • kellyb63
    kellyb63 Posts: 109 Member
    Yes, my Great Golden Tailed "Comet" (retriever) is on a weight loss program too! He's got about another 25lbs to go. Loves to walk and go on trails through the woods.
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    My dog goes on my jogs with me except my one weepy long training run. He started dragging when we hit 5 miles. But I feel really guilty when I get exercise and he doesn't so it usually results in a trip to the dog park.

    And he reealy wants to play when I do yoga so we've bonked heads several times.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    My youngest pug (I have three) comes hiking with me pretty regularly. Wookie is five - the other two pugs (Yoda and Mojo) are twelve and can't go for long walks anymore.
