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Cycle-linked calorie goals for women

Haven’t seen anyone mention this, so I thought I’d suggest it: it would be really nice to have cycle-adjusted calorie goals for menstrual-age women!

Recent research shows women need between 100 and 300 more calories during the week before their period, which I think explains the difficulty a lot of us have sticking to a calorie goal during that timeframe, even if it was working fine the other 3 weeks. Making this mental adjustment has helped me a lot, but it would be nice to see it reflected in the actual app for ease of use.

This could be done by linking the app to a cycle app, or it could just be manual input (enter your cycle length and it will automatically increase the limit for the last week of it).
2 votes

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  • Sigrid2294
    Sigrid2294 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes a even just a cycle marker on the weight graph would really help me feel less bad about the way my weight fluctuates
  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 909 MFP Staff
    Thanks, that's a great idea! We will share it with our team!!