New to fitness pal..

Hello to all,
I'm new to fitness pal. I joined some time ago, but never logged on much. I really like the food log. I have been using it everyday this week. Just started the couch25K plan...I have never ran in my life...It is a very strange thing to do..
Looking to find some new online freinds and really make it to my goal in the next 4months...

Hope to talk to some of you soon..



  • Stutz77
    Stutz77 Posts: 113
    Welcome to MFP!!!! I love the food tracker too, but I have been slacking the past month on log in on it. I have the app on my phone so I have no excuse! Please feel free to add me. I find the more friends you have the better motivation I seem to have. My MFP family keeps me going some days.

    Good luck with the running!

  • SetecAstronomy
    SetecAstronomy Posts: 470 Member
    Hello to all,
    I'm new to fitness pal. I joined some time ago, but never logged on much. I really like the food log. I have been using it everyday this week. Just started the couch25K plan...I have never ran in my life...It is a very strange thing to do..
    Looking to find some new online freinds and really make it to my goal in the next 4months...

    Hope to talk to some of you soon..

    Welcome to the forums! :happy:
  • butterfly81106
    Welcome! This site is a great tool to help you reach your goals. Motivation from friends with mutual weight loss goals is a must for me.
  • karen250463
    karen250463 Posts: 16 Member
    Feel free to add me too - I've just re-started and am looking for buddies too.

    Karen x:smile:
  • kjraye5
    kjraye5 Posts: 40
    I just joined and I am super excited. I am still looking through all the features, but I am ready to start tomorrow morning.
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    YAY!!! Your gonna love it Kelly!
  • katiewcurlz
    For those of you that are doing Couch25k, how do you log it in your exercise log?
  • PauliesGettingFit
    For those of you that are doing Couch25k, how do you log it in your exercise log?

    Ive nooooooooooooo idea.. i just been writing it as a walk at the average speed i walk/run at....ill log it as a run when i pick up a faster pace.. i measure my speed by imapmyrun.
  • PauliesGettingFit
    For those of you that are doing Couch25k, how do you log it in your exercise log?

    Ive nooooooooooooo idea.. i just been writing it as a walk at the average speed i walk/run at....ill log it as a run when i pick up a faster pace.. i measure my speed by imapmyrun.
  • KateFitness89
    I've been logging the minutes I walk and run separately. For example: 7 minutes running at 6.0 and 18 minutes walking at 3.5. It's a bit annoying to do but at least it will be accurate.
  • KateFitness89
    Hello to all,
    I'm new to fitness pal. I joined some time ago, but never logged on much. I really like the food log. I have been using it everyday this week. Just started the couch25K plan...I have never ran in my life...It is a very strange thing to do..
    Looking to find some new online freinds and really make it to my goal in the next 4months...

    Hope to talk to some of you soon..


    You should really sign up for a 5k in a few months to support a charity you love. It will keep you motivated!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Kamalka
    Kamalka Posts: 164 Member
    I go for a long run as soon as the weather is ok for it. New on MFP, feel free to add me
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    welcome to MFP :)
  • dejavu46
    I am new and looking for friends too to kick me in the bum. You can add me for sure
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    Welcome to MFP!!! I love this site and it has so many great tools! feel free to add me as a friend!!
  • hunny73
    hunny73 Posts: 112 Member
    I'm sure your going to love MFP!! You can add me if you like :)
  • jacquiomy
    jacquiomy Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome Janielynne!!! I too am a new runner. I have all the apps to track on my phone. You will love it once you get comfortable wit it. Good Luck!!!!