
Hi, I've started on monjurno 2.5mg
No side effects and I've lost 16lbs in first month anyone else on this weightloss injections?


  • mhtorreswong
    mhtorreswong Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, I am. losing weight that quickly you may be losing muscle tissue. I’ve lost 10 lbs in 3 months. I’ve lost 8 lbs of fat and 2 lbs of muscle loss. This was done with medication and weight training 2-3 days a week. Drink lots of water as well. And eat ample protein to lose more fat. I have to boost my protein intake.
  • rquantick
    rquantick Posts: 21 Member
    edited February 5
    Yes I am but i have diabetes type 2 so not really on it for weight loss though it will be a bonus, on 2.5 only lost 5lb in a month which i was happy with, just moved up to 5mg so will see how it goes and also on 4th day of non smoking so will be just glad not to put on weight. Make sure you are having enough calories a day and plenty of protein.
  • momof3crazies9573
    momof3crazies9573 Posts: 3 Member
    I was prescribed a shot for weight loss have not started it yet but have worked to change my diet and hopefully help start losing weight while i wait to start shot.