How do I get motivated to start?

Hi everyone! I have been on and off the diet wagon for a long time and I really want to start a fresh, new healthy lifestyle but I am having trouble getting started. I have spent a lot of time this weekend trying to get my life organized so I have a fresh start on Monday but I'm worried that I am just going to fail again. I want live a healthy lifestyle but fear of failure is keeping me from beginning a lifelong journey. I am just looking for suggestions on how to stick to it and perhaps some people can share what finally motivated them to make a big change...Thanks in advance!!!


  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Set some goals and take baby steps.
    For example promise that on Monday you WILL go outside and walk for 5 minutes. JUST 5 minutes. That's it. When you go out, you might find that you like it enough you do 5 minutes or 10 minutes or whatever. But all you HAVE to do is 5 minutes.

    Then pat yourself on the back for achieving each and every baby step. Before you know it, all those baby steps will become one giant step!!

    Here's some info on setting goals that might help you.
  • I wish I had the magic answer to that guestion. That is one of my problems also. Just do one day at a time and each day will add up. If you have a bad day just do not worry about it and start fresh. The food dairy really helps me alot. Good luck and just keep at it each and everyday.
  • Frumpy2Fit
    Frumpy2Fit Posts: 137 Member
    Thank you for the advice and the article. I appreciate it and I'll definitely be putting that worksheet to use!
  • sanura
    sanura Posts: 459 Member
    here are some ideas,
    1 take some time to journal about your journey so far, your fears, and your goals. write your goals put them where you will see them often - bathroom mirror, fridge, your desk etc
    2 reflect on what will happen to you if you don't start this healthier journey? weight gain? diabetes? what ailments run in your family?
    3 try new recipes and enjoy your healthy food
    4 try new activities, find activities you enjoy to stay active
    5 find a workout buddy
    6 forgive yourself for mistakes. no one is perfect.
    7 something is always better than nothing - if you are too tired for a hard workout go for a walk, if you are running late and don't have time for a great dinner a sandwich is better than a burger and fries
    8 track your progress, seeing results really helps - take pictures, measurements and weight on a consistant basis
    9 read success stories - there are many inspiring stories here on mfp and many other websites too
    10 start writing your own success story, keep adding to it as you progress.

    hope this helps! looking forward to hearing other ideas too!!
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    I had some great advice today....fake it until you make it!!! You can do by day, meal by meal......
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I just found this great PDF too. Perfect for those just getting started :)$File/12-week p

    That's great, full of good info and ideas!!!