Machka so what is the secret for cleansing oily dish towels/pillow cases?
Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
Put them in a sink or bucket.
Mix up a solution of hot water and Borax and pour that in.
Shake a bunch of baking soda in.
Squirt lots of dish soap in.
I also sprayed some stain remover in, but the websites I read didn't mention it so it might not be necessary. But it didn't hurt.
Then fill the sink or bucket with hot water. I even poured a couple kettles of boiling water in. Some sites suggested doing the whole thing in a large pot on the stove so the water would be boiling or at least very hot for the first hour or so.
Mix and stir ... I used long tongs because the water was quite hot.
Leave overnight.
The next day drain the water and put the towels or pillow cases into the washer with normal washing detergent, but put vinegar into the softener cup. I also splashed some vinegar around generally.
Then I ran the longest cycle with the extra rinse.
And hung them out to dry in the sun.
These pillow cases are CLEAN!
Machka in Oz5 -
Hey, kids,
In the middle of my morning routine, got meds on board, got my socks on (harder than it sounds! 😂), and now, in order, it's time to get my time in on the elliptical, then take a shower, then get the Skyrizi injected. I was going into town early, but it appears the rain is about to bucket down, so I'll wait 'til it passes or I get too impatient to stay home. I do own a raincoat after all.
Kylia - Just for comparison's sake, I added my experience with heart issues:Checked on my own workout yesterday doing a chair cardio, and it's below, on the left. Total of 13 minutes. Two things you may already know, though, I'm in AFib 24-7, and I am on a beta blocker, which keeps my blood pressure and heart rate steady.
The one on the right is an ordinary morning, as I forgot to tell it I was done on the elliptical after 12 minutes, and it just kept recording my heart rate for another hour and a half.
The meds keep my rate level - it's still high by many standards, but it's level, without spiking up like yours is doing. While everyone's individual heart rate is different, the areas of your graph where you're staying above 150 heart rate are well worth getting looked at.
My right-hand graphs shows you that you can set your Fitbit to tell it you're working out or walking over any period of time you want to track - maybe a few days in a row of your ordinary routine, picking up the same hour or two each day?
Just a thought - it might give him a better look at what's happening. My first symptom that I couldn't ignore was a painful warmth across my entire shoulder line in the front that made me unable to raise my hands above my head (started when I was out hanging clothes on the line) and it progressed to a feeling of weakness, like I'd lost my breath.
On with my morning, kept going longer than I planned! Time to get on the elliptical...
Love y'all!
Lisa in AR5 -
Sigh: I read the last 5 pages of Feb by mistake! I will read these 5 pages later this afternoon. I hope you are all doing well. I copied this small part over from what I posted on Feb by mistake!
Well, I am 2 years a widow and my son lives in town, but he really does not want to hear about my day to day life of running the house. If I text about the house, he really doesn't respond back. And he is not interested in my day to day budget decisions. Maybe this has a good side...it forces me to be independent....which I can be...but I experience it as lonely.
I tend to overshare with him by text. I am working on this. I am having a little trouble with "money values". I purchased the dog..which heart guard/and Nexguard cost 38.00 a month, and I agreed to the beach vacation with my friend...which i didn't appreciate would add up. And there is a wedding in Boston in June 2026.
And my front lawn needs attention...we have never put any money into it ...but there are large brown patches now. And I still need to purchase carpet mats for the stairs so I don't slip. This job hasn't even been done yet! I rejoined the Gym.. which I am doing cycling and Zumba...but do I really need a gym. My azaleas did not not bloom last year. So I purchased some liquid fertilizer and fertilized them. I spent 80 unexpected dollars at ACE.
I went to J Jills..we won't discuss this. Do I want to go to the coast or have a garden? I realize I am blessed to have the health to be pondering these decisions.
But I need to not go in so
many directions. Because directions cost funds. I did get some inexpensive poster board to make a Vision Board. AI gave me 6 categories to consider for my age! Maybe 1 category would be better!
Rosemarie from GA10 -
Good morning. For all of my chicken-loving, I'll-harvest-my-own-eggs-thankyou ladies.
We don't have our own chickens, but my neighbors do. I so much love hearing them cluck while they are laying. However, I don't love how our neighbors don't offer us any of those said eggs!
Willamette Valley, OR
8 -
Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I had my hair cut yesterday, bought some b-day cards for 3 relatives who have b-days this month, then went to sonic and had a strawberry shortcake snowball slush shake, my favorite treat. Then home. I would have stayed out longer, however, we are experiencing a bad wind and dust storm where you can’t even see the side of the road when driving. Too dangerous to drive around. It is the same way today, so a quiet day in.
Happy Birthday to all the other early birthday ladies here! Isn’t March a great month to be born in?
Thought for today:
What’s it called when kittens get stuck in a tree?
A cat-astrophe! 😹
RVRita in Roswell
7 -
Hello Ladies!
I am nor much of a social media gal - I have only ever done much posting here - but, I have been decluttering by selling things on Facebook. My husband's man cave has been a treasure trove of toys and other things to list for sale. Bless his heart - he had severe hoarding tendencies - which only enhanced mine - so between us, we managed to fill this place up with just WAY too much stuff.
I have spent the last few months taking loads of things to the Goodwill, to the landfill and listing things for sale. I have made some good progress - but I need to step up my game so I can actually get started on the remodel. I am trying to condense down to only what I can have in my Kitchen and my guest room - so there won't be so much "stuff" to move around as the remodel moves from one area to another. I am just pretending that I am moving - and getting rid of anything I wouldn't pay to have hauled across country.
Thank you all for the warm welcome back!
Happy Belated Birthdays to our Early March Girls and hope everyone has a fabulous week!
Re in Texas
I totally understand when you say your hubby had hording tendencies which enhanced yours. Same thing here. We are also dealing with clearing a lot of stuff from his mom's house(we moved her into a care home two months ago) so our son and his girlfriend can move in. His mom has lived there for just over 60 yrs(she turned 89 on Saturday). Son wants to dump everything, husband wants to keep most of it because he hasn't admitted to himself that she wont be coming back home.
We need to start clearing stuff out at our house too. He LOVES to shop and I love bargains so, since he is semi retired(retired 6 yrs ago but works a couple shifts a week), he has way too much free time. I love bargains so I do buy a bit more than I should then when I need something, cant find it and have to buy again. Like yesterday, spent an hour looking for the hydroponic inserts(sponge part). Was sure I knew where they were, didn't find it but did get that area organized.
With us taking care of his mom's place-her dog is still there so I go walk and feed him twice a day and him liking to sleep late, not much time to get things done around here.
I am getting a lot of walking done, so that is a plus.
Napa Valley,CA
5 -
Got woken up an hour and a half before my alarm this morning. 6:34AM an automated call from Medicare- we get them multiple times a day- but usually start around 8 which is a bit before I usually get up. Couldn't get back to sleep but laid there with three of the cats all curled up with me. The triplets are so cute and warm so I laid there until my hip said to get up. Of course, me getting mu meant it was time to start feeding the cats. All inside cats are fed, mess from the old momma cat has been cleaned up. Need to feed the cats in the new catio before heading to the eye dr to get the frames for my sunglasses replaced again. The first frame was tweaked so bad that they couldn't fix it so they ordered a new one. When they were putting the lenses in the second one, she noticed quite a few defects in it so ordered a third one. Hopefully this one will be good. I should have known it wasn't good when I got the case with the brand logo on it and it wasn't centered- lettering goes off the side of the case.
And this is from a private eye dr. that we have been going to for well over 30 yrs., not Walmart or what ever.
Cold and possible rain today.
Need to go take care of the dog when I am done at the dr then pick up dh. He wants to go to Black Friday. It is $2 day. We were there yesterday for $4- he bought a few things for his 3D printed projects. I bought one case of little bottles to put home made vanilla or other syrups in to share with zumba buddies
Have a great Tuesday. May go get tacos this afternoon-
Napa Valley, CA
Think I will leave the catio cats for dh to feed. Need to leave something for him to do.5 -
Well my sister got her Bernese mountain dog Tucker in for a shampoo, haircut, and pawdicure. He looked so handsome after she had to show me. It will be nice to see him, even for a short time as he will be in doggie daycare when we go to the funeral and stay at hotel for 2 nights.
Was up at 4:45 am this morning but convinced my body that that ain't happening. Got back up at 7:00 am and felt better. I have to take a shower every morning because my hair stands straight up like a cartoon character! No amount of water on a comb is gonna tame it down, except putting my head under warm water. So I have decided some days are quick in and outs, no product, some days are a dime size shampoo blob, and some days are a dime sized shampoo and a bit of conditioner. It saves my hair from feeling weighed down by product. Besides the more product you use, the more you have to use it. Its a vicious cycle!
Last night was leftover Thanksgiving food from the night before. While good the first night, I wasn't impressed last night. My slice of turkey was just a deli slice so it reheated and turned into leather. My yams were weird, and the dressing too dry.
Need to go thru fridge and throw of stuff. My trail mix was a big disappointment in the long run. Threw that out last night.
Had a text with an old friend that I used to work with. She's having financial woes, and martial issues. She needs to just run away, make a new start. I feel so bad for her. It was hard to get to sleep mulling over her situation, feeling guilty that I am lying next to a guy that tells me "love you, night night" every night. Life isn't fair for some people.
9 -
Rebecca ~ That is a very handsome dog!
Rosemarie ~ Glad to hear from you! Sorry your son is not into your texting!
Carol in GA
4 -
Afternoon all
Stayed home today.. not feeling 100% so stayed in bed.. will hop in the shower later and then be ready for Miss Munchkin tomorrow.
Have cardiologist appointment tomorrow afternoon7 -
Happy Tuesday, all!
Day 2 of being back on track with my walking workout. Really wanted pizza today - kinda happy I prep all of my and hubby's lunches for the week. He was like....no.....treat day is Friday....so I ate my bacon burger in a low carb wrap and my celery with avocado mash.
Cold and windy here today - we have some severe storms rolling in overnight. I'll be glad when it's summer! And for the time change this weekend.
Lynn in NC6 -
Vicki -
Belated Happy Birthday!
Sorry the bank job didn't work out, but I believe everything happens for a reason. Glad your DH is getting PT, even though it delays his return to work. Even a couple days of warm spring-like weather is such a nice boost.
Tracey - you brought back memories of when my grandfather would read "True Detective" and hide the magazines under the front seat of his old pickup. We kids would "go for a walk" and head straight to his pickup parked out by the barn and get "educated." The ads would make our eyes pop out!
Ginny - the new place you've picked out sounds exciting! Like your plan about moving then selling your current house and waiting until after surgery, if needed, to put in for your retirement.
Heather - great news going up those stairs, wonderful milestone.
Kylia - good job dropping a pound. It will be interesting to see what your doc says about your rapid pulse. Lisa, appreciate your info on the subject too.
Lynn - sounds like you are feeling better, and glad the crud is on the run.
SW WA State4 -
Took my taxes in to be done today. More complicated because of DH death this year. It will be easier next year.
Reading The Health Habit by Elizabeth Rider. Her suggestions for a healthy diet are similar to mine. I liked how she talked about the difference between being a moderator versus and abstainer in approach to diet. For some it is best to have temptations out of the house if you are an abstainer and if a moderator you can handle temptations because you know you will only rarely have them.
I found her much more accessible than some of the other books I have read that can get very technical about what is going on in your body.
She does remind me the importance of resistance training. She noticed she weighed more but fit into a smaller size when she was doing more resistance training. For her a number on the scale is not the target. Eating high quality nourishing food with proper exercise is her goal. Her goal setting is similar to Machka's. Time sensitive, accountable, designated place (if applicable) and tied to action not outcome.
After posting this I will gather my resistant training materials...resistant bands weights and find a spot in basement to house them. I will start with a twenty minute session by listening to one of my many records. One side is about twenty minutes.
DS is coming for a home cooked meal tonight rather than our usual going out to eat.5 -
Hello Tribe,
I barely got a post out yesterday. I had three busy patients. My baby, whom I have fallen in love with, is learning to roll over and disconnect himself from the ventilator. So I ran to help him, and he gave me a huge smile. My heart melts like butter in a pan. He is getting so big that I need to get him an 18-month size instead of a 12-month size (he is 8 months old). Then, I have a 7-year-old that was shot by her 15-year-old brother a few times in the abdomen with an AK47. She is lucky to be alive. The first night, she didn't talk to me, but then she got used to me and got very clingy.
I fell in love with her too. She is lucky to be alive and is now in CPS custody. She likes to help with her dressing changes and emptying her drain. Monday, I didn't clock out till 10:30 am. The manager asked me to assist in the interview process. So we interviewed two candidates, and they needed my help drawing labs. Then, I had to finish charting. I hobbled out of the hospital yesterday morning. My other patient was screaming when I came on. Dad stayed with her but didn't know what to do. So I took over, and she was out like a light. Mom told me that he would feed her, but I did and gave all of the meds. He didn't know the dosages and was going to dose his daughter over. I went over the conversions with him. He is divorced from the mom, and she needed a break that night. I think the mom does everything, cause he didn't know anything about his daughter, and he doesn't like to change her so I did it. If one doesn't know what they are doing, I will do it to ensure it is done right. I didn't have time to teach because of the complexity of my assignment.
Rain is approaching because my hip has been hurting like mad. I rested it yesterday. It is pretty windy outside. I must take Rose to the Hollywood Feed place to get her some bully sticks and Whimsies. She brought the box to me and barked several times. My Rose can be a brat.
Rosemarie, I wish you lived near cause we can hang out and have fun doing crafts or dining. I could introduce you to my friends here. I am in my college mom era. My friend Bonnie has four kids, and they are all done with college and or grad school, but they moved away except for one, who lost her husband last year in the Pearl River, where they found his body. Shannon has five kids; one is my daughter's age, 25, and the youngest just turned eight. Melanie was recently divorced and has a 25-year-old daughter who is an electrician living with her boyfriend. Our kids had known each other in school since they were in kindergarten. Stephanie has one son who went to school with my son, but he is a grade ahead of DS.
Stephanie is single but wants to go to med school. It is nice catching up with each other. My DS only calls when he needs advice and or money. I do send him Rita's jokes, which he loves. I am an only child, so I love my solitude. I enjoy being with my friends as well. I want to travel more. I love the idea of slowing down more at work. Yet, I love my patients. Send me a friend request, and we can chat. That goes for everyone.
Tracey, I never got a chance to congratulate you on your accomplishment. I am so proud of you.
Allie, when you get a chance, can you post a picture of Alfie?
Rebecca, I love that dog. He is so cute.
RE, welcome back. I am so sorry for your loss of your husband, and then having COVID is awful. Congratulations on the loss of 5 pounds. Sending you tight hugs.
Debbie, you may need to rent a storage unit or store the items your DH wants to keep in the garage so your DS has room to live in the home. Then, slowly get rid of less sentimental things.
Beth, how are you?
Flea, you made me almost spit my tea out. You are so funny.
That is all for now. I need to do the write up for the interviews. Happy Tuesday, everyone.
Mo in Mississippi
7 -
Ahh… day's almost to the point where I can stop moving…
Hot water heater pilot went out this morning, which it often does in high winds, but there was enough tepid water for me to get a reasonably good shower after I got off the elliptical and got the Skyrizi injection done for another eight weeks. Corey will light it when he gets home. We really do need to talk about getting that on-demand heater installed. Later.
Anyway, off to town, hit the thrift store, donated a car full of stuff, brought just a few things home that I'm pleased with, including quite a bit of fabric that will do nicely with the things I'm working on now.
While in transit or in the stores (thrift store, Joann's, quick trip to Walmart, and Aldi), talked to my best friend, my sister, my son, my daughter, and my husband (twice). Got home, finished getting everything in the wash, tweaked the script, and got this week's video in the can while Egg tried to eat my arm. Such fun! It's downloading to my system now, and will upload it to YouTube tomorrow to release at midnight tomorrow night.
Time to get some bacon going in the oven for my husband's bacon burger - I'll be having my usual slider with a lot fewer things infesting it than he has! Potatoes in the air fryer…
That's about it for today. Will get the bacon going and then sit - Corey's coming-home call should be just as the bacon gets finished, and I'll pull that out and let him do the burger creation side of dinner. I make a reasonable sous chef👩🏼🍳, and a horrible chef de cuisine. 🧑🏼🍳
Later, my dears,
Lisa in AR6 -
just now got home- left about 8:30 and now close to 2:30. We did stop for lunch at our favorite Mexican place- Taco Tuesday. $1 tacos- bought 8, brought two home to go with the 4 we ordered for son .
Dh is visiting his mom so I have an hour or so before he gets home. We will head over at 5 to take care of the dog(I will take the dog for a walk and feed him while dh does a few little jobs on her house-change batteries and a balast for one of the light fixtures- very old style.
No class tonight so I will be making a big dinner. He wanted steak. I wanted extra veggies so we picked them up. The huge red bell peppers for .50 each will be part of my dinner, or my snack while I cook dinner. Not a fan of steak unless it is super tender. Need to get those started now to make sure they are tender.4 -
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stats for the day-
Walk w/family- 1hr 47min 58sec, 12140steps, 108elev, 2.82ap, 79ahr, 94mhr, 5.46mi= 516c
Strava app= 626c
ROUVY home spin bike- strava stats- 2hrs 13min 18sec, 1470elev, 121aw, gear40, 17.5amph, 105ahr, 131mhr, 38.81mi= 708c
Strava app= 926c
ROUVY stats- 2hrs 13min 23sec, 1470.9elev, 121aw, 48arpm, 38.82mi= 926c
Walk dogs around park- 8.40min, 906steps, .39mi= 37c
Strava app = 48c
total cal 12612 -
Did a Body Attack DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Les MillsStrength Training DVD then part of the Essentials Pilates DVD.
Flea – we have 4cats(kittens). They do say that as a kitten gets older, he puts out less dander. That’s what they SAY
I truly think that the cyst he drained on my back is OK. But I do want to hear it from him that all’s OK. However...I do think I have one under my left arm. Well, it makes sense. He said they were caused by friction. The one on my back was at the bra line. There’s friction under your arm. I’ll just ask him next time I see him. To me, tho, it looks th
Is it ever windy here Now how do they expect me to get rid of my white legs….lollollol
Went up to Lowe’s Hardware. They sent an email saying that they’re holding the tile until Friday and the contractor can’t get it until Sat. so we wanted to be sure they’d extend it. We were just afraid that if we called, they’d say they’d do it and then forget to do it
Vicki – happy birthday
Heather – YEA for walking and not having to hold on! You go girl! I bet your exercise has really helped.
Today is fat tuesday and tomorrow starts Lent. I’m thinking that AGAIN I’m going to try giving up eating after dinner, no snacking. Tried it once before and I failed. So I’ll try again. Guess “if at first you don’t succeed, try try again
Re -congrats on being nicotine free for so long. We do have an air filter and Vince has been using it.
After exercise went to WM. Home to get dinner ready to be microwaved. Now have brownies in the oven for when Jess comes (might as well do it now and put them in the freezer, maybe Thurs I can go out by the pool. I don’t want to miss that!). Tomorrow we’re supposed to go to a Lady’s Lunch.
Rosemarie – I do alot of DVD’s at home. The main reason I like the gym is only to use their equipment. Because I’m on Medicare, Silver & Fit (not Silver Sneakers) costs $50/year.
Walked to a thrift store. Got a few shirts, not sure that I really like two of them, but I’ll give it time. Very windy so not sure if Vince would want to go for a walk, I hope at least a small one.
Because I get BCBSofNC, I’m am entitled to some exercise items. I already got a handle band, now I think I’ll ask for the 3lb wts and bring them down here. I use them on some of the Yoga DVD’s
I’m finding that down here I don’t log a little bit at a time, I tend to do it all at once. And I’m finding that I go over on calories, but it’s not so much junk. Ahhhhh.
Got Vince to walk around the parking lot so got in over 12,000 steps. Admitted, we were out only for about 20 minutes. It’s not cold but boy is it windy so it feels cold.
5 -
Mo -
Here is a picture of Alfie.. miss the little guy..but he is getting spoiled rotten over with Tom and Elena and Siri is sucking up all the lovin for sure..tomorrow is going to be a rainy day and have to drive to New Haven to the cardiologist. Hopefully i get the all clear for another year..
7 -
😀My parents grew up during the depression when nothing was wasted, things were reused, and there wasn't much room for treats and indulgences. Their approaches to life influenced me. They saved things "just in case'' and didn't buy things they didn't need. My mother wouldn't buy things unless they were on sale and my father said that the way to save money was to not spend it. We all changed over time, but I am thrifty and intentional in my life because of them.
😀Jake, in contrast, had little good example about to spend money. When I met him, I was astonished that he was making payments on a car that he ultimately returned because he couldn't afford the payments. He was astonished that I had no car payments because he thought that's the only way people bought cars.
😍Over the decades of our marriage we found a common ground except that he tended to be an over buyer and had plenty of everything just in case and I tended to buy just what I needed.
🙃Clutter clearing now that he's gone has been an adventure. I do a little every day and realize that while it would be kind to daughter to have things pared down to almost nothing, I won't be here to witness what she'll have to do after I go. So I do something every day because it makes me feel useful and seems to keep me calm.
😁I am going through things that were "ours" that I might have discarded years ago but Jake didn't want to spend the time and I didn't want to throw out something that he had a stake in. Now I can throw those things away. Today I sorted cassette tapes and realized that I have tapes of music I can listen to on You Tube. Some stuff will go to the charity shop and some went into the garbage.
🙀As Jake's health declined, he spent more and more time sitting on the couch commenting on the things we could change about the house (paint, flooring, a porch in front, different furniture) and all I could think about was the disruption it would cause to the dogs and my routine. Thus, remodeling is the farthest thing from my mind right now.
💓🤱😻Barbie in NW WA
8 -
Hello dear friends! I am sorry for being MIA. But we are all ok here. No major fires nearby, thankfully. One small one was close, but they put it out very quickly. We didn’t have anything nearly as devastating as they had up in Los Angeles.
I have been occupied with other things. I’m trying to catch up since January. I know a lot has happened with you all.
in early Feb, I was planning on a nice 10 day period of “me time.” The mister went to Bonaire on a diving trip with a friend. Well, 3 days into that time, he called and informed me he broke his leg in multiple places and needed surgery. It was nerve wracking to say the least. Anyway, 4 days after surgery, he flew home. It has been difficult, but we are managing. He is basically a couch potato for the next few months. Navigating the healthcare system here has been a massive challenge. Since he had surgery in another country, his medical group kept losing track of him. He’s had to be a massive nag, but it’s for, the good. Sadly, 4 weeks post surgery, he still hasn’t had physical therapy. He’s been doing it himself anyway, with guidance from a friend. He never got wound care once back stateside. Fortunately, my step mother is a nurse and she helped me until I could get him into the doc.
He is NOT a patient person, so it’s going to be a long road to recovery.I did read that Machka is going through something similar with her DH. We can be in this together.
As for me, I have my own seemingly insignificant aches and pains. I am trying to not do anything stupid to prevent me from taking care of him, like going into our canyon to pick our lemons. It’s quite steep down there and there is a high risk of falling.
Thanks for missing me. I’m trying to catch up and will check back in again soon. But, I am here!
Tina in CA
9 -
0 -
I’m slowly making my way through, but I wanted to comment on Michele’s bathroom toilet roll holder issue. The person who uses TP every single time she goes to the toilet should have the final say as to where the TP is. So, stick to your guns on that one! 😁
The mister and I have switched bathrooms for now (mine is better laid out for him now), but having separate ones saves much arguing.
Tina in CA9 -
He really is. Like one brain cell in there though, but so sweet!
4 -
Sue - I would be curious to know if the sponsor encouraged more than one swipe, like a challenge type thing “”to get as much as you can.
Heather - woohoo!
Re - did you used to write a blog on MFP? I really enjoyed reading the blogs but now that I do things mostly on my phone I don’t see them.
Do you a Freebie site in your area, I haven’t gotten rid of so much on there. Saves me a trip to the thrift store? I don’t know if I would be so keen if I lived alone though, to give out my address.Ginny - Good luck with it all. It sounds like you have a good solid plan.
Kylia - My daughter told me last night that my son in law had the worst migraine he’s had since he was 9 this weekend. She had to take home to the hospital because his speech was affected.I’ve been feeling one trying hard to become full blown and DH’s had a headache.
Machka - when I was growing up my grandmother washed all of her towels, sheets, pillowcases, dish towels, etc in boiling water on the wood stove. She had a shortened broom handle to pull the clothes out of the water to put into the rinse tub afterwards. Then of course it would go on the line.
Rosemarie - is there any free or cheap groups you could join? I think loneliness is a big cause of mental health decline. Would your son converse more if you were talking topics that interested him more?
Debbie - hope the glasses are fixed right this time.
Rebecca - your sisters dog is beautiful. Is he stubborn?
Last week I was driving I a park zone, a lady was trying to cross the street to go away from the park and her Burmese dog just sat in the middle of the crosswalk. She tried pulling on him, she tried talking to him, he wouldn’t budge until she pointed back to the park. 😂 I don’t know how she made out be he was so happy to be heading back that direction.I empathize with your friend, financial struggles and marital struggles seem to go hand in hand. I fear it’s all going to get worse before it gets better for many.
Allie - Has Tracy turned the heat up for you and the baby?
Lanette - I’m glad you enjoyed the trip down memory lane. That’s where I’m trying to spend my days lately.
One of the ladies at work told me that she listens to “Golden Oldies with Buzz” every Sunday morning. Apparently is a local radio station here that plays old country like our parents listened to, she said it’s keeping her sane. I’m going to listen to it this Sunday.
Barbie - I am always reconfiguring and redecorating in my head. I want to paint my living room, but now that I’ve changed the couch and the arrangement I don’t mind the colour. I had envisioned this layout for 4 years before I finally got it!
I grew up next door to my grandparents and wish that I would have learned their financial habits instead of my parents. Life sure would be easier. In fairness though, if life was only in my hands there are a lot of expenses that would be cut.Tina - I like your logic about the toilet paper holder.
I don’t have much to say today. Just getting through.
Tracey in Edmonton
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Sue in WA
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