Losing 70lbs - Advice please!

After reading a couple threads that say I shouldn't be trying for a 2lb loss per week, I'm a little confused at how many pounds a week I ought to be trying to lose to lose 70lbs.

I started off on MFP needing to lose 80+ so I set my goal at 2lbs lost per week. Today begins my 3rd month and I'm stuck at around 220, plus or minus about 3lbs difference. I'm now working out at least 4 times a week, doing 30DS and trying to fit cardio in as well.

When playing with my goals on MFP, it says it recommends 1lb per week and gives me so many calories to eat it is ridiculous. So, I put in 1.5lbs per week and it STILL gives me a ridiculous amount. I average close to 1200 net every day. I have only 6-8 days in the whole of September that I didn't net at least 1000.

I've Googled this and I just get websites that tell me to lose 70-75lbs it will take me 38-75 weeks. So, how many pounds should I really be trying to lose per week and am I just in a plateau because I'm not eating enough?

Please help me fix this - I am getting frustrated.


  • finabella
    finabella Posts: 176
    You might be under eating causing your body to go into a stavation mode to which it hangs onto weight like a kid in a candy shop! Go for a 1 pound loss for the next month and eat the required calories or as close to it and see how you go. Also look at what food your actually consuming is it allot of sugar and carbs? could you eat cleaner? (Sorry I can't see your diary so I'm not saying you don't do this already there just suggestions. All the best.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    If you're stuck then it's a good time to try something different. Change your weight loss to 1 pound a week and give this a try for a few weeks - yes, it will be eating more calories, but it's worth remember that calories are actually a very good thing. They are the energy source for your body and if you don't get enough of them your body doesn't function well.
    You might also want to try exercising less for a little while - give your body a break then get back to your regular routine.
    And remember that even if you aren't seeing much change on the scales, but you are eating well and exercising, you are setting up good habits for the long term and this is a great achievement in itself.
  • krishnajon
    What are your measurements. Do they coincide with the weight loss plateau? How many meals do you eat a day? Keep on workin out, being fat and workin out is better than fat and not. U might try some change ups in your workout. Be patient, you'll get there.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I do eat some of my exercise calories. Not all, but MFP says to net at least 1200 which means I am actually eating 1300-1700 depending on my burn.

    I have no idea how many carbs I ought to be eating and if MFP's guidline is correct. If it is, I don't go over often. I don't track sugar at all so maybe I should start.

    Rachael, you're already on my friends list. :P I'll open my diary to friends so you can see it.

    I do know one of my problems is that I will have a deficit at the end of the night so then I will be eating crap to fill it. Granola bar, Skinny Cow candy, ice cream or cookies or something. I don't eat "clean" and I do eat out alot. I've been concentrating on getting the right amount of calories in before I start worrying about what types of food I'm eating.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    What are your measurements. Do they coincide with the weight loss plateau? How many meals do you eat a day? Keep on workin out, being fat and workin out is better than fat and not. U might try some change ups in your workout. Be patient, you'll get there.

    I only took my measurements about a week and a half ago ago but I know my clothes are starting to fit differently and some people who don't see me every day are starting to notice a difference. I eat 3 meals and 2-3 snacks per day. I've changed up my workouts 3 times now. I started with low intensity Wii dance games then Zumba then 30DS.
  • Tereztaylor07
    I started at 240, and I started with losing two pounds per week. I actually set my own calorie goal at 1400 when I first started. I had been to a nutritionist and she said that would be fine. I also did mainly cardio when I first started. I only did 15 minute segments of weight training 2-3 times a week. But I would always try for 20 minutes or more cardio workouts 4x a week, mainly on my ellipticial. I spaced out my calories throughout the day, eating smaller meals and 2-3 snacks a day. I limited my carbs, but did not completely cut them out. And when I do eat carbs, I try and make it whole grain if possible. I lost 60 lbs in 8 months. That's roughly 1.8lb/week. Now that I am smaller, the weight is coming off much slower. It is possible. It's not a race though. I also did calorie zig zagging. I would go up to around 1550 for a few days, then drop down to 1300 for a few, then back to 1400 to keep my metabolism going. I personally would recommend trying to lose 2 lbs/ week now, because you can actually use your larger body mass in your favor. Your BMR is higher right now, and you burn more calories exercising. The smaller you get, the harder it is.
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    After reading a couple threads that say I shouldn't be trying for a 2lb loss per week, I'm a little confused at how many pounds a week I ought to be trying to lose to lose 70lbs.

    I started off on MFP needing to lose 80+ so I set my goal at 2lbs lost per week. Today begins my 3rd month and I'm stuck at around 220, plus or minus about 3lbs difference. I'm now working out at least 4 times a week, doing 30DS and trying to fit cardio in as well.

    When playing with my goals on MFP, it says it recommends 1lb per week and gives me so many calories to eat it is ridiculous. So, I put in 1.5lbs per week and it STILL gives me a ridiculous amount. I average close to 1200 net every day. I have only 6-8 days in the whole of September that I didn't net at least 1000.

    I've Googled this and I just get websites that tell me to lose 70-75lbs it will take me 38-75 weeks. So, how many pounds should I really be trying to lose per week and am I just in a plateau because I'm not eating enough?

    Please help me fix this - I am getting frustrated.

    I'm losing 2 pounds a week and I'm doing fine! Don't listen to what others tell you, do what you feel is best for you!
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
  • ktsdad
    ktsdad Posts: 15 Member
    I'm a guy, so someties we lose differently. Women, from what I've seen, have hormones and stuff that affect when and how they lose. That being said, I also am trying to lose 70 lbs. This time (yes I have yo-yo'd), I am on medifast for now. It has taught me to eat tiny meals every 2 to 3 hours to keep the hunger pains away. I actually started at 230lb.

    For me, I have to write down everything I eat as well as track the carbs and fat. My success when eating 'real' food comes when I not only track calories, but grams of fat and carbs as well. I try to stay around 20% fat (at least under 30%), and under 30% carbs when losing. When I do that I can lose 1 to 2 lbs per week at the 2 lb goal.

    When eating carbs, it is important to me to eat the whole grain, and no sugar or simple starches. I go so far as to not eat any bread unless I read the label to make sure it is 100% whole grain (no enriched flour).

    If you are stalled, I would keep tracking calories, but also look into the make up of the food you are eating. That's where MFP comes in with the daily goals.

    Regardless, keep working on it and hold yourself accountable. When I quit logging, I gain. It's just that way for me.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I'm losing 2 pounds a week and I'm doing fine! Don't listen to what others tell you, do what you feel is best for you!

    LOL Thanks Monica. Only problem is, at this point I feel like I have so damn far to go but I'm stuck so what's the point? Only I know that really isn't what is best for me.