Totally annoyed!!

Ok so I have been on mfp for a week and a half now and have only lost 1 pound! I'm seeing folks who have been here a week losing 5, 6, 7 pounds! I've only gone over my calorie intake three times and have only been to the gym three times...but still, one pound? Really? I know I have to do better and work out more then three times in 12 days but I am eating better. This is the kind of thing that makes me want to give up already! I really think it's bs that my scale won't all. I worked my butt off at the gym yesterday and ate fantastically and I'm starting to think it was all for nothing.

I'm very nervous that I'm going to be here for months and my ticker will still say 1 pound lost because whatever i'm doing isn't working. Maybe I need more help and some motivation or something! Should I give up my one diet dr pepper at night? Should I give up coffee? Should I not eat all of my calories? What else can I do besides work out more??

Frustrated, annoyed and just over it!! :cry: :mad:


  • nickelmel
    nickelmel Posts: 87
    Ok so I have been on mfp for a week and a half now and have only lost 1 pound! I'm seeing folks who have been here a week losing 5, 6, 7 pounds! I've only gone over my calorie intake three times and have only been to the gym three times...but still, one pound? Really? I know I have to do better and work out more then three times in 12 days but I am eating better. This is the kind of thing that makes me want to give up already! I really think it's bs that my scale won't all. I worked my butt off at the gym yesterday and ate fantastically and I'm starting to think it was all for nothing.

    I'm very nervous that I'm going to be here for months and my ticker will still say 1 pound lost because whatever i'm doing isn't working. Maybe I need more help and some motivation or something! Should I give up my one diet dr pepper at night? Should I give up coffee? Should I not eat all of my calories? What else can I do besides work out more??

    Frustrated, annoyed and just over it!! :cry: :mad:
  • Starchaser
    Don't compare yourself to others.

    The only way to do this is to focus inwards, only on you. It's the one time you can be selfish and think only of yourself.

    I wouldn't concern yourself too much about lost poundage. Look more at how you look, how you feel. Do you feel fitter? Healthier? Are day to day things a bit easier now? How about your reflection in the mirror, does it look better?

    These factors are the way, don't look at others to guage your own progress.

    If you're running 1000 miles and you focus on the person two steps in front, by the time you reach 1000 miles you're more concerned someone did it faster instead of realising you just ran 1000 miles.

    Focus inwards, and on yourself. Unless other people's progress inspires you to do better, rather than making you feel you're not quite as quick/fit/good/thin/insert other word here, then ignore it.

    This is about you.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    A one lb loss in a 1 1/2 weeks is good. You don't really want to see those high numbers. I know it sounds like an excuse but in weight loss slow and steady really does win the race.

    Keep doing what you are doing. ;You'll not only make it to your goal weight but will learn how to maintain it.
  • kpaulsen
    kpaulsen Posts: 25
    I was a skeptic, too. I've been on here for about 2 months now and have "only" lost 8 lbs. However, I haven't drastically altered my eating/drinking habits or exercise. Kick up your exercise 15 minutes a day that you would normally be sitting around doing nothing. Call someone and walk&talk or go on a window-shopping walk during your lunch break. Pick small things that you would ordinarily do anyway and make sure to include them in your exercise log.

    I see you're planning a wedding (congratulations). Word of caution: I've been married for 6 months and could definitely notice a change in my eating habits due to eating like my husband. VERY tempting to forgo the salad or lean meat when he's chowing down on a cheesesteak.

    There will definitely be plateaus. The first 5 pounds are the hardest but then hopefully you'll get some momentum and inspiration! Check out the recipes thread.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Ok so I have been on mfp for a week and a half now and have only lost 1 pound! I'm seeing folks who have been here a week losing 5, 6, 7 pounds! I've only gone over my calorie intake three times and have only been to the gym three times...but still, one pound? Really? I know I have to do better and work out more then three times in 12 days but I am eating better. This is the kind of thing that makes me want to give up already! I really think it's bs that my scale won't all. I worked my butt off at the gym yesterday and ate fantastically and I'm starting to think it was all for nothing.

    I'm very nervous that I'm going to be here for months and my ticker will still say 1 pound lost because whatever i'm doing isn't working. Maybe I need more help and some motivation or something! Should I give up my one diet dr pepper at night? Should I give up coffee? Should I not eat all of my calories? What else can I do besides work out more??

    Frustrated, annoyed and just over it!! :cry: :mad:
    Your a LOT smaller than those of us losing 3-5lbs per week so its going to take you longer in addition as for me I work out 7 days a week for 2hrs daily. ...1 lb in 1.5 weeks is great..being impatient is only going to discourage you...arent you in this for the healthy body inside as well as the physical inches lost on the outside? take your time its a lifestyle not a diet ...
  • strawberry25shortcake
    strawberry25shortcake Posts: 183 Member
    Don't compare yourself to others. We all have different lifestyles (work, school, foods etc) and we are all different size. I am 5'4 and am trying to lose 3lbs. I have been on MFP for about a week now and have not lost anything. Also, I wouldn't want to lose more than a pound per week. When it comes to losing weight, in the long run- it is better to do it in baby steps; just like you did it. 1lbs- 1 1/2lbs per week. Don't get discouraged. Give it some time (this is not about the quick fix- it is about getting healthy for life) and patience. You will figure out what works and what doesn't and will be able to make necessary changes. But, I think you are on the right track:wink:
  • stevieg_fan
    You should plan on being here for a lifetime -- and if not actuall "here" using the site - at least following the behaviours it teaches because healthy living is a lifetime long commitment.

    And this is a very personal journey - your body is uniquely yours and will respond the way it needs to. Treat it well and it will do what you need it to.
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    Every pound counts so celebrate that one pound!!!!:drinker:
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    everyone is on point

    also the smaller you are the slower it goes

    the temptation to quit is always greatest just before you succeed
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Have you measured your body??? sometimes it will show that your losing inches before fat! and just because other's are dropping more weight doesn't mean you are doing things wrong! Every one's bodies burn fat different.... My friend and i started the same day, eating almost the same things, weighing in the same time and she's already down 4 lbs! it's because we weigh different, she isn't the same height as me and our bodies change in different ways!!! Hang in there i know it makes you wanna scream and throw the scale out the window but in 2-3 weeks if nothing is happening then i would double check your goals, workouts and calorie intake but until then hang in there!!! there's so many of us on here that can give you support and give you ideas on what worked for them to lose weight that you might want to try out! Like i do the zig zag diet!
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    hey girl! Don't get discouraged! Just like everybody has said before is about you not us and it is going to take some time. It took me 1 year to lose 80lbs and no that I want to loser another 40 or so it is going slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwer than before...but I am ok with it!:happy:

    The best thing I did for me was to make very small goals to achieve! If that scale is the devil :devil:
    then maybe leave it alone for awhile and just look at yourself and concentrate how you FEEL...
    I set a new weight loss goal a month ago and haven't lost too much on the scale but i will tell you that my clothes fit better and I personally feel GOOD. And that is whats important. Don't focus on the numbers focus on YOU

    Becuae YOU are worth it. YOU are going to be able to do it! YOU are so up for this challenge:flowerforyou: :wink: :wink:

    Like I said before...if that scale is the devils spawn of satan and you want to chuck it out the window well maybe you need to put it a way for awhile. It is just a tool, and sometimes you don't need to use everytool in the toolbox at once. :wink:

    good luck and remember You are goign to be able to do this! DONT GIVE UP!!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    On my third week here, I lost 2 lbs. nothing week 1, nothing week 2. For the most part, people that lose lots in the first week are losing water weight due to the changes in the foods they are eating. You're doing fine.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    I have been working on this since January 9,09 and have lost eight pounds! I don't say "only" because every ounce lost is a blessing. Why be unhappy over progress? What do you gain by quitting? What do you gain by going on? I think it's worth it! Don't you?
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Read their exercise posts & you'll see that some of these folks are working out 2 hours + EVERY day. :noway:
    Some are much larger than you, some maybe made more drastic changes in their diet. For instance, someone who drinks soda & eats fast food every day & then stops may lose more quickly at the beginning.
    Be patient. Keep exercising. Stay within your calories & you'll do fine.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member

    the temptation to quit is always greatest just before you succeed

    **so true! the way i convince myself to keep going is that i know that the change on the scale or my body is just around the corner--if i blow it now, i won't see it, but if i just keep doing the eating rt and consistently exercising, the changes are right there waiting to spring!
    patience and weight loss are not natural partners--but that's the only way it works (plus hard work and focused effort)
    congratulations on the 1 pound!:flowerforyou: