300lb+ Motivation?

So i went searching for some 300lb plus support groups..people to add and things but i noticed all the post had fell off around June so i decided to Put up a new one! Any of you guys out there 300 plus or wudever i dont even care if ur lower (300 plus is just me )that need some supportt? I know i do!

1st GW- 250
2nd GW-200
Final GW 170

25 Years Old Been big since day one wanting to leave the lifestyle behind for the next quarter of my life and beyondd!

:D Hi!


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Just to let you know I started at 285--almost 300. I am now down 107 pounds---you can do this.
  • WeighAhead
    WeighAhead Posts: 42 Member
    Feel free to friend me, i started at 365 (HW) and 345 (MFP HW) and am 309 (CW) now. So Still in the 300+ lb club hoping to get out as soon as possible!
  • syguy
    syguy Posts: 35
    I'm 31 and started losing weight in May this year and started at 318lbs, currently down to 240, it takes hard work and dedication but it is possible !
  • Best of luck. I started at 305 and am down to 235 now. Keep at it - you can do it! Watching the show Heavy on A&E (or Netflix...) helped a lot. They go from some 550+ pounds down to healthy BMIs sometimes...
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    just some ideas to help you stay on track:

    1. you're 25. you're young. you have a lot of time to live a healthy, active life.

    2. write down the physical and mental stumbling blocks you've had to leading a healthy lifestyle in the past. think about ways to overcome those stumbling blocks. write down all of the things you hate about being overweight, and be brutally honest about it. write down all of the things that you love about being overweight (if there are any). keep the writings handy so that you can read them when your will power starts to wane.
  • camy_chick
    camy_chick Posts: 277 Member
    heaviest weight: 356 (also my MFP starting weight)
    current weight: 317
    goal weight: 150

    it is a challenge, but it is worth it for EVERY pound you see come off the scale! some days it might not seem like a lot, but always remember, you didn't gain the weight over night, and you aren't going to lose it over night either!
  • I'm not 300+, but I'm all for long term support groups :) Right now I am highly motivated myself, but I've only been on here for like a week.. At some point I know I'll def need support to keep my spirits up!

    Just calculated that I'm about 245lb (I'm European, so I weigh myself in kgs)

    I'm in if you want me ;)
  • Just to let you know I started at 285--almost 300. I am now down 107 pounds---you can do this.

    OH WOWS!!!!!! Thats Awesome!
  • I'm not 300+, but I'm all for long term support groups :) Right now I am highly motivated myself, but I've only been on here for like a week.. At some point I know I'll def need support to keep my spirits up!

    Just calculated that I'm about 245lb (I'm European, so I weigh myself in kgs)

    I'm in if you want me ;)

  • heaviest weight: 356 (also my MFP starting weight)
    current weight: 317
    goal weight: 150

    it is a challenge, but it is worth it for EVERY pound you see come off the scale! some days it might not seem like a lot, but always remember, you didn't gain the weight over night, and you aren't going to lose it over night either!

    Thats for sure congrats on ur weightloss!
  • Best of luck. I started at 305 and am down to 235 now. Keep at it - you can do it! Watching the show Heavy on A&E (or Netflix...) helped a lot. They go from some 550+ pounds down to healthy BMIs sometimes...

    Yeah i started watching heavy a few days ago on netflix! hehe def motivation to get back on track and keep trucking!
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    HI Klarissa,

    It is hard work! but you can def do it!!! I send you a friend request
  • aspencer122
    aspencer122 Posts: 123 Member
    I am so in. I started on here may years ago, and love groups. My (HW) was 324 as of last week i am (CW) 303. hoping to be (GW) 224 ibs in a year. I origanlly lost almost 60ibs then got way way of track and gained it all back. please add me if you need support or anything. I am still in the 300+ but I hope (because I weigh in tomorrow) that I am not in it for long. good luck. You can do this.
  • Wow congratulation, its great to star my monday reading this, it really helps.
  • I am so in. I started on here may years ago, and love groups. My (HW) was 324 as of last week i am (CW) 303. hoping to be (GW) 224 ibs in a year. I origanlly lost almost 60ibs then got way way of track and gained it all back. please add me if you need support or anything. I am still in the 300+ but I hope (because I weigh in tomorrow) that I am not in it for long. good luck. You can do this.

    Ill def Add you i knowww right i look forward to not being in the 300 plus category by jan!
  • I just started on here about a week ago. My SW was 314 and I've been staying under my numbers much better than I thought I would so far. After one week, my CW is 304. Thats a good first week, but I know its going to get tougher as time goes on. My GW is 180.
  • I just started on here about a week ago. My SW was 314 and I've been staying under my numbers much better than I thought I would so far. After one week, my CW is 304. Thats a good first week, but I know its going to get tougher as time goes on. My GW is 180.

    Yeahhh enjoys those large jumps! lol dont they make u feel amazing i know it does with me! hehe i hope you reach ur goal ill add you!
  • Venice34
    Venice34 Posts: 13 Member
    My starting weight is 274 (currently)
    Goal weight 165

    Not 300+, but close enough for me to be very uncomfortable. I just started actually using the support part of MFP. I joined back in January but didn't utilize this great tool. I brought my sis along for the ride this time. I'm highly motivated, sooooooo ready to be a fab 35 in February!!!

    You are welcome to add me. : )
  • My starting weight was 322, I am now at 301...It's not easy but we will make our goal!!! I will add you immediately...we can encourage one another.
  • sunshinethompson
    sunshinethompson Posts: 106 Member
    I started off 308.8lb in July 2011 when I first joined MFP. I'm down to 288lbs as of today. I would love to have you as a friend! We can support each other,....lol.