New Here - Need some friends! :)

Hi all,
I'm looking to lose about 100 pounds. I could definitely use some friends who also have some big goals! I work full-time in an office job and go to school two nights a week. I sit all day which is driving me crazy, my hips are even starting to hurt. It has been challenging to "eat healthy" on the nights I have class if I'm driving there straight from work. I realize I need to be a better planner about my meals and snacks. I love walking, but I'm not crazy about serious cardio. I use to love it back in high school, but now I can handle speed walking or jogging in intervals. I don't like gyms and prefer to be outside. I'm a bit of a binge eater, even if it's vegetables. I'm trying to correct this behavior too, and eat for fuel instead of eating just to eat.

Anyway, I'd love to make some new friends here!!

Take care,


  • JoleneCooper
    JoleneCooper Posts: 74 Member
    I'll be your friend! I work in an office with 7 other girls and we sit most of the day! We're all on a big diet right now and even our corporate office is holding a Biggest Loser Challenge starting this month and ending in February! We will have a lot of great tips for you!!
  • Welcome! I am on an 80 pound journey total. But with only 20 pounds left to go! You can do this! Good luck with your fresh start!
  • sdurborow77
    sdurborow77 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Whitni! I am new here too. Just signed up today.
  • Welcome!! I am almost 100 lbs into my journey with about 60 more to go ... this site is AMAZING for support!

    Feel free to add me! :)
  • bringit30
    bringit30 Posts: 103 Member
    I am here with you!!! I could use some support too :)
  • hi whitni,

    I hear you girl! I too have about 100lbs to lose, and I too have an office job and it is hard!

    My biggest obstacle was me (literally and figuratively). I have lost 15.5 lbs in the last month because I decided to take control and get out of my own way--I hated exercise and said I would never ride a stationary because it hurts, and it still hurts, but I do it every day because I saw results right away. I would recommend that you start small though. I started with a 10 minute walk every day and build up to what you think you can't do...

    I recommend that you get The Mayo Clinic Diet book off of Amazon (or just hook up with me and I'll help you through the highlights to get you started) it talks about being a planner and planning meals a week in advance to avoid obstacles. i'm a horrible planner and this is the only thing that's worked for me. I have struggled with my weight my whole life so trust me I know where you're coming from!

    Feel free to message me and I would love to talk to you--

    Hope to hear from you

  • laurielou04
    laurielou04 Posts: 231 Member
    request sent! :)

    i have similar goals, always could use more encouragement and i love to encourage as well :)

    anyone can feel free to add me :)
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    I'm just getting started myself - I joined last week. I've got to lose about 200lbs, I think I'll be here awhile.

  • Welcome! I work full-time and go to school full-time - I KNOW the temptation of quick meals so well! MFP is an AWESOME tool with great support and resources for you. Good luck on your journey!
  • k2thaj
    k2thaj Posts: 41
    Afternoon Whithi! Feel free to add me as a friend, I am looking to lose 85 to possibly 95 pounds depending on how everything goes. I worked in an office environment for the past 3 years where I was working about 50-70 hours a week pretty much every time and eating what was quick. I hate sitting all day and I actually now have some back problems where I am in pain within a few hours if I have to sit constantly like I was at work, a bulging disc and mild stenosis.

    That kinda kicked me in the *kitten* and the medications make me drowsy so I decided that I needed to try and fix this myself. I started doing Yoga with my Wii Fit and balance board and changed my diet, my boyfriend joining me in this endeavor is certainly a big part of my motivation, but I have been on MFP for a month and I love it, everyone motivates each other.

    We can do this, it may not be a straight and smooth path, but you will find support here. Welcome!
  • skcornett
    skcornett Posts: 169 Member
    Welcome Whitni! I am also working to lose a substantial amount, so please feel free to add me as a friend. My approach has been to set incremental goals so that I'm not looking at the big number at the end because it feels so far away. My next goal is 40 lbs. That's 15 from now and doesn't seem so bad.

    I, too, am at a desk Once it cools off a little more, I'm going to try to walk at lunch.

    Sounds like you may need some pre-planning for school nights which can be tough. How can we help? Lean on us - we're all here for the same reason.
  • smbakke77
    smbakke77 Posts: 273 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm looking to lose about 100 pounds. I could definitely use some friends who also have some big goals! I work full-time in an office job and go to school two nights a week. I sit all day which is driving me crazy, my hips are even starting to hurt. It has been challenging to "eat healthy" on the nights I have class if I'm driving there straight from work. I realize I need to be a better planner about my meals and snacks. I love walking, but I'm not crazy about serious cardio. I use to love it back in high school, but now I can handle speed walking or jogging in intervals. I don't like gyms and prefer to be outside. I'm a bit of a binge eater, even if it's vegetables. I'm trying to correct this behavior too, and eat for fuel instead of eating just to eat.

    Anyway, I'd love to make some new friends here!!

    Take care,

    Feel free to add me!
  • Helinah26
    Helinah26 Posts: 288
    Hi!Welcome!!I'm also looking to lose about 100lbs(or more lol).I'm about 24lbs into it and been at this for a year.Its one of the hardest things I've had to do but I'm not gonna give up till i reach my goal!:)So feel free to add me Im always here if you need me and your gonna love it on here.:)
  • here
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    Welcome to all! We all need support, especially when we have so much to lose! Feel free to add me!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • hi Whit

    I have around 80lbs to lose as wel. I work in an office during the week so now what its like to be stuck behind a desk. I will try and work out how to add you!
  • I honestly only have about 15 lbs to lose but it has been a struggle for me. I have a 4 month old baby at home who was a breech boy so I had to have a c section. I am having a really hard time losing my gut and I too hate exercising. I don't have anyone to exercise with so it makes it a lot harder. I sit around pretty much all day except a couple nights a week I work. I am new at doing this too and need support from others. I was doing Jillian Michael's Cardio workout for beginners. It really does work and I am sure it can work for you too!! It isn't as tough as it seems once you get started its just keeping up with it is what is hard.
  • Hi Whitni,
    I'm new to the message boards, but not new to fitness pal. I would love to be your friend if you'd accept me as one too. I started my journey today. I have been working on ways to make my goals stick, by writing down a 3 month goal, and planned out ways to meet that goal. I am happy to say that I actually did 20 minutes on the elliptical prior to going to work. It was so hard, but I did it and now that I have done it, I feel like there's no going back. I know you can do it too Whitni. Just work on one thing at a time. You said that you like to walk, why not try to do 15 minutes a day, and then increase them as you go on. My Father-in-law did the Nutrisystem and walked everyday for at least 3 miles and has lost 50 lbs. After he lost 30 lbs., he stopped Nutrisystem, and did low carb, no sugar and cut everything he at in half to lose the remaining 20. If he could do it, then so could you , me, and everyone else on this board. Go for it and don't look back!
  • birdi0421
    birdi0421 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there! I work in the same office as mrscooperific! I also would like to lose around 100 lbs!! I've lost 7.4 so far, next office weigh in is tomorrow! Love to share ideas, stuff that works, stuff that doesn't etc! :smile:
  • ju33
    ju33 Posts: 16 Member

    Im new to :) well a month new :)

    Please feel free to add me I have no pals on here yet.

    This is the first post ive replied on.. lol x