How did you choose....

Your goal weight? BMI, used to be a certain size, dart at a board with different weights on it? For those of you who have reached your goal weight - did you stick with your original goal?


  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I haven't reached my goal weight but I chose 150 because it's realistic for me, my time frame and in the healthy range for my BMI.
  • Im 5 ft 3 and goal weight of 115

    More of a goal size tho... size 1 or 3! Probably 3

    Figured 115 would get me there
  • I chose my goal weight based on what I used to weigh in high school. It's still not an "ideal" weight according to the charts, but it's something to strive for first and make adjustments as I get there.
  • evanstm
    evanstm Posts: 14
    I am using the BMI chart.
  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member
    I picked my goal weight because when I lost weight before I got down to 180 and was happy there. I'm not aiming for perfection I'm aiming for happy :) That still puts me as a tad overweight but I'm happy there. If I end up smaller than that, that's good, but just icing on the cake as far as I'm concerned :)
  • I'm not there yet either, but I was once. At 154, I was within the "healthy" range, but I was weak and didn't feel well. I chose 155 because it's pretty close to "healthy" and a goal to shoot for maybe someday. However, I'm pretty content at 160. It's an approximation to me.
  • sryan8408
    sryan8408 Posts: 244
    I chose 125 because that was my goal weight for my wedding but once I hit it, I'm going to change it down to 115 because I've read that 125 is high for my size even though its in the healthy BMI range.
  • sryan8408
    sryan8408 Posts: 244
    I chose 125 because that was my goal weight for my wedding but once I hit it, I'm going to change it down to 115 because I've read that 125 is high for my size even though its in the healthy BMI range.
  • sryan8408
    sryan8408 Posts: 244
    I chose 125 because that was my goal weight for my wedding but once I hit it, I'm going to change it down to 115 because I've read that 125 is high for my size even though its in the healthy BMI range.
  • I haven't reached my goal weight yet, but my initial goal weight is the highest end of a healthy BMI for my height. My ultimate goal weight is somewhere in the middle. But once I'm no longer considered "overweight", I'll be happy.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    I picked a weight that I was comfortable at when I was in college.
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    I asked my doctor, not a website, what my weight range should be.
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    I chose 150. Figured if I can lose 50 pounds and see how my 5'3 frame looks at 150, then I can lose more if I want when I do reach that weight.
    My goal pant size would be an 8.. I can't remember ever being an 8.. 8 seems reasonable.
    I don't follow BMI religiously. But I do keep track of what they thought my BMI was, to what it is now.
    I keep more watch of what percentage I've lost rather than the BMI. :)
  • I haven't reached my goal yet but I chose a goal to where I was the most confident at as well as the most comfortable with myself. I probably won't keep going as I will end up losing curves and get too skinny.
  • aliciagetshealthy
    aliciagetshealthy Posts: 946 Member
    I chose 140 because it was an even 50 pounds from my starting point. I'm actually more concerned with how I look at feel than I am about a number, so I'll do a more accurate evaluation when I get closer to that point.
  • Jeepinmom4
    Jeepinmom4 Posts: 298 Member
    I chose 150 lbs cuz my bmi says I should be between 129~159lbs. I'm 5'6 and think 150 is a good weight to be :)
    Not too big not too small...
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    Your goal weight? BMI, used to be a certain size, dart at a board with different weights on it? For those of you who have reached your goal weight - did you stick with your original goal?

    For now I chose 140. I looked up online things about bone frame size, height etc. and figured out I had a small bone frame therefore my weight should be around 135-140. I chose the higher end just so I felt like I was actually getting somewhere at the beginning. I'm going to see how I feel and look once I come close to 140 and might consider changing it depending on my situation.

    Remember, make your goal realistic for YOU. If you set the weight extremely low then psychologically it might seem like a WHOLE lot and you'll feel as if you'll never get there. If it helps you to say ok for now I'll lose 20, you hit 20 lbs. lost and then say ok, now I'll set it down to another 20 to lose, etc, etc. I think baby steps is the way to do it.

    As far as you not being sure about what's considered 'healthy' for you just keep a record as you're losing weight. Keep measurements updated every two weeks, pay attention to your clothes and how they feel and most importantly (IMHO) take pictures! Going back and looking at pictures of yourself will help you REALLY see how far you've come. I've made it a rule to take a picture of myself (side and front view) after every 10 lbs. lost.

    Hope this helps, sorry for the novel of a response.
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    When I started working with a registered dietitian at the beginning of this year, one of the first things we discussed is my goal weight. Based on my frame and my workouts, she suggested that 150 would be a healthy weight for me that would have me looking the way I wanted to look. I'm still 23lbs from that goal, but I'm already looking and feeling so much better than I have in years. I feel better than I did way back when I weighed in at 130lbs. (Granted, I don't look that good yet, but I realize now that I was what they call "skinny fat" without even being skinny. I wasn't exercising at all.)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Your goal weight? BMI, used to be a certain size, dart at a board with different weights on it? For those of you who have reached your goal weight - did you stick with your original goal?

    I chose my goal weight based on what I remember weighing when I wore a certain pair of jeans that I thought I looked good in. The real goal was to get back in those jeans, so choosing that weight seemed logical. I got back in the jeans in May but never achieved the goal weight. In fact, I was 16 lbs heavier than the last time I wore them. I have since lost 10 more lbs and the jeans (and all new clothes I bought) are starting to get loose, but I still need to lose 6 more lbs before I'm at the weight I was before. I have no idea why I weigh more at the same size now, but as long as I'm healthy I don't really care much either.
  • shaj316
    shaj316 Posts: 161
    I chose 210 because at my most athletic (many moons ago), I was 220. Even 210 is considered overweight on the BMI scale but I figured I'd start off with that goal of basically being 10lbs lighter than when I was at "my best" and then readdress when I get there.