MFP The Biggest Loser Yellow Team***Closed Group***



  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    I hope no one thinks I lied either, since I dropped so much time off. Well, a lot for me anyways. All I needed was new, more supportive shoes to help with my foot. It's tender after the walk/runs this week, but it is so much better than it was before. I don't feel like I'm going to pass out when I stand up first thing in the morning. LOL! I'm so anxious waiting for the blog to post...

    Glad the new shoes are helping!!! Those make such a big difference, especially with an injury or pain. I can't wait for the blog either - Mondays seem to last forever! :)

    I'm sure nobody with think either of us are lying about our times (I sure hope not anyway). I doubt we have made up enough time to make it to the top, so we will probably still look like turtles compared to some of those super-fast teams. :) But I'm very proud of our hard work and great improvements, so that's what counts, right?

    Go Yellow Team!!!
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    I would like to welcome our new TEAM YELLOW members, Kritty and Jaygirl, to our excellent team! We lost a couple this week, but I think we will be even stronger new with our two new, highly motivated people!

    So glad to have you guys with us, and I think the five of us are going to kick some major butt from this point forward!!!

    Go Team Yellow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • jaygirl3
    jaygirl3 Posts: 320 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome!! I am jaygirl, presently 28, soon to be 29 in less than 40 days time. I am a doctor in Africa, single and hoping to get married in the next six months. I honestly want to look trim for my wedding day, its a once in a life time affair, i want to look my best. I am 5 ft 10, currently weigh 169lb (started this journey at 186) . Glad to be on your team. since there is no challenge this week, i guess i just have to work my *kitten* off to lose as much as i can for the team this week.
  • Ivymarie75
    Ivymarie75 Posts: 80 Member
    WOW! WHAT AN EPISODE?!* My heart fell out of my chest when I saw Tim didnt weigh in & we got that 30min penalty. :( Oh well, welcome new team members. Here's to another week. :)
  • kritty123
    *comes galloping into the room like a zumba fitness instructor ON CRACK would*

    Hi everyone!!!! My name is Kristi and I'm just excited! I'm excited to be a part of a team that looks like its excited to work together FINALLY!! Its been hell trying to keep some members going on the dismembered Red Team and I have to admit that it was really bringing me down! I'm really happy that jaygirl3 got to make it over with me!!! **WAVES** HI JAYGIRL3!!!!!!!!

    I'm a 32yr old mom of 2 beautiful little girls ages 2 and 1! I have a fantastic husband who is also a member on MFP named Robbie (robbielawley) and he definately makes me push myself harder! I love my family very much and I'm praying that I get to start my road to nursing school very soon. I am a stay at home mother right now and I wouldnt trade this job for anything else at the moment.

    I just got diagnosed with kidney stones about 9 days ago and its been an uphill battle since. I was hospitalized on saturday for a 104 fever, throwin into the operating room early sunday morning to have a ureter stent placed to drain the horrible infection that I have in my left kidney and my second surgery is now scheduled for 10/10 for a laser to come into play to destroy the stones that arent passing and then to finally have the stent removed. I am so ready for this to be OVER with already that its not even funny. I miss my workouts and rough housing with my kiddos and hubby. I pray that this issue goes away and STAYS away!!! So, if you guys know of any low impact but HIGH calorie burning exercises I can do this week, I should be able to rock it out with the rest of you for weight loss!!!!! Any questions, feel free to ask away! Glad to be here!
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    A HUGE welcome to our new Team Yellow gals! I'm so glad you are joining us! I have a great feeling about our group--I think we're going to rock this competition!

    So, since there's no challenge this week, what are everyone's exercise goals for the week? I'm committing to 30 minutes everyday between now and Saturday. I'll probably do a mix of the elliptical and the Walk Away the Pounds DVD, and if it ever quits raining, I'll walk outside.
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    Jaygirl and Kristi - it's so nice to meet you both, and so great to have you on our new and improved team! And Stacey and Ivy - I'm SO glad you two made it with me to the "merge." :) I truly do think we have a great team, and I think every one of us seems to be motivated and willing to do our best for ourselves and the team.
    So, since there's no challenge this week, what are everyone's exercise goals for the week? I'm committing to 30 minutes everyday between now and Saturday. I'll probably do a mix of the elliptical and the Walk Away the Pounds DVD, and if it ever quits raining, I'll walk outside.

    Well, I'm kind of glad there is no challenge this week since the last two haven't been too good to us. :) Hopefully whatever the next challenge is it will be something that we rock at! For this week, since the only real goal for the competition is weight loss, I'm just going to focus as much as I can on staying under my calorie threshold and working out every day for the rest of the week. I'll likely do a combination of hiking and jogging, with maybe a little biking thrown in. And I'd like to try to get in a really good hike on Saturday because it seems to do wonders for me as far as weight loss.

    I've checked all the numbers for the past couple of weeks (of course I did, I'm a total math geek) and based on what they've looked like and what I'm anticipating will likely happen next week, I'd like to lose .70% of my weight in order to feel fairly safe. That works out to 1.4 pounds for me, which I think is completely possible. I'd really like to lose a full 1% just to be sure, so that works out to 2 pounds which could happen too. So I'm going to aim for those goals, and just work out and do the best I can.

    Good luck to all of you this week, and I hope everyone gets healthy and feels good. GO TEAM YELLOW!!!
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    I'm kinda glad, too. I think this week will be a great week for our team.

    I really need to dig my bike out of storage. I haven't ridden it in ages. I'm hoping by next summer that I'll be in good enough shape to hook up one of those pull behind trailers for the kids so I can ride long distances with them. I used to ride a bike all the time. Now my butt is too big for the seat. LOL!
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    Hi there Team Yellow! It's about mid-week, so how are you all doing so far? Everybody getting in some good workouts and/or eating great healthy food?

    I'm happy to announce that I am now under 200 pounds! Yay for me!!! :) I weighed in this morning at 198.6 which is a loss of 1.8 pounds for me since last weigh-in. (I'm one of those crazy people who weighs myself everyday, so I'm confident that it is not just an odd fluctuation, but a steady decline). That already puts me at .90% which is past my initial goal for the week. Now if I can just maintain that weight for the rest of the week (or keep losing, which would be even better), I THINK I will be able to make it through the elimination. But regardless, I'm still going to keep working my butt off (literally) to bring that number up even higher.

    How are you guys all doing? I'm sure you are all doing your very best which is the most we can do as a team. I'm really hoping that we will make it through this week with all our Yellows intact. Who's with me?? :)
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    I'm a daily weigher, too. I don't obsess about it, though. I just feel like it keeps me on track. This morning it said 266.6, which is almost a 3 lb loss so far. I cannot believe it, but I'm excited about it. I've been working out 30 minutes a day. Today was kickboxing. My legs are SORE! I've been trying to drink more water and add some veggies in. I'm always under on calories, but I'm realizing that my calories aren't always quality.
  • jaygirl3
    jaygirl3 Posts: 320 Member
    i havent been good ...............been eating right but only worked out once this week, havent been drinking water. will try do some killer workouts the rest of this week, hopefully i would be able to get some weight loss. havent checked my weight though
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    @Stacey - great job this week!! You are doing awesome. Like you, I don't obsess about my daily weigh-ins (and only log them on here once a week) but it's good to keep me on track and aware of what's going on from day to day. It seems to work better for me and remind me to keep doing good things for my body. :)

    @jaygirl - great job with the eating this week! There are still a few days left for you to get in a workout or two if you'd like to, and I'm sure you will rock it. :)

    Ivy and Kristi - how are you guys doing this week?? I know Kristi has posted a few weight losses, so that is awesome!!!

    I've lost a little more weight, so I'm really happy with my numbers at this point. I might even be able to hit the 3 pound mark again like I did the first week. Last week was a low weight loss number for me, so this week has been a great one.

    I hope we all do well and can make it through one more week to see what they'll throw at us next! And most importantly, I hope we are all doing it in a healthy way and taking good care of ourselves along the way. GO TEAM YELLOW!!!
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    4.4 pounds for the week. I STILL don't believe it, but the scale said the same thing this morning as it did yesterday. I'm happy for such a great week, but this means next week will probably be not as great. I'm anxious to see what this week will bring. I hope we're all still here next week! GO TEAM YELLOW!
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    4.4 pounds for the week. I STILL don't believe it, but the scale said the same thing this morning as it did yesterday. I'm happy for such a great week, but this means next week will probably be not as great. I'm anxious to see what this week will bring. I hope we're all still here next week! GO TEAM YELLOW!

    That is really awesome! I know you had that one bad day (the day of the unfortunate cookie dough incident) but you got right back on track and rocked it this week!!

    I was able to pull a 3.4 this week, so I'm really happy with that. I didn't really do anything different - just a big rebound from my low weight loss last week, I think. I'm hoping we will all be safe and sound after this week, and I'm looking forward to see what sorts of challenges they will be throwing at us next. GO YELLOW!!!
  • jaygirl3
    jaygirl3 Posts: 320 Member
    I gained 1.5lbs, i am sure i am leaving the challenge this week. Really sad
  • Ivymarie75
    Ivymarie75 Posts: 80 Member
    hey guys,
    last 2 weeks have been super crazy for me. i have only been able to get 2 work outs in & can not seem to squeeze any "ME" time in right now. I hope I can find some this week or most likely I will be leaving soon if I cant get it together. Losing motivation with being so overwhelmed. My goal this week is to try & get back on track. have a great day & it's really good to see you guys losing weight.
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    Hi Yellows, overall we had a pretty good week, I think. I'm so sorry that we have to see jaygirl leave us. :( Jaygirl - don't give up and keep up the great work you've been doing. Who knows - maybe we will get to bring you back into the competition at some point?? :)

    Ivy - I'm very glad to see you are still with us! It was a crazy week with people gaining a few pounds, so you were plenty safe this time. :)

    Ok guys - onto the next challenge. We have four people left and need 3 for our challenge this week. Is there anyone who feels like they need to and/or want to sit this one out? If everybody is good to go - I'll go back to the old standby of drawing our names out of a hat. :) Let me know ASAP so we can get our info in.

    Have a great week everybody, and GO TEAM YELLOW!!
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    So sorry to see Jaysgirl leave us. Stick with us, though. And keep submitting your weight. You never know what's going to happen on TBL!

    I'd be happy to participate this week in the challenge. I have a feeling this is going to be a slow loss week for me after last week's big loss and my TOM started yesterday. Yippie. I hope whatever our challenge is, it gets us immunity!
  • kritty123
    I will make an attempt :0) I still have my kidney stent in but I will do what I need to do!! If its running, I have pain pills for that ;0) Count me IN!
  • jaygirl3
    jaygirl3 Posts: 320 Member
    thanks for the kind words guys, i would continue to folow the group.......and weigh in every sunday, at least your weight losses can keep me motivated