Need a miracle and need it fast

Ok guys, I'm know the question i'm about to ask is the "gasp" of the healthy weight loss community, but I'm in a pinch (yes one I've stupidly created myself) and I need some here we go:

I am in the military, and I'm required to meet a certain body composition every 6 months, well lets just say i'm outside of those numbers. Presently I need to either lose 34 lbs or 10% body fat, so far no problem. Here's the weigh-in is that's exactly 2 weeks to make big changes.

I am currently doing P90X (day 4 week 1), and I'm monitoring my calorie in take (less than 1400 a day), but have not began following the included nutrition plan yet. I'm thinking a "no carb diet" will be my best option to drop inches asap, and just deal with the struggle of being tired for the next two weeks until after the weigh-in. After that date, I can make the healthier food choices and follow a proper nutrition plan.

Does this sound like the best option? Should i be working out more? Eating even less? Is there some miracle diet for temporary weight loss?


  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    Is there some miracle diet for temporary weight loss?

    If only! :huh:
  • ginny1214
    ginny1214 Posts: 338
    Wow what a time to get out of your pinch. Lol! Now alot will say no way to lose it healthily, this is by no means a fad dieting site, however I'll say that when I tried Atkins (hard at first) I lost 7 lbs my first week. Gave up after that bc I couldn't workout like I wanted to so went back to calories and gym lol but if you're needing it to fall off fast look up Atkins induction
  • rustyrn
    rustyrn Posts: 17 Member
    No diet in the world is going to drop 34 pounds in 2 weeks, sorry even and aggressive diet will shred off about 5 a week. If you try to drop your calorie counts to below about 1200 or so for a guy your body will go into starvation mode and conserve any calories you take in. Best bet is to pound fluids and suck it up for the write for the C.O. Go to them now and ask for a 2 month extension then diet lift and run it off 2 months is more realistic than 2 weeks.
  • jonikeffer
    jonikeffer Posts: 218 Member
    Well if you just have to meet this deadline and not necessarily KEEP that fat% or weight after that (i.e. if you won't be measured for another 6 months or whatever), you could safely "starve yourself" for 2 weeks. Now I don't mean that literally as in eating nothing at all, but I mean if you eat less than would normally be recommended, what we "the community" would consider starving yourself, you probably won't hit starvation mode until around 2 weeks or more. Then you will rebound and put weight on once you start eating more again, which is why I ask if you have to keep that goal immediately afterward.

    What happens if you fail your weight in, BTW?

    Edit: Agree with Rustyrn though, you'd have to be morbidly obese to even have a tiny chance at losing that much weight in 2 weeks. My advice was just to maximize in the time you have, but you're not going to lose 34 lbs in 2 weeks no matter what. And if you try to really exercise a lot, in that short a timeframe you're likely to gain water weight from the radical shift in activity, thus backfiring on the scale number.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    It'd take damn near 3 months to lose that much properly.

    6 months at an 'average' rate.
  • AliDarling
    try a detox diet. i was on 21 day detox for 2 weeks, yea, and i lost 10 lbs. eat only things that are good for your liver. spinich, any greens, bluberries, dark fruit, and red swiss chard or beets. helps oxegenate the blood. eat a raw clove of garlic a day, kills bacteria in the digestive tract, 1 table spoon olive oil before bes, lubricates digesitive tract, and when you shower, alternate between hot and cold for 5 minutes. it opens and closes the blood vessels making the body work out more
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    OMG You're going to BOLO!!!!!!!!

    Seriously, as a Vet (91B back in those days - Medic), the question needs to be directed in what your Body Fat % is.

    For exercise...push yourself and every break you get, DO SOMETHING.

    While I dont recommend it, I will say you can go the way of liquids meals. QUALITY shakes and fruits. Limit your solids. But this can pose a major problem for you if you are Active service. Your body wont have the stores for long with a liquid diet.
  • Lollyvoddy
    Lollyvoddy Posts: 194 Member
    Maybe try a juice fast? I've heard those drop the pounds at an astounding rate.
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    Two weeks before weigh in isn't the time to start worrying about it. Five months ago would have been better. You aren;t going to lose 34 pounds or 10% in 2 weeks.Good luck though..
  • rustyrn
    rustyrn Posts: 17 Member
    Wow what a time to get out of your pinch. Lol! Now alot will say no way to lose it healthily, this is by no means a fad dieting site, however I'll say that when I tried Atkins (hard at first) I lost 7 lbs my first week. Gave up after that bc I couldn't workout like I wanted to so went back to calories and gym lol but if you're needing it to fall off fast look up Atkins induction
    If you are working out Atkins can be very dangerous, it is not a good way to loose weight you can screw up your body.
  • ginny1214
    ginny1214 Posts: 338
    Wow what a time to get out of your pinch. Lol! Now alot will say no way to lose it healthily, this is by no means a fad dieting site, however I'll say that when I tried Atkins (hard at first) I lost 7 lbs my first week. Gave up after that bc I couldn't workout like I wanted to so went back to calories and gym lol but if you're needing it to fall off fast look up Atkins induction
    If you are working out Atkins can be very dangerous, it is not a good way to loose weight you can screw up your body.

    Actually, and I'm so not going to get into a debate about this right now, but I had to say teonthings. 1) you CAN workout on Atkins, in fact many people workout harder than I do on Atkins! Look up some research, I did it because I have celiacs and I needed to try and control things I was eating, but those who are not educated about Atkins, just don't know...
    2) he asked how to lose the weight I was simply stating a fact that Atkins nduction he can drop it fast, he never once said he was interested in keeping it off, so whatever he does to try to achieve that loss won't be a "good way"
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    As much as it pains me to write this, I do think it's possible. I think you're on the right track, lower carbs, high intensity work out, and not dropping below 1200 calories a day. And water, water, water, water. Increasing your fiber is a good idea, too, to clean out your colon and get rid of anything "hanging around". Lastly, avoid salt like the plague - especially 2 days prior to your weigh in.

    If we are literally talking about 2 weeks and then a return to healthy, balanced eating - I don't believe two weeks is going to harm your body overall. We are definitely not talking about a "good" way to lose weight here. I actually know a couple of guys that have had to make a weight class in training and have successfully dropped ridiculous numbers to do so. Again, I can't advocate it, and it's unlikely, but it's POSSIBLE.

    If there is any chance of getting an extension, I think that would be be your best bet. Or, y'know, cutting off a leg. :-)

    Best of luck.
  • Giantess
    Giantess Posts: 213 Member
    Get an extension, dude. I'm sorry to say it, but that's not gonna happen, even on the most extreme diets.

    My dad was career military, and he had a buddy that was overweight and used to get extensions. Can you do something like that?
  • fitaliciag
    And if you try to really exercise a lot, in that short a timeframe you're likely to gain water weight from the radical shift in activity, thus backfiring on the scale number.

    this is what i was trying to tell you before. working yourself harder isnt going to help you now.....what you need is a cleanse, and actual up the *kitten* colon cleanse....and a fast.
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    Eat a tapeworm? Haha joking joking for real dont do that.
  • arw060310
    arw060310 Posts: 256 Member
    Well, if you fail this test it's not like they are gonna kick you out the next day. You'll probably just get flagged and then you'll have to try really hard to not fail the next time. Unless you've already failed.
  • RangerSteve
    I'm not sure if it has changed since I've been in but if we failed the weigh-in test, we'd get tape tested. (neck, waist, hip measurement) If you pass that, you're fine.

    If that's not an option and you need weight loss fast, find someone who used to wrestle or box in your group. They should know how to cut weight. You're going to have to use water manipulation and you're going to have to hit a sauna. It's not the best method but it's safe if you're smart about it. You really need someone who's experienced with it to help you though or you're going to hurt yourself.

    Won't they give you an extra 30 days in case you fail the test though? If that's the case, do it the smart way.
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    Cut sodium and drink lots of water. Will you pass the rope and choke? You should have your PRT Coordinator take your measurements now so you can see how far you have to go.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Do you know any pregnant chicks?
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Impossible, earthling.