30 day shred



  • Venusjems
    Venusjems Posts: 88 Member
    Hey guys, come join us over at this thread

    We have another little blog website set up, and a spreadsheet, that we all log on what exercises we do and we have weigh in's every friday. The winner of the weigh in will inflict some sort of additional punishment... i mean workout.... on us!

    Head over to that thread and join us!! we are great motivation for each other
  • Summarain
    Summarain Posts: 145

    I tried 30 day shred consistantly for about 2 weeks and I ended up getting shin splints, then getting sick then getting into a car accident and then getting lazy...lol. But the shin splints prevented me from doing it 30 days straight.

    I am going to try it again...when is the start date?:bigsmile:
    JMAMA Posts: 298 Member
    I had great results with the shred. I did it 27 out of the 30 days in a row, in November 08. I had about 5-10 lbs to lose and I lost 6lbs during that time. I also noticed that my skin around my thighs and bum was much, much smoother and more firm (bye bye cellulite). I would do the workout in the evenings: the first week i did level one, and then level moved on to level 2, and would alternate from 2 and 1 if I felt sore the next day, I did this for another week, but was curious about level 3 so I tried it one night. It is a great workout-really gets your heart pumping. From then on I just alternated the levels, and did the ones that I felt like. If I were feeling super energetic one day I would do 3 and then if I were feeling lazy, I would go back to level one, but I did it everyday (minus the three days due to a headcold). Good luck everyone and stick with it!
  • aprilann
    aprilann Posts: 238
    Omgoodness I didn't expect to see so many people interested! I guess everyone want to start Mon or sooner this gives everyone ti,e to try it and rest if there new to the program any newbies should try it today and then we should all start monday. What do you all think?
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Good Morning Everyone.

    I bought the 30 day shred yesterday and I tried it this morning. I LIKED IT!!!!!!! I liked how jillan explains correct form and breathing (because I never do). I felt so bad because as she counted down to the fast few seconds i was pooped:laugh: i am so excited to see what I look like after 30 days. My favorite line from the DVD so far is " if you want abs like this you have to work for them, they do not come easy" I have decided that I'm going to attempt to do the workout twice a day. ( we will see how that works)

    ???? how are you guys logging the video on here????

  • Sparkle523
    So how is everyone doing with this? I love Jillian!!! I would love some extra motivation to stick to it for 30 days although doing every day seems intense!

    Thanks & have a great night!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Easy Calorie Counting
  • Paeonia
    Paeonia Posts: 161
    I'm on day 16! Stick with it, you're going to start seeing the changes in your muscle tone, and that will be excellent motivation for you to want to keep going.
  • gkbagley
    gkbagley Posts: 2
    I started doing the workout back in January for about 2.5 weeks, but I got really sick (flu) and then never started back. I'm prone to laziness. :) During that 2.5 weeks I definitely lost inches, though only 2 pounds. But it was enough inches for several people to ask me if I'd lost weight. I have been doing other exercise since then, though inconsistently.

    I'm glad I saw this thread. It's motivated me to start the 30-day shred again. If it weren't already 10 PM, I'd start tonight. I've got work in the morning, so I'll start tomorrow. Plus, tomorrow is the 1st, so I'll have an easy time of keeping track of the days. :)

    One note -- Jillian is kinda mean. I have a lot of friends that watch "Biggest Loser," but I've never seen it myself. They say she's not mean, she's just motivational. One person's mean is another's motivation, I guess. Either way, I know the video helped me before. I'm excited to start back on it again.
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    I started doing the workout back in January for about 2.5 weeks, but I got really sick (flu) and then never started back. I'm prone to laziness. :) During that 2.5 weeks I definitely lost inches, though only 2 pounds. But it was enough inches for several people to ask me if I'd lost weight. I have been doing other exercise since then, though inconsistently.

    I'm glad I saw this thread. It's motivated me to start the 30-day shred again. If it weren't already 10 PM, I'd start tonight. I've got work in the morning, so I'll start tomorrow. Plus, tomorrow is the 1st, so I'll have an easy time of keeping track of the days. :)

    One note -- Jillian is kinda mean. I have a lot of friends that watch "Biggest Loser," but I've never seen it myself. They say she's not mean, she's just motivational. One person's mean is another's motivation, I guess. Either way, I know the video helped me before. I'm excited to start back on it again.

    I watch Biggest Loser. I will agree Jillian isn't all rainbows and sunshine. I don't think we would be BFF's but she makes a good video.
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Anyone try it but not complete it or tried it but didn't do it in the 30 day time frame? I started but never finished wondering if anyone wants to try it with me and see what kind of results we get in the 30 days? I could use some motivation and reason to keep it up. I got through level one and that was it. I want to see what kind of results I get in the actual 30 days!

    I would love to know more about this? Where did you pick it up at?