Keeping your actual weight a secret from loved one?

Does anyone else NOT tell their loved one/spouse their actual weight?

My husband knows how much Ive lost and has been very supportive along the way. But, I never told him my starting weight I guess out of embarrassment. He always guesses my weight to be much lower than my actual weight so I have never been motivated to clue him in. :) Anyone else in the same boat?


  • angkev2560
    I used to.....but then when I started to lose, I just told him. It made me feel better about my progress for some reason:)
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    i used to do that but now i just don't care anymore who knows.
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    I kept my weight a secret for several years. However, once i started on my weight loss/get healthy journey, i told my husband exactly how much i weighed, what i wanted to weigh, and how i planned to get there. He's been incredibly supportive. Granted, he was heavy and trying to lose as well. With a normal weight spouse, it might be harder to admit how bad it's gotten. But really - they have eyes, they know.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Yes! I have never told my husband my actual weight, have told him how much I've lost or what size my clothes are, but I just haven't been able to go all the way!
  • nacobi
    nacobi Posts: 28 Member
    My boyfriend has asked me since he knows that I have been trying to lose weight but I refuse to tell him. He did not know me at my "skinny" self when I was 130lbs but I guess I keep my current weight to myself because I am self conscious about it.
  • lissypriss
    lissypriss Posts: 157 Member
    I was honest, and when I started losing, I txt'd him at work a pic of the weight on the scale! LOL! I didn't want him to think I was just saying I lost, not actually doing it. :)
  • sarab99
    sarab99 Posts: 134 Member
    I kinda doubt that there are too many spouses or significant others that know their mates weight. I go so far as to close the bathroom door and refuse to weigh myself on Wii if theres anyone else in the room. I might mention I lost weight, but never what I weigh. ;)
  • Eagles320
    No way!!! Your loved one is your best support.
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    to both myself and my dh the number on the scale is not important its how I feel about myself and my image that is important
    he knows I am loosing but again not how much as the number is just that a number
  • jemachharo
    jemachharo Posts: 144 Member
    only what i've lost. I hope he never knows. I have to keep some secrets.....
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    My hubby new my starting weight. We don't keep any secrets. He's been wonderful! He loved me at 158 pounds and loves me just as much at 119 pounds.
  • sandhillcrane
    Nope! Been married 33 years. He has no clue! And he knows better than to ask!!!! :glasses:
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    Big Secret here. I didn't even tell mine I was trying. But i left my jillian DVD out and weights and he caught on rather quickly. I don't think I have even told him how much I had lost. I only talk about it with a few select people. In fact, I will tell people about MFP (including my sister) but tell them I will not "Friend" them because this is my secret world. LOL!
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    I have in the past told my boyfriend my weight at different times but this past weight gain I was too embarressed to tell him I tipped the scales at over 250 this time. When he met me at I weighed 175 and slowly "grew." I'm now down to 208 and still haven't told him. I figure I will tell him once I hit onderland again!
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Mine knows. I weigh myself in front of him. He's crazy good at guessing people's weight anyway (he could join the carnival if he were so inclined).
  • JConstine
    I've never been embarrassed enough about my weight not to tell a loved one. When we first started dating he guessed my weight was way less than it was and I told him my actual weight. It was no big deal...kinda funny actually.
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    My husband is 5 inches taller than me- and (at my heaviest) 45 pounds lighter than me. NO WAY would I admit to him what the scale said!!!
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    Both me and my husband are trying to get in shape. I've told him my number, but he is keeping his number a secret from me!
  • jhoney8
    jhoney8 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm there. I've only told one friend how much I actually weigh. Now that I weigh less than my dad and brother I think about it, but their expectations/ideas of what a woman should weigh are so different from my goals I don't really want to clue them in. My bf is shorter than me (by two inches) and has never been even a little chubby. My goal weight is still 15 lbs bigger than he is now, so that discourages me. I have a feeling he knows, generally, but I don't feel the need to share. Maybe when I hit my goal...? Sometimes I wonder how people would react if they knew how big I really was.
  • choconuts
    choconuts Posts: 208 Member
    I am one who tells anyone my weight, lol. If weight/size/dieting/gaining comes up, I'll say my weight. I've always done this, I've never made it a secret. I think it helps hold me accountable.

    ***I don't tell random people, I'm referencing family/friends.