Why can't I shed?

UmaB Posts: 5 Member
edited October 3 in Motivation and Support
Hello everyone! New on here and definitely excited to be part of this community. Ok I am going to jump in with my dilemma.
I have been working out seriously now for two months. This past month I have been going to the gym five days a week and alternating running, swimming and weight training. I am also now counting my calories (which I didn't do before).

I haven't been losing weight but yes definitely losing inches and looking and feeling great. However I want to know, how come the scale doesn't reflect my new lifestyle changes? I eat healthier, stay under my calorie count and work out hard at the gym? I recently took on a personal trainer last wednesday and he set me up on a workout plan and calorie counting. I thought when I weighed in on monday I would have lost weight but I actually gained a pound! Is it too soon to see results? What's going on?!


  • You're building muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat. If you are losing inches, that means in return you are losing the fat and building good lean muscle. Try not to concentrate so much on the scale now, but rather the inches you are losing, the good quality food you are using to fuel your body and the progress you are seeing in the gym. The scale can be deceiving and give us the wrong perception that we "must be doing something wrong." Sounds like you are well on the path for fitness and a fantastic and healthy life.
  • Same things going on with me- so frustrating when the number on the scale doesn't move. However congrats on your new lifestyle and looking better
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Before you get a bunch of people telling you gained muscle (sorry, it doesn't happen that fast), let me share my two cents:

    It's not just staying under your calories - the QUALITY of those calories counts. You have to eat clean!

    Cut out sugar, processed food, unhealthy fats, and starchy carbs.

    Eat lots of green, fiber-rich, 100% WHOLE grain foods and lean proteins and healthy fats.

    Also- congrats on your progress. Losing inches is great - don't worry about the scale so much if you look and feel great. In your profile pic, you look pretty tiny already, so you may not have many pounds to shed in the first place! :flowerforyou:

    Anyway results are going to be about 80% diet (QUALITY of the diet, not just quantity) and 20% exercise.
  • UmaB
    UmaB Posts: 5 Member
    thank you so much!
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