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Keeping your actual weight a secret from loved one?



  • sunshinel397
    sunshinel397 Posts: 206 Member
    Some things are better kept secret!
    My husband and I have been together almost ten years and he has never had any idea what I weigh. He has seen me at my lightest over 80 pounds ago and at my heaviest last year.
    He never asks, I don't tell and that is how I like it!
    He also is the most supportive man and loves me at any size. Truly blessed to have him in my life!:love:
  • lwhitman4
    lwhitman4 Posts: 144 Member
    My hubs knows my weight but he refuses to tell me his. He's a pretty big guy. I'm guessing 330+. I have been suggesting he come walk with me but he never does. At least I cook very healthy meals, and we don't do fast food unless he goes on his own. Small steps.
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    I kept it from my husband....until when I started on this site I bought a digital scale and was getting ticked off because I could not get it to turn on, well...my husband came to my rescue at the worst time possible. Needless to say there are no more secrets :indifferent:
  • ajanmillie
    ajanmillie Posts: 241 Member
    I have always been the opposite. I tell everyone my weight even when I was 280. I could never keep it a secret especially if people could just look at me and go, oh, you weigh alot.
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    I've come to the conclusion you wear your number on your sleeve. A number, is a number, is a number. Sorry to be blunt but you can't hide fat. You can't hide skinny either. I've never kept my weight from my boyfriend, sure I never mentioned how much I weighed when we first started dating almost 7 years ago (at the time I never knew my weight anyway) but it was quite obvious I was heavier.
  • I have never told my husband and he has never asked me, He does know how much I have lost and encourages me to do good!!!!!
  • atlraine
    atlraine Posts: 172 Member
    My husband has always known. Even when we were dating as teenagers. I've always struggled with my weight and I've always been 20lbs heavier than him (and he's 5'10" and I'm only 5'4"). Now thanks to MFP these past two years, I can honestly say I am SMALLER than the hubby by 45lbs!! Yea ME!! LOL!

    We used to have this running joke that I would always ask him if I weighed 200lbs would he still love me. He would always respond I will always love you. Well, sometime in my late 20's to early 30's I started to push over 200lbs and he still loved me! He's been my inspiration, motivator and supporter.

    I don't mind telling people how much I weigh because I always get this shocked look from them. I am built differently than most people that I don't look like what I actually weigh. This is a good thing because most guess lower by at least 10-15lbs. . :love:
  • janetb21
    janetb21 Posts: 182 Member
    I only recently told my husband my starting weight. I didn't want to tell him. I think it bothered him that he didn't know, but I'm sorry, it was just a little too personal to share. I finally got to the point where I could though.
  • It's as though I wrote this message!! ('Haven't lost too much weight, yet!!)Keep up the good work! I know for me, the number shocks!
  • Nope, I've never hidden my wieght from hubby. Never been in your shoes. My hubby cheers me on! Sounds like yours does the same for you. I don't know what I'd do in your shoes, but I bet your hubby would cheer you on no matter what the number on the scale says.
  • LaComadreja14
    LaComadreja14 Posts: 277 Member
    I've always told him, especially since I started gaining weight (which is why I'm here) cuz I would be so upset after being weighed and he's always like "don't feel bad mami, I gaind __ lbs too." lol. He also helps me a lot in the weight loss department, due to our scheduals I was doing most of the house work. We made a pact that if I started working out instead of just complaining about it and taking 20x longer to get ready everyday, than he would get up early and do some of the house work so I would actually have time to work out. Now, I work out and he helps with house work and its like a little reward to know I dont have to come home and do laundry or dishes or w.e. lol. He is also my healthy eating support system :)
  • Ritala1987
    Ritala1987 Posts: 135 Member
    No way!!! Your loved one is your best support.

    I couldnt agree more!!!!!
  • My husband knows how much I weigh, how much I want to lose, and how much I've lost. He's great for support, so I don't really feel embarrassed letting him know the number.
  • Thanks for the feedback and comments everyone!

    In some respects, I think my husband turned a blind eye to my weight gain...He always tells me he is happy with the way I look. Even when I show him pics of me a year ago (we were together then!) he does a double take. Did he not notice the weight? Doubtful, but I guess he can really see the difference now. I dont think he would care what my SW was and yes, he is incredibly supportive. For some reason, Im okay sharing the numbers here but not with him. Maybe when I reach my GW I will tell him so we can celebrate together!
  • How do you tell your partner you're 10 kilos heavier than him :P

    I'll tell him when I've finished, but not now. It's too embarrassing.
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    When I started I was pretty embarrassed, my SO is super tiny and weighed a good 30 pounds less than me and I'm much shorter, I didn't want to admit it. Now we make notes together of how much I've lost, and I haven't hidden how low I want to get (I've even mentioned being only 10 pounds away from my goal, as if it could get more obvious) but I've still never been able to say the actual number, even though it's really good now! I suppose it's because even though I've lost so much I'm still right around the same number as my SO, I want to wait to admit it until I can say I'M LESS THAN YOU NOW!
  • LHann360
    LHann360 Posts: 159 Member
    My husband doesn't care about the numbers. He is the most laid back guy I know...very athletic too and he has always supported all of me no matter what the weight.

    My goal is to get into "his pants" :laugh: :laugh: At my goal weight I should be able to fit in his jeans. Then of coarse I'll re-evaluate my goals. Not sure where I am going to be comfortable on this journey. But for now, I am only 7 lbs. away from my first one. :bigsmile:
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    I am very secretive asbout my weight to friends and family. If anyone started talking about weight, I usually kept quiet. If they asked how much I have lost I would tell them. One friend stumped me by asking what I weigh now, I couldn't get out of that question, so told her truthfully, and she didn't recoil in horror or laugh, just said well done, youre doing great. Its made me a bit more willing to talk about it if the subject comes up in the future.
    Just now my hubby hasn't seen me since July (working abroad) so hopefully he will notice a big difference when he comes home.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Mine has no idea how much I weigh. He knows how much I have lost but, bless him, he has never specifically asked how much I currently or used to weigh. If he did ask, I'd tell him!
  • I never could tell my husband my weight. He's always guessed a number that was significantly lower than my actual weight. lol. ... However about 4 months ago I told him what my then current weight was, even what my heaviest weight was (just in January) .. I tell him every few days when I weigh myself about my progress as well. I feel like it was such a big secret, as though I was ashamed. Well I am trying really hard to do something about it, so I need his support. Letting him in on all aspects of what I'm doing helps me. He's the only one who knows though, lol. Other than everyone on MFP, lol