Nursing mothers

Mderue Posts: 2
edited October 3 in Introduce Yourself
trying to lose my baby weight. My little girl is eight months and I am still nursing. Any other nursing moms out there?


  • I am here. Nursing my 3 1/2 month old baby boy.
  • rapitup
    rapitup Posts: 20 Member
    yes mam I'm nursing my son is 8 wks and I've lost 7 pounds since I've joined
  • Mama_CAEI
    Mama_CAEI Posts: 235
    My youngest is 11 months old, still going strong. :)
  • Mderue
    Mderue Posts: 2
    Was able to get to pre baby weight after the first one 2.5 years ago. Now having a horrible time. Limited Tim for exercise. Hungry all the time. Went on Zoloft btw babies. Gained 12 pounds! Not a option to go off. Rather b a good mama and fat than a skinny unbalanced mama :)
  • Khorner84
    Khorner84 Posts: 55 Member
    I just signed up for this yesterday and im trying to lose my baby weight. Im still nursing my 6 month old son. Im not sure what my weight is now......i dont own a scale :embarassed: I will weigh in tomorrow at work.
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    I'm pretty sure there are about a zillion of us on here :)
  • hello, another nursing mom here, baby is almost 7 months. have about 30 lbs of baby weight to lose (i had two kids back-to-back, gained 20 lbs with the first, 10 with the 2nd) . i just started trying to get in shape and lose the weight!

    unlike most moms, breastfeeding makes me GAIN weight (makes me super-hungry and i end up eating a lot, plus my body hangs to on to weight way more, especially in the upper body). i never lost any weight after having my first and he was exclusively breastfed until 12 months. I got pregnant again when he was 7 mos so i didn't really have a chance to diet/exercise much then. Now for the first time, i am nursing a 7month old and am not pregnant (and am not planning to be anytime soon! hehe), so it's time for me to try to lose this baby weight for good! A big wake-up call was the fact that I weigh more now than i did when i was 7 mos pregnant with my first, which is SO embarrassing (people have asked me when my baby was due!!)!! i hope using this program i can at least lose some baby weight (so that i don't look pregnant, at least!), and then lose another bit after i stop nursing.
  • Silvercivic
    Silvercivic Posts: 156 Member
    I nursed my 2 yr old for 1 year and I'm currently nusing my 6 month old. This site is great- feel free to add me as a friend! I've been allowing myself 1200 calories a day but I add 200-300 calories more each day for breastfeeding. I definitely find that I'm more hungry when I nurse, but the hundreds and hundreds of extra calories I was eating before joining MFP was totally unnecessary! It is nice to feel like I am more in control of how much I'm eating.
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    I think there are tons here. :) my barely 2 yo is still nursing, but not often. Hint: is you haven't found it, there are negative calorie options in the food logs under breastfeeding. I use the older child option, half a serving, to account for nursing in my calorie log.

    It is hard to find time. As a mom of 3 little ones, my advice is to work out during naps. Right one im doing the 30ds video during nap time (sometimes with my older kids 'helping' lol), and I run either right before or right after bedtime, while DH spends a little quality time with them, though that's only possible 3-4 times a week. My real big advice is to join a gym with a great childcare program if it's an option. It has made my life as a SAHM so much more enjoyable! I can work out and shower alone, while they have fun. Win win. I would cut a lot of expenses before I cut that.
  • mrsredneckmorris
    mrsredneckmorris Posts: 119 Member
    I'm a nursing mother of a 16 month old ; trying to lose my baby weight too. I Love this site, it make it so easy to keep track of your "diet" and nutrition plan!
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