Mens Challenge- October

There are an overwhelming majority of Ladies at this site, which I dont mind at all! But it also puts us guys at a disadvantage numerically and we need to stick together. Who's up for a Mens Four week Challenge? Starting Monday, October 3 until October 31. I challenge you gentlemen to join me in a Mens challenge to Improve your upper body strength. Strength training and increasing your muscle tone and size will signifigantly help you cut fat and make you feel better, look better and enjoy better health.

This months challenge will be simple: Increase the percentage of pushups you can do in one sitting by 30 percent or more in one month.

One sitting means from the moment you get down on fours and start until you drop down on the floor unable to do one more you have your maximum number of pushups. No breaks, no resting on the floor, and no time limit. Just drop and go. Doesnt matter if you do military push ups, use your knees, do em one handed, Whatever way helps you to do your pushups.

Some of you could do a hundred, some can only do ten, and it doesnt matter how you stack up numerically against another guy because you are competing with yourself baby! If you dont want to share your initial count thats fine, be sure to update us how you are doing once a week with the percent you managed to increase.

I'll post the max I could do here- I am out of shape and this month I am going to change that. My Maximum in one set was 15 Military push ups. Thats without stopping top or bottom or without taking a break. Compared to when I was a 20 something guy, not very good. So that means in a month Im going to have to change that from 15, to 20 to meet the challenge.

Are you in? Sound off!!!


  • tbear16
    tbear16 Posts: 31 Member
    Sounds good to me I need to start working on my upper body, I have lost forty lb so now to work on the rest of the body.
  • JasonSwetland
    JasonSwetland Posts: 235 Member
    Sounds Great TBear! Any other guys want to join us?
  • scott1024
    scott1024 Posts: 279 Member
    I was in, but now I'm OFFICIALLY in!
  • ceyuh
    ceyuh Posts: 34
    In. Good luck to all!
  • JasonSwetland
    JasonSwetland Posts: 235 Member
    Sounds good to me I need to start working on my upper body, I have lost forty lb so now to work on the rest of the body.

    Hows it going Tbear?