30 day shred - what equipment is needed?

hello fellow MFP-ers,

i've just bought my very own 30DS dvd based on what many of you have said about it. just wondering.... what equipment do i need at home? hand weights etc? and how much room will i need?




  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,648 Member
    All you need is a set of hand weights and a mat if you're working out on a hard floor. You really shouldn't need much room past how big a mat would be. Happy Shredding and good luck! :)
  • thanks for that! i shall procure the weights this very evening. and i think my yoga mat will suffice.
  • AnnThereseRN
    AnnThereseRN Posts: 44 Member
    I used Hunt's Spaghetti sauce cans (bigger than soup cans) or you could use water bottles (1/2 liter = 1.1 lbs so do the math on whatever size you have). They are only about 1 lb each, but they are free and are good for building up good technique until you buy the hand weights.
  • Kel3369
    Kel3369 Posts: 83 Member

    I just work out in my living room. You need enough room on level 1 to do jumping jacks comfortably and stretch out to do sit ups and push ups. If you have enough room to do all this you should be fine. You need a good floor mat and weights. I use 3 pound weights but I don't think she ever says what size to use so use what you are comfortable with. I am on day 5 of level 1 and its getting a little easier. Day 1 I could hardly do the jumping jacks so I see improvement. I just wish someone could tell me how many calories are burnt after completing level 1. :) Good Luck!
  • spaghetti sauce cans... i love a thrifty suggestion! thanks!
  • thanks, kel. good luck with the rest of your programme! glad to hear it gets easier!