Sodium you say?

I am over my sodium intake by about 1900.... whats the worst that cna happen from eating too much sodium?


  • syguy
    syguy Posts: 35
    Water retention is the side effect of excess sodium I believe so additional water weight.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Extra weight from water retention is the only weight-related side effect of which I'm aware.

    Sodium also has negative cardiac impacts. But you'd have to look those up. I'm not familiar.
  • ive been over my sodium as well and now i look at the foods i eat and the sodium it has, calories, cholesterol....i just also printed a list for myself of low-sodium foods, and low-fat, high-protein foods....i just started this a few weeks ago, so im trying to stick with it as much as possible, good luck!!!
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    You seem to eating a lot of processed foods. If you start cooking using fresh ingredients you will find your sodium intake easier to control. I haven't used salt for years not even for cooking. When I visit my Mother who uses salt in her cooking I have to stop at the nearest shop on the way home to buy a bottle of water because I feel so thirsty. My Mother suffers from heart problems, high blood pressure and has had several strokes. Her Doctor has constantly told her to reduce her sodium intake because it's not helping. I'm 62 and have a family history of heart problems. So far I had no issues. I believe this is due to keeping my sodium intake as low as possible.
  • Sodium used to always be a problem for me. I'm still very young and i have severe blood pressure readings, my doctor has threatened to put me on lifelong medication if i don't cut out my sodium. i also get pressure in my lower abdomen when i eat too much salt. it's also very bad for your heart - you're at risk of heart attacks if you consume too much.And honestly if you really want to lose weight - and i swear on this one, lower your sodium intake to 2,000mg a day. it was hard for me at first because there's sodium in almost everything, and i love pasta and chinese food which both contain alot of it. But if you can keep your sodium down, you'll lose weight fast. i notice when i don't eat a lot of it, the weight just falls off. It's amazing. My advice would be if you eat out alot, to try making your own dinners instead, and if you don't like cooking, find a healthier alternative instead of just heating something up in the microwave (that was my weakness). I notice that just by cooking and knowing what i put in my own food, it helps me alot to determine what i should and shouldn't eat. Good luck! (:
  • kirstyfromscotland
    kirstyfromscotland Posts: 555 Member
    i feel so much better having cut back, i ate heaps of salt with everything, i didnt eat much processed foods but that will really bump up ur sodium, i make 90% of my stuff myself now cutting sodium right back. hope that helps.x