Low/No Carbing It!

JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
edited October 3 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi All,

SOOooo I decided for the rest of the month of October I am going to Low/No Carb it. I will still be eating my 2 slices of bread with sandwhiches, but thats it. The only carbs I will be eating will be natural carbs ( fruits, veggies, etc ) But no created carbs. Ya... I will also be allowing myself ONE carby meal on the weekends. I think allowing myself that one meal will make it easier. This is more of an experiment than anything. I am going to be documenting through out this month about how I am feeling and results so you can all read about how a crazy, bread deprived lady karate chopped a small child for his cheezits.

I am looking for responses/sucess stories from people who have/do the same. I am not looking to never eat carbs again and cut carbs totally from my life, I am just basicaly experimenting and trying to "jump start" back into my healthy reg. as I have been off it for a couple months and the scale and my expanding *kitten* show it.




  • I always find that I lose the most weight when I'm not eating carbs.

    I started my weight loss journey doing a very low carb shake diet and found it great but it made me see carbs as evil and I was afraid to eat them for a while.
  • sounds hard! Definitely keep me posted on this!!
  • I would be lost without my carbs. I tried this once and literally had dreams about oatmeal.
  • I eat low carb. My only 'bread' item is in the morning, I have a ww english muffin for breakfast. I do have carbs all day in form of veggies and my 1 apple though.

    I lol'd @ ".....you can all read about how a crazy, bread deprived lady karate chopped a small child for his cheezits."

    Don't no carb it, but low carbs, sure :)
  • BethlovesRene
    BethlovesRene Posts: 85 Member
    I'd be interested to see how it goes for you, I always did pretty well with low carb
  • Low/No carbing works for weight loss especially if you are a diabetic. I've been doing it for almost 3 months and my A1C dropped to 5.8 which is .2 away from being non-diabetic. I've dropped 2 diabetic RXs which were inhibiting my weight loss.

    It's not an easy diet...there are many times I think I'll cackle if I eat another egg!!! But, 25 pounds gone in 3 months is success! And, I never bought into the "hype" of having more energy...but it is true!

    Good luck!
  • char63
    char63 Posts: 38 Member
    I am also cutting my carbs right down as of next monday, just to see what difference it will make to my weight loss. Good luck!!
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Yes, I have never tried this, so I think I might have some success. And carby foods DO give you ( or me at least ) that heavy feeling sometimes after eating them. If this month goes Okay, I may try to make it untill thanksgiving. OMG id probably explode haha!
  • HollyMac20
    HollyMac20 Posts: 259 Member
    I just started structuring my diet around Paleo, which in a sense is similar just with a few more things cut out. It focuses on hunter/gathering diet. So meats, veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds. I have also found my body reacts the best when I do cut out the flour based carbs, or like you are doing, keep them to 1 serving a day. Cutting out the added sugar and salt makes a huge different too!

    breakfast is typically eggs or an omlet with spinach, broccoli, bacon, ham or onions. I try to get some veggie in there somewhere.
    snacks include, banana and almond butter, pears, trail mix, larabars, apples, carrots and celery, hummus, cottage cheese
    lunch is grilled chicken and squash, i just made a meatloaf and will have it will colliflower, any meat and veggie
    dinner is similar. sometimes if we are doing burger and fries, I will just have no bun on a bed of greens and sweet potato over fries. or if it is taco night, same thing, just put the innerds of your taco in a bowl.

    good luck! once you get what you are going to eat planned out and in a routine, you will be fine. it is a little adjusttment, but it works great. don't get too hard on yourself if you slip up, just get back on track for the next meal.
  • Teddyaderwich
    Teddyaderwich Posts: 69 Member
    I have generally found weightloss is more successful for me when cutting carbs back. Because I have a lot to lose am on a restrictive carb diet - but through this have discovered the Dukan galette - they are lovely and tasty, versatile, low carb, and because oat bran expands by about 25 times it keeps you full.

    Recipe if your interested is:

    2tablespoons oat bran
    2tablespoons low fat fromage frais
    An egg

    If savoury one wanted add herbs/salt
    If sweet one wanted add sweetener and spices (cinnamon, allspice etc)

    Cook batter in non stick frying pan - lightly greased - for 2-3 mins each side or until mixture firms up so can be turned over.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    i haven't had any bread for a week started last Tuesday, no potatoes, pasta, wheat cereals or rice either. I've lost 5 lbs in the first week, hoping I can keep losing 5lbs a week for a few weeks!

    I have allowed a mini yorkshire pud on sunday as I'm from Yorkshire and sunday dinner isn't sunday dinner without a yorkshire pud!.. I did replace the roast potatoes with mashed swede though.

    I allow oats and Rice Krispies though for breakfast as I suspect my issue is with the wheat gluten. I have gluten free bread once a week. (its higher calorie than regular bread)

    I also allow alcohol and chocolate (bars.. but not brownies etc that contain flour)... I will occasionally have things in batter like a fish, but I've found just reducing the amount of wheat from day by taking out wheat cereals., sandwiches for lunch AND pasta, rice or potatoes for dinner the weight is finally starting to drop off.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I am hoping to find some success!! I love love bread so this will be hard for me!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    The Gluten free bread I got tastes more similar to toasted muffins which are lovely with poached egg or scrambled egg on top and a bit of bacon!.. YUMM! :tongue:
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Going low carb was not my goal, but it's been a byproduct of my goals. I have increased my protein intake quite a bit, which has forced me to adjust my other macros to stay within my calorie goals. I'm eating at a 35-25-40 distribution of protein, carbs, and fats, which allows for 115 to 120 g of carbs on training days (I eat at or close to maintenance on these days) and about 80 g on non-training days. The hardest has been coming up with different meal plans that meet all my nutrition goals so that I'm not eating the same meals day after day, but once you clear that hurdle, you realize pretty quickly that you CAN live without processed carbs.
  • tweezer17
    tweezer17 Posts: 11 Member
    My doctor suggested cutting down on carbs for my endometriosis. Not sure if I can do it! Maybe your expirament will motivate me!
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member
    Living proof it works. As long as you remember like any other eating plan out there that once you start eating carbs again you will have to keep it at moderation and watch your portions. For example. This year when I moved up the carb ladder i was still losing steadily at 130 gms a day but I had to cut my calories back and keep my carbs healthy ones. I still try to stay clear from white sugar, white rice and white pasta. I can every now and then eat a piece of birthday cake at a special occasion or take a day off for a party but I have to go right back like any other plan. The only suggestion I'd like to make is that you switch out those 2 pieces of bread for a whole grain version like Pepperidge farms sandwich rounds or Orrowheat whole wheat sandwich thins. They are good carbs and also 100 calories. I love them and actually don't miss bread at all (except for logan's damn rolls LOL) After doing Low carb for so long I have learned a lot and one thing is most people don't have to go drastically low carb. They can just look at what they have been eating in carbs and cut that in half and immediately see not only weight loss but better energy levels and better blood sugar levels. That's something to think about. Good luck.
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