For Women: weight lifting

What is your favorite weight lifting workout? What workout have you seen the most improvement from? My target areas right now are in this order: 1. Tummy 2. Arms 3 Butt and Thighs


  • kerriknox
    kerriknox Posts: 276 Member
    I am currently working through the program from the book 'the new rules of lifting for women' and it is fantastic. Before this I did stronglifts 5 x 5 and really noticed an improvement from that as well. I do think this book is a better bet though as it is a 6 month progressive program.
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    my hiney workouts,I have a love hate relationship with with squats and lunges
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I work every part of my body and have seen improvement all over. My favorite workout set is squats, lunges, deadlifts (all to failure). I am 2/3 of the way through Lee Labrada's 12 week lean body trainer ( and have seen huge results from it.
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    I don't lift but I love working abs!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I am currently working through the program from the book 'the new rules of lifting for women' and it is fantastic. Before this I did stronglifts 5 x 5 and really noticed an improvement from that as well. I do think this book is a better bet though as it is a 6 month progressive program.

    I'm starting the first cycle of NROWL tomorrow afternoon, and am really excited about it. But I've been lifting for a while and really just like variety and compound movements. I don't really target my belly, I found the best results in that department by decreasing overall body fat through cardio calorie burn and food consumption.
  • 16mixingbowls
    16mixingbowls Posts: 205 Member
    I just got a great new(ish) book from the library called The New Rules of Lifting for Women. The author is Lou Schuler. He's written a lot for men in the area of weight lifting, and in this book talks about how important weight lifting is for women, and that we need to life HEAVIER THINGS! Check into it! It totally motivates me to give it all I've got at the gym. I typically work on my core, arms/back, and legs/butt. I'm kinda getting conceited about my defined shoulders!!!

    Edit: Haha, it looks like a few others were thiinking/typing the same thing as me as I wrote that. :laugh:
  • kitkatkait
    kitkatkait Posts: 87 Member
    toning for teens! It's awesome, because it's meant for teens who don't know how to weight lift or anything, so it addresses most of the questions I've had about weight lifting.
    It takes only 15-30 mins but the results are fabulous. I've been doing it a week -- without weights to start -- and I've already lost half an inch from my waist, and seen visible fat reduction in my arms and thighs.
    It's a book work out, but it's easy to understand because of it's target audience. You can buy it used from amazon for super cheap, too.
  • juli3b2011
    juli3b2011 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm using Chalean Extreme and love it...on week 8 of a 12 week program and already so much stronger and also seeing definition. Once I'm done with week 12, I will go into maintenance and stick with this program. Good luck!
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    I love the Romanian Deadlift and Bent Over Barbell Row. I have noticed a signficant change in my back and shoulders from Lateral Pulldowns, Cable Rows and Barbell Shoulder Presses. I hate leg workouts but, I love the definition I am seeing in my quads and calves.
  • JennyLJones
    JennyLJones Posts: 20 Member
    I'm currently lifting to P90X! I love it because it gives me a balanced workout in all my body parts! :)
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    I am currently doing ChaLean Extreme. My favorite moves are probably lunges and squats with 30lb weights. As soon as I'm done I'm going to purchase NROWLFW. I have heard many great things about it.
  • tigeratty
    tigeratty Posts: 75 Member
    Heavy squats and deadlifts with the barbell.
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    At first I did the Body Pump type classes in my gym. Then I did ChaLean Extreme. Now I'm going through the book, "New Rules of Lifting for Women". Each one is great in their own way.

    The classes helped introduce me to lifting, and also had a nice social aspect. But they were limiting, once I got to a certain level of fitness. Also, I had to go at the time that the gym had them scheduled, not on "my" time.

    ChaLean Extreme is awesome! I really toned up well using her dvds. That was great during the summer, when my boys were home from school, and I couldn't get to the gym. But the limitation is that I didn't have heavy enough weights (and I have everything b/t 2-20 lbs) by then end, and I really didn't want to buy an entire weight set.

    NROLFW is my absolute favorite. It is a complete program, designed in stages of your development, and has more combination moves. It involves your core, and all your major muscle groups, by using free weights/body weight, and some cable machines. The limitation here would be having gym access. Altho (supposedly) you can do this at home, again, unless you have a full range of weights, it's really hard to get the weight up as high as you need to.

    In any case, like a previous poster mentioned, you can lift all you want, and develop great muscles, but if you don't keep your diet in check, you won't get rid of those layers of fat OVER the muscles. So nutrition is really key.
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    Hmm where to start: About myself: I just turned 51, I have 5 kids the oldest is 24 and the youngest is 6 and the next youngest to him is 18. I've been really overweight for 24 years. I developed diabetes at age 35 and it went into remission when I started doing nursing clinicals (CNA type work). Kept it away until I was pregnant with my last child at age 45 and in the 7th month. Went away again during nursing and came back @2yrs post partum when I was weaning him and still starving. I started really paying attention just befor I got pregnant the last time. I was 226 and stayed the same throughout pregnancy. My boy was 7lbs 14 oz. Post partum I was at 216. Then I started belly dancing for a show so was practicing pretty much nightly and dropped all the way down to 209. Don't remember how much I bounced back up during weaning but it seems like it was about 216 again. Hunger was an issue. I was up to 27 units of long acting insulin 2x's a day and 17 units of fast acting at every meal. I was swimming, but starving and felt like I was not losing anything. I found a drug called Byetta which dropped my need for insulin, kept my sugars down and killed my appetite. then I added weight training and my fitness pal. Unfortunately not able to afford continuing the Byetta.

    Having said that however, I'm now down to 5 units of long acting insulin only on the days I'm not weight training and I'm down to 193 and holding however my measurements are slowly dropping and finally some real movement in my hip measurement which means that the viceral fat is going away!

    I actually felt like I was sitting on muscle when I got really going on the 5x5 program, whereas before it was more like just sitting on tissue or bone. I do 3 exercises a day, 3x's a week. Alternate between doing Squats, Bench Presses and Bent rows and then doing Squats, Overhead Preses and Deadlifts. Take 2 full days off, no cardio except whatever I do for fun. I've also started measuring and weighing once every 2 weeks.

    Once I felt like I could lift the wieght of a standard bar (15 lbs) I started the proper version of Strong lifts 5x5. Adding 5 lbs to every exercise every time unless I couldn't make it and then repeat that weight on the next round of that exercise. Once squats were heavy enough that I wanted to make sure I had a safer way to do them (I was using chairs instead of a squat rack) we found a used olympic bench with weights that normally retails around $400-$500 on Craigslist for $150.

    I got all the way up to 120 on my squats and started crumpling over in order to muscle the weight up and had noticed that my hams and glutes were not as sore as they should be. So now I'm backing down to 115 and doing box squats which forces me to push into my heels throughout the lift. I've also corrected my form on OHP and dropped back down to 65lbs.

    I very highly reccommend stronglifts 5x5. If you google it you can find a full pdf that will give you tons of info and there is a spreadsheet to download too. It's desgined for anybody and most of the info is geared toward men but you should be able to start with a standard bar, if you can't then start with dumbells and go to the bar when you can do at least 15 lbs. Make certain you get enough protien. Stretch afterwards, do cardio if you must on the same day, preferably after and on non weight training days do mild cardio and or yoga and stretching.

    Gloves and a bar pad are recomended and a belt for your working weight if you have trouble remembering to tighten your abs during lifting.

    For form I recomend going to youtube and searching for so you think you can squat, there's one for deadlifts, and bench presses too. Might be one for Overheads and rows, not sure. Also Mark Riptoe on Overhead presses.

    Good luck!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I am also working my way through New Rules of Lifting for Women. I'm almost done with stage 1. I like that it works all the major muscles and there are different stages so your body is constantly challenged. It's a 6 month program so I don't have to think about changing programs until it's over.
  • EthanJeremiahsMama
    EthanJeremiahsMama Posts: 534 Member
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    I've always just done by own thing, usually mixing it up between 4x8 and 3x12 sets/reps and dividing the week by body part and doing about 3 exercises per body part. Although my strength was increasing, I never saw any physical changes so I decided to stop *****footing it around and started on Saturday. Just finished day 3 today. I only got a few hours of sleep last night because I was feeling the DOMS in my legs hardcore. I'm excited for more :p
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    I've always just done by own thing, usually mixing it up between 4x8 and 3x12 sets/reps and dividing the week by body part and doing about 3 exercises per body part. Although my strength was increasing, I never saw any physical changes so I decided to stop *****footing it around and started on Saturday. Just finished day 3 today. I only got a few hours of sleep last night because I was feeling the DOMS in my legs hardcore. I'm excited for more :p

    Ah, I watched her video a while back and I just love it. Do you follow her nutrition program (in terms of consuming that many calories), or have you adjusted it in some way?
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    I've always just done by own thing, usually mixing it up between 4x8 and 3x12 sets/reps and dividing the week by body part and doing about 3 exercises per body part. Although my strength was increasing, I never saw any physical changes so I decided to stop *****footing it around and started on Saturday. Just finished day 3 today. I only got a few hours of sleep last night because I was feeling the DOMS in my legs hardcore. I'm excited for more :p

    Ah, I watched her video a while back and I just love it. Do you follow her nutrition program (in terms of consuming that many calories), or have you adjusted it in some way?

    I could never eat what somebody tells me, especially since there are no cookies in that plan :p I have a terrible diet, one thing at a time :p

    I'm 5'10 so naturally get to eat a good amount so I'm just aiming for about 2k plus what I burn and as much protein as I can... which is really really hard. I don't really like meat and a person can only eat so much yogurt, protein powders and nuts. I'm excited to get over 100g... really gotta work on that part if I want to see results I guess :\
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    another P90X fan, lifting heavy. Have tried a few other things, but for me, this gives the best fastest results. And I am "trainer picky" - not many I can stand to listen to for long, but Tony Horton works for me, so I can stick with the plan. I have done a few rounds now.

    Its a full body plan, and I see results all over. Started with a few small hand weights, eventually bought a dumb bell weight set at Wallmart for about $40. No we just add on a new set of weighted dumbbells, as we need them. My husband also does (P90x now, so we have acquired a good weight range at home.