Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed) - Week #11

Happy Halfway Everyone!!!!!


Now there is definitely some recognition that needs to happen here!!!

Butterbuns30 - 4.8lb loss this week
Cateyes0831 - Hit the 20lb loss mark
luvmyjp - Surpassed her Christmas goal with a loss of 28.4 so far (need a new goal)
nevermorex - HIT YOUR CHRISTMAS GOAL! (need a new goal)
liz4214 - 5.8lb loss this week
PositivePower - 3.9lb loss this week
jiminyc & sfalk1977 - 3lbs each this week
kjnicol - About to hit that 20lb mark for this challenge
Neize, kristinkt, shaverk1191, lpeacock06, and pinkita - You are all less than 10lbs away from your goal!
nevermorex & lpeacock06 - Over 8% lost for the challenge

What an awesome job you have all done! And are still doing! And just because your name wasn't listed above doesn't mean that you aren't recognized! Some of you have hit some personal milestones; reaching Onederland, or the 160's, or your pre-pregnancy weight. Others are still struggling to pull yourself out of your slump and THAT IS WHAT WE'RE HERE FOR!!! TO PULL EACH OTHER OUT!

The positive vibes, the motivation, and the results were definitely here this week! Still feeling down? Tell us what's on your mind! Let's see if we can come up with something to get you back on track!!!

I hope you enjoyed dancing! I know I did :) So good for your mind body and soul! It's my favorite, hehe.
We should now be at $40 for our Christmas gift to ourselves. Hope you're still stashing it away!
How's everyone doing with your water intake? Don't forget about this! It is so vitally important to your weight loss, AND YOUR HEALTH!

PHYSICAL CHALLENGE - If you want a few laughs - If you just want to take it easy - Intermediate level

PILATES! I want to challenge you to do different things throughout these weeks. Maybe some of you never did a burpee, or jumped rope, or considered dancing in your living room for no reason. But now you have! So now let's give Pilates a try! I have given you the links to a couple videos above but you are free to choose whatever pilates exercise you'd like.

Your challenge is to do 30 minutes of Pilates in the next week. Now maybe you have done it before, or are still doing it. Then my challenge to you is to take it up a notch, or try a new style. And for those that think it's easy... YOU'RE SORELY MISTAKEN :wink:

If anyone has a Pilates video that they use and want to share, please do!!!

Accountability is one of the main issues when it comes to weight loss. That is the reason websites like MFP lead to successful weigh loss and maintenance. We might think we're doing one thing, but when we SEE it in front of us, it may show us another.

Your personal challenge this week is to LOG EVERYTHING! All of your food, all of your drink, and all of your exercise! For those that are struggling, this may help to break you out! For those that have hit a plateau, this may help give you an idea of what you can do to change things up. And for those that are already doing it, you know why this is a challenge :bigsmile:

I wish you all the best of luck this week! You have shown me you can all do it! NOW KEEP IT GOING!!!


  • kthom
    kthom Posts: 175
  • athederan
    athederan Posts: 61 Member
    I'm definitely ready for both challenges!! Logging everything will help me be accountable for what I'm eating and the Pilates look like they will be relaxing but difficult. On a side note, I started the 30 Day Shred tonight. Bad idea to do it right after I got home from the gym but man do I feel the burn. It actually feels kind of good in a painful sort of way. Excited for the next 29 days :happy: !!!
  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
    Im so ready for this challenge!! I need to get my butt in shape as I just found out im going on holidays next summer!! Beach body here I come!! :)
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    Oh my gosh! I completely forgot to weigh in! This weekend was crazy! We were celebrating for the bf.. and Monday was a holiday here so I was off of my game... it slipped my mind. Sorry.

    Last week: 169.7
    CW: 168.7

    Great Job everyone else!!!! :flowerforyou:

    edit: I love Winsor for pilates. or just search ''winsor pilates''
  • leslyta
    leslyta Posts: 70
    how am i missing two weeks?? oh dang it I thought I msged my weight last week!! sorry!! :( last monday's was 196.8 and idk ab this week!! I completely forgot today was monday and never even got on the scale!! will get back to u with that in the am!!

    Great job every1!!
  • Cateyes0831
    Cateyes0831 Posts: 172 Member
    Awesome challenges :happy:

    I started a new job yesterday and this week is training so I might not be talking much but I promise to log everything I eat :wink:
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    ok - 9 minutes down with pilates - that guy is a hoot! I did pilates once with a dvd -- I need to figure out where I put that

    Being accountable has helped me to keep up with logging in & tracking what I eat -- I have also upped my water intake & the weird thing is that now I find myself craving water & other drinks do not always appeal to me. I would not have predicted that for me!

    athederan - I finished L2D2 last night & the soreness of the first few days does get better so push through and know you will feel better for it
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I think I'm going to re-adjust my Christmas goal to 155. I know that's only 5 pounds, but with being so sick and taking all these extra meds, plus halloween, thanksgiving, and Christmas... I don't want to shoot myself in the foot by aiming too low.

    My goal weight (not for the challenge) was originally 150, but I think I'm going to have to start aiming for 140. I'm still quiiteeee flabby and not the size I thought I'd be. I'm fitting in 12 pants now (and squeeeeezing in some tight 10's), but I wanted to be around a 8-10 and fitting in a Medium-ish top (some L's). But, I'm still fitting in L tops. So, I'll wait till I hit 150 (because then I'm HEALTHY RANGE!) but then I'll probably try for 10 more! We shall see! All in good time...

    Great job to everyone last week! Good luck with all of your pilates!

    And yes, the accountability should keep everyone on track (I'm showing a +2 from Friday.. eeeeek).
  • Nita_Bita
    Nita_Bita Posts: 136 Member
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Well, for the first time ever since I started this challenge I didn't weigh in on time. Life has been like a rollercoaster for me these days. But enough with the excuses. I did weigh myself this morning and I was at 197, that's a 2 pound gain! I'm so mad with myself right now. I have to go back to eating healthier, exercising, keep up with this thread. I'm so behind it aient even funny!
  • angiemcnett
    Thank you JustJen for the chart and the challenges. :) I am going to give Pilates a try. I really thought Ody was doing so good but yesterday they tried twice to get Ody off the ventilator, but it failed. Will try again tomorrow. They would like to see him breath over the ventilator, but he isn't do that. He still getting fevers so they are going to do some special tests to see if they can find some hidden infection. Please keep praying for him. Thank you.
  • luvmyjp
    luvmyjp Posts: 49
    I have a hard time with pilates simply because my back is 3/4 fractured so some exercises I have a hard time completing but I will give it 100%
    I stopped logging food because I always eat the same thing EVERYDAY but for this challange I WILL resume!!

    :flowerforyou: CONGRATS to ALL those who reached their milestones this week :flowerforyou:

    :heart: :heart: :heart: for those still struggling :heart: :heart: :heart: PLEASE USE US (never thought ID ASK to be used :bigsmile: )

    :flowerforyou: SHNOOKUMS---a big loss this week, I am sooooo proud of you!!!!!! YOU WILL MAKE IT...youre one of the strongest people I KNOW!! I love you! Get my nephew down on the floor with you doing these pilates!! :flowerforyou:

    Jenn- THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO FOR US!! Some times I feel like we are your little monsters...who love to keep you on your toes but who are so devoted to this group/cause!! :devil:

    Positive Power- when im having a rough day :grumble: :sad: :mad: somehow someway your post just show up and like a mommas kiss on a boo-boo, it just makes it all feel better! I strive everyday to be a positive person and you help that!! These are for you!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Thank you EVERYONE for the birthday wishes and kinds words over the past week. I imagined it to be the week from hell, but I survived and surpassed what I wanted!! My family did "Light the Night" walk to raise money for Leukemia and Lymphoma society and we raised $1105! $105 MORE then my goal! I passed my goal weight! AND my divorce is final with it all ending in MY favor! Perhaps this was all to keep my mind off the fact that I turned 37!! :sad: :sad: :sad: Well, ive rambled enough! Hope everyone enjoys their day!
  • luvmyjp
    luvmyjp Posts: 49
    NEW GOAL: how about 160? I know the closer I get to a "normal" weight it will get harder to lose the pounds so I am going to start with that and go from there....
  • Mommyof3loves
    I will have to take a look and see what kind of pilates I can do with my arm still in a sling, there should be something I can do.
    And the personal challenge is a great motivator for me being that I have not been doing that since my surgery. Can't believe we are half way there already!
  • liz4214
    liz4214 Posts: 63 Member
    bump :love:
  • kjnicol
    kjnicol Posts: 198 Member
    I can't stop eating!!! Thank goodness I only have healthy snacks to eat otherwise I'm sure my cals would be over 3000!!!
    Ok I just have to plan better. Today I didn't eat enough during the day so after exercising I was STARVING!!! and ate a huge dinner and then I was still hungry!! Just wanted to post here to make myself accountable.
    Cheers and thanks for listening!!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
  • caitlinlws
    caitlinlws Posts: 401 Member
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hey Friends!!!!! Week 11 yikes! We are all having or ups and downs and this group is so awesome and supportive, we are ALL in the same boat! We can do it!

    KJ - I felt like that yesterday!!! OMG...I ended up with a piece of bread with peanut butter and more than one serving of tortilla chips!!:cry: But like our challenge goes I logged in all in!!!! I went to my running class and ended up staying with in my calories!

    luvmypj - Thanks so much for the nice words:bigsmile: You guys all know I am always posting, it helps me to get all these food & weight thoughts out of my head and I hope it helps someone else at the same time! Great job with your walk and raising all that money!

    I wrote one of my Novels on the last thread :ohwell: One thing I said that might help some of us who are struggling....try to focus on being healthy instead of skinny. Our health is soooooo important as some of our friends understand more than we do!!!! (you know positive thoughts are always coming your way from us:wink: )


    In addition to the great idea of logging everything.....I was just challenged to open my diary so all my friends can see it. Yikes that was hard, but it makes me think (most of the time) before I eat something:bigsmile:

    Well I have to get to work - heading out to set up a food show = we plan on working out at the hotel tonight before dinner. I plan on sharing a meal and might have a glass of wine. :drinker:

    You guys have a wonderful day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO NEIZE AND HER TWIN BROTHER :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: