Uggh. I feel like a bottomless pit.

What do you do on the days you just want to eat and eat and eat everything you can think of?

I'm having one of those days. I've been good, (banana, english muffin with poached eggs, coffee... getting ready for lunch).

But MAN, wouldn't I LOVE to go grab a quarter pounder meal with a milkshake.

How do you get through these days?

One minute at a time? lol

Just need to get this craving off my chest. I can't seem to think of anything else. :(


  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    I give in to the desire sometimes and factor it into my calorie count, or I stick to fruits and veggies.
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    Sometimes I push thru it and sometimes I go for the freaking burger, long as you're working out you should be okay and try not to deprive yourself for a long time...leads to major cravings...good luck!!
  • Same here. Sometimes I try to distract myself with hobbies or other activities so I forget about my craving. Other days I give into it and make up for it over the next few days.
  • marz31
    marz31 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm sure others have their ways, but for me, chewing gum, having a small snack, sipping a soda, having my meal when I get hungry versus at a specific time, or just remember how great it feels to see the scale show a lower number are all ways I use to get thru. Other times, I know the ONLY way I'll get thru is giving into the craving, at least partially (like maybe a burger a small fry, skip the shake but maybe a chocolate milk?) so I don't go overboard BUT I get a taste of what it is and then in some cases, it tastes like utter crap and I'm done with whatever it is for GOOD! That's the only way I cut things out of my diet, I can't just say "no more" of this or that, I have to lose a taste for it because I'm picky enough and dropping things is hard.
  • jeffsgal105
    jeffsgal105 Posts: 195 Member
    Your profile is private so I can't see your food diary, but do you have enough cals to eat that? Workout extra tonight and "allow" yourself to eat that McDonalds. Sometimes it's worse to deny yourself that treat, because many people will eat other junk trying to fill that want. Some people have the willpower to just say no and move along, but sounds like you REALLY want that quarter pounder. OR get it, cut it in half, throw 1/2 away! Eat JUST half.
  • Metsfn4life
    Metsfn4life Posts: 125 Member
    I agree. Sometimes I give in and sometimes I just think of all the hardwork I'm doing and summon my willpower to get over it.

    I give in about twice a month to eat whatever I want and not feel guilty about it.

    If you want a cheeseburger, have one! But, don't have the milkshake and maybe have it with only half a bun :-)

    Remember, "a calorie is a calorie," so if you are sticking to your calories net goal and can afford yourself a cheeseburger, have it :-)
  • I drink many cups of hot green tea
  • sometimes its best to have what you want because you will in the end and it saves you from having lots of other substitutes, but only do it when you crave a cretain food
  • i try to only stock my house with good cheat food options (since i know that i will eat anything in my house). i really like orville redenbacher's all natural lime and salt popcorn. it comes in mini-bags and the calories aren't bad.
  • asclavijo
    asclavijo Posts: 2 Member
    It's ok to have 'not so healthy choices' as long as they are in moderation. I don't believe starving yourself from a particular food is healthy - makes me creave it even more. And, you don't have to eat the whole thing! Maybe take the top bun off... leave off the mayo... makes it a little 'healthier' but you satisy the craving. Instead of a milkshake, go for a frozen yogurt! Just some ideas...good luck!
  • What I do is exercise...Walk, ride a bike....ANYTHING.....and usually the cravings go away
  • pegesam
    pegesam Posts: 16 Member
    There's a lot of psychosis that go along with weight loss. What's going on? Are you stressed at work (I am, so I'm trolling my fitness pal), bored, tired, bummed out over breakfast? Deadlines (yep, one of those too, so again, here I am). Are you thirsty? In other words, look at everything that could trigger munchies and see if any of it is a trigger of yours from the past. I'm a horrible stress eater (I used to smoke) now I chew gum and if I'm crunching on ice at the same time, the office better watch out! :) Hang in there...
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    It maybe the banana and english muffin making you hungry.
    Just a thought...
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    For fast food burger cravings, it helps me to be prepared. I buy the 98% fat free hamburger meat and pat out into 4 oz patties and put in the freezer. I also keep frozen fries in the freezer. When I have cravings, I can cook the burger and bake the fries and it is pretty good and a lot less calories than the fast food burger.
  • I know the feeling! Sometime I get cravings. I allow myself some things like I had a small fry the other day for the first time in a month... and I hated it. It was so gross. So now, I realize I hate fast food again. I know I havn't lost a lot of weight yet but I have lost inches and I kind of had to give up on a week last week because it was my 30th birthday and everyone took me out for food and drinks. Good news is I feel like I never want to eat or drink like that again
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 433 Member
    I agree with mimitime, I usually keep frozen chicken or turkey burgers in my freezer, and make them at home with wheat buns. They taste yummy, takes care of my craving and not bad on fat and calories!!