Hello I am NEW

Hi I am here trying to get my diet right and start excersizing regularly and take off all my unwanted and uneeded weight. i have been overweight my entire life. I have a son that needs me to be healthy and active. I want to take control of this issue NOW. Any suggestions, recipes, excersizes, etc are appreciated.


  • leeawhite
    Hi, I am also new, so I wanted to say Hello and good luck. This site is great and will help you a lot.
  • Jones4177
    Jones4177 Posts: 136
    I have been on here for a week and I love it. I lost 6lbs my first week. Not trying to lose that much a week but will take it :) just keep with your plan and you will do fine. It does take determination and I'm learning on keeping that determination.
  • PamelaLavender
    PamelaLavender Posts: 63 Member
    From one Newbie to another HELLO.
    Wishing you much success with your weight loss journey.

    ~ Rylnn ~
  • rainyday99
    Welcome - I know you will do great here. Just stay focused and use your MFP friends - there are some great people on here. Feel free to add me if you need extra support and remember your look for progress - not perfection :)
