hi :)

Hi everyone! I'm 24, living in Chicago, and I've never been in shape. 5'1 and 185 pounds, I'm the worst I've ever been and it's starting to really effect me. When I was moving into my apartment a few months ago, my 65 year old dad was moving all the boxes up my stairs because I was getting so winded! I'm typically a very laid-back (read: lazy) individual and I have a hard time taking myself/things seriously, probably because I'm a wee bit insecure. I also think I've been afraid to REALLY TRY to lose weight because I'm afraid of failure! Does anyone else know what I'm talking about?

Anyway, I look forward to using this website to help me get into shape. I want to go teach English in Korea, but I want to shed some pounds before I go over there so I won't look so much like the stereotypical fat American!


  • fuminator18
    fuminator18 Posts: 89 Member
    Welcome to MFP, fellow Chicagoan!! Hope you will enjoy as much as I have been~:)