I should not run.... really?



  • KickinBooty
    If you're worried about it check with a medical professional. Also this person may have had problems with their joints, but you may not. It might be good to do some weight lifting with your cardio to strengthe the muscles around your knees. This can help to stabilize and strengthen your legs so you don't develop pain. You're weight versus height ratio may be a factor. At 4'9" my grandmother would be morbidly obese and unable to run, but at 5'9" this might be closer to her normal weight range. That being said if you are going to run try to do it on softer surfaces like a track or a dirt field. Bottom line check with your doctor or other medical professional and if it hurt (not soreness, but actual pain) then don't do it.
  • SunSand76
    SunSand76 Posts: 83 Member
    I started running heavier than that. My gosh, go for it!!
  • emlavigne
    emlavigne Posts: 33 Member
    Ummm...you need to find a different person to take advice from. By all means run. But make sure you start your regimen in a safe manner. Start with a walk/jog program (there are plenty of free "couch to 5k" programs on the web) and work your way up to a full run workout.

    p.s. You'll burn more fat if you keep your heart rate in zone 1 -2. An all out sprint will burn more carbs but less fat calories, where as a steady walk/slow jog will burn more fat and less carb calories. Slow and steady wins the weight loss race!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    170 isn't nearly heavy enough to cause joint problems and it's one of the quickest ways to lose weight.
  • dga1972
    dga1972 Posts: 16 Member
    Do you ever watch The Biggest Looser! They make them run weighing in at well over 300#'s. If they can do it, you can do it!
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I am 170 lbs. and somebody told me I should not run because I am so heavy that I can hurt my joints... really??? I never did any exercise or running ever before. But now I want to loose my weight . I cannot go to gym because of my baby. I only use my treadmill to walk/run. Do you guys really think that at 170 lbs. one should not run? Thanks

    they're stupid

    Yep! Stupid - or perhaps jealous that you have the drive to get off the couch and workout. Just start slow, wear good shoes, and listen to your body. My knees felt better AFTER I started running.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I don't think 170 is "too heavy" for any kind of exercise. The only advice I would give you is the same I give for ANY new runner:

    1. Take it slow. Follow a program like Couch to 5K (C25K) which eases you into running. Trying to do too much too soon causes injuries.
    2. Run only every other day for the first few months to protect your joints and get them used to the impact
    3. Only do non- or low-impact exercises on the days in-between your runs (for the same reason as #2)
    4. After a few weeks, if you plan to continue, be sure to get fitted for the proper shoes at a RUNNING store where they check your gait and arches.
    4. Have fun!
  • Jones4177
    Jones4177 Posts: 136
    I was told the same thing by a fitness instructor(who was actually my cousin) but he didn't really say NOT to run, he just advised me that it wasn't good for your joints. He said to start out walking at a fast pace then step it up. I run a little here and there but I have bad knees as it is. I used to play baseball and was a catcher. I suggest to start off slow and it shouldn't be a problem.
  • pkb614
    pkb614 Posts: 2
    I agree.. with the one woman the only reason to run is if someone bad is chasing you..... I hate running... But Love to exercise or walk!:laugh:
  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    I am 170 lbs. and somebody told me I should not run because I am so heavy that I can hurt my joints... really??? I never did any exercise or running ever before. But now I want to loose my weight . I cannot go to gym because of my baby. I only use my treadmill to walk/run. Do you guys really think that at 170 lbs. one should not run? Thanks

    they're stupid

    Yep! Stupid - or perhaps jealous that you have the drive to get off the couch and workout. Just start slow, wear good shoes, and listen to your body. My knees felt better AFTER I started running.

  • katieruns
    I just started running and am waaaayyy over 170 (going on Week 4 for C25K) and my joints feel fine (knock on wood) If your joints are fine then you'll be fine. If you are worried about your joints shoot for a mid or toe strike while running. You can have your gait analyzed at a running shoe store or find a class that teaches you good form.

    I think you'll do great!!!!
  • tymee
    tymee Posts: 44 Member
    I think running is healthy. Maybe follow the Couch to 5K guide to build yourself up
  • Jojobeth
    Have you ever seen biggest loser? They make them run from day one and some of them weigh over 400 lbs! The person who told you that doesnt know what they are talking about!
  • soniyamas
    soniyamas Posts: 160 Member
    O my.. I think I am all ready to run. But as you guys said I should start with a brisk walk , which I already do. I am so excited to run and loose lbs.quickly:smile: so thanks to all u amazing pals to encourage me
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I started running when I weighed 180. It helped me lose weight.

    And I am so sick of people telling me running is hard on my joints. lol As a matter of fact I have less aches and pains now that I do run.

    If you never ran before I would follow couch 2 5k like others suggested.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't think you should run if you are experiencing joint pain. Otherwise, have at it. Every body is different.
  • demery12371
    demery12371 Posts: 253 Member
    I am 170 lbs. and somebody told me I should not run because I am so heavy that I can hurt my joints... really??? I never did any exercise or running ever before. But now I want to loose my weight . I cannot go to gym because of my baby. I only use my treadmill to walk/run. Do you guys really think that at 170 lbs. one should not run? Thanks

    I started running several months ago and 25 pounds heavier... I am now 197 and still running, would love to be 170 and running... :)

    You need to pooh pooh whoever told you that and get right out there and show them that it can be done :) !!
  • soniyamas
    soniyamas Posts: 160 Member
    i am going to google C25k.....
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    false...i started training for a marathon at 190 lbs and i've never felt better! Getting off the weight really does help so make sure you have properly fitting shoes to begin with!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong - but I always understood that running would strengthen your joints and make them more elastic and durable in the years to come.

    Here is my theory .... there are a lot of things in life we do that we "shouldn't" and find out in the long run we were just fine doing them. - risk if everything, if you don't start you will never know.

    When I started running, I had SO SO many people tell me not to because it would hurt my knee, ankles, hips, etc etc, you get the point - I did it anyway and am so thrilled I did. Not a one of those people are runners btw