Bad joints

I have a total hip replacement and arthritis in one hip and both knees. I'm currently working for an inventory company which has made my condition worse. On my days off, the last thing I wanna do is exercise. I'm wondering if anyone has the same or similar problems and what you do to work out. I've been doing my Wii Fit, but even that makes my hips hurt. I'm stuck! Help!


  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    I have a bad knee and hip.. I walk a ton.
  • aneajo
    aneajo Posts: 287 Member
    I have a bad ankle and if it even thinks about turning the wrong way Im in pain. I have to be careful on what I can do. Even walking on certain roads can mess it up. We go walking on our road (country) and I have to walk right in the middle or it hurts. Its annoying.
  • suzikay
    suzikay Posts: 50
    I swim. I have just had a hip replacement and so have had to take a break, but I'm hoping to return to t he water and to aquarobics shortly. Cycling can also work.
  • Dsmith3365
    I've been told I need total knee replacement so I can relate. I'm in constant pain with my left knee. Swimming works. Riding a bike works. Start out slow and work your way up. Hang in there, you can do it.
  • jcdfish
    jcdfish Posts: 31
    Are you saying that even the joints that have been replaced hurt? Have you talked to your doctor?

    I understand that strengthening muscles helps to support the joint better, so less pain. But if you haven't run this pain by your doctor, you should.

    Once your doctor has cleared you, considering the pain, and with his approval, you might look at specific exercises for those places that hurt to strengthen those muscles, as you also work on the rest of your body.

    Sometimes, as I recall, it's opposing muscles that support something. Like having strong abs helps support the lower back. So, you might also consider some kind of expert to at least talk to or read.

    Let us know how it goes.
  • cheddar2000
    cheddar2000 Posts: 43 Member
    I have moderate arthritis in both knees, upper and lower spine, left hip, neck, hands, and shoulder. I have had arthritis for 15 years. I had a spinal fusion of c4-c5 at age 35. About 6 months ago I took up exercising in the pool at our local gym. I started out with just walking and now do a vigorous 40 minute workout of aerobics and strength (all in the pool) followed by stretching in the hot tub. I go every day. My body is toner, I am losing weight, and I feel fit. I still have arthritis but the pain is not getting worse. In fact I am seeing some improvement. People keep telling me to move out of the pool and to the weights and cardio machines but the pool has been the answer for me. When I get bored I just switch up my routines in the pool. I will not leave the pool, it is my friend when it comes to exercise and arthritis!
  • sylittleprincess
    I second suzikay and cheddar2000 Anything in the water is so much easier on the joints...I have a bad knee(left leg-I've got surgery to put my knee cap back in the right place in 5months) and bad foot (right leg- result of the limping). My physio put me in hydrotherapy and even just walking around in the water and doing simple exercises (leg lifts etc) offers gentle resistance without too much pain. water is the way to go! good luck.x
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    Get in the water. Swimming, walking laps in the pool, or water aerobics. All will help you with minimal joint impact.
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    WATER = swim, water aerobics, jog in place in the water, you name it. It is THE BEST way to burn calories, recover, and stay injury free.
  • fatguyweightloss
    Might try adjusting your diet, read this post recently stating the connection between wheat consumption and arthritis.

    Worth a try for a week to see if it helps, also can drop weight without exercise. Results vary for each person for me the discovery was restricting my carbohydrates and writing everything down in MFP for accountability. Started losing weight faster than watching calories and cardio and weight lifting 3 times a week.
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    Have you tried working with a Sports Therapist? There are lots of exercises you can do. You just need to find someone who can help you with the correct exercises.

    Check out The Sports Injury Clinic online. There is tons of information and lots of exercises.

    I take MSM in powder form and Glucosamine Sulfate for my bad knees. This will help with the pain.