100+ lbs to lose challenge and support group!



  • sarahkova
    sarahkova Posts: 245 Member
    so how did everybody do this week?!

    I did AMAZING! -6lbs! WOOT! 1 lb away from -50...at first when I stepped on the scale it went to 307.5 then when it was done it said exactly 308. I am okay with that just means more celebrating next week!

    It also helps put my goal of being at 300 or under by Oct 31 in a bit more realistic...last week when it said I was 314 again I cried because I knew that meant It was going to make my goal very hard to reach...hopefully I can keep on tack and continue to lose 2 lbs a week! then I will hit it no problem! I could be in twoterville in a month! OMG! I haven't been in twoterville since 2002!!!
  • Twinmom1221
    Twinmom1221 Posts: 191 Member
    Hi all-
    I hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was tough, I was up just a bit, but I'm committed to October and doing better. I'm working on a list of those involved in the group and should have something tomorrow.

    Take care!
  • aggiejen99
    aggiejen99 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all :smile: I started this journey a couple weeks ago. Dr just put me on blood pressure meds and wants to consider me a diabetic. I don't want those labels so I'm intent on losing this weight to get off these meds and be as healthy as I can be. I let life get me lazy and it's time to stop! I like that MFP has a phone app. Makes it so much easier to track food and exercise. I've lost 4 lbs since I started and hope to at least be down a total of 30 lbs by the end of the year. Happy Losing!! :glasses:
  • sarahkova
    sarahkova Posts: 245 Member
    welcome! You can do it just keep focused!!
  • sarahkova
    sarahkova Posts: 245 Member
    Hi all-
    I hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was tough, I was up just a bit, but I'm committed to October and doing better. I'm working on a list of those involved in the group and should have something tomorrow.

    Take care!


    This weekend I did okay not completley good but okay...I was up 1lb yesterday and 1 lb today and I couldn't figure it out...and no later than I called to set up my yearly for the end of the week...I hung up the phone and TOM reared its ugly head so not my fault :) hehehe

    I had a great weekend though I am involved in a Mom's group where I live and every year we have a scavenger hunt. I usually am involved in the planning and this year I didn't. it is very competitive no prizes really a bottle of spices was the prize but it is SUPER fun! my team WON!!! WOO HOO!!! and i was the biggest person on our team and kept getting everybody to run run run. hahaha it was awesome we didn't just win we smashed it out of the park we won by over 50 points and the most you could get on anything was 5 but most things were only 1.... yeah we rocked it!

    other then that and my 50lb loss as of saturday morning (umm but with the bloating I am under that now...) I am doing awesome!
  • Cammy_girl
    Cammy_girl Posts: 115 Member
    Hi all!
    Hoping to start losing some weight again! I lost about 30 pounds a year or so ago, but put t back on(and then some) when I hurt my back and couldnt work out for a few weeks

    I am pretty new to MFP. Have been using it on and off on my phone, but have found i just stop logging when I eat crap.
    I am hoping by getting involved in the forums I will have a bit of extra motivation and support. Feel free to share suggestions :)

    CW: 275
    GW: between 130-150, see how I am feeling and looking when I get closer
    October GW: 270

    Other measurements - need to find a tape measure!!

    The plan: Get back into working out, starting at 3-4 days per week 2-3 miles per day plus some weights.
    Ideally I would love to be at my goal weight by this time next year, but as long as i actually see results I will be happy
    Water Intake Goal: 2 litres a day. Am usually pretty good with this, but get a bit slack on the weekends