Any TIU members doing shredmill?

Okay. I have been having a real hard time entering my excercie for HIIT treadmill workouts. To get detailed I warmed up at 3.5 mph for 5 min, walked 4.0 for 17 total, jogged 5.2 for 16 total then did the 60 sec sprints at 7.5 for 4 min total, cool down for another 5 min. of walking 4.0. In between those intervals (3 min walk, 2 min jog, 1 min sprint, 2 min jog,) there are 20 plyos of something (so total of (4) 20 plyos) to complete and 30-60 sec. breathers while walking. Now that is detailed. I entered all that on the excercise database and added all calories burned for a total of 270 (about 50 min workout). BUT then we all know intervals burn more calories and I've heard a 20 min interval workout is the same as a steady pace 40 min workout. Who knows how true that is as I am not an expert. So I took an average of mph and level of intensity I was working at and decided to enter running at 6mph for 40 minutes (on excercise database) and the total burned is 363. Now that's a huge difference for me. And I worked out for 50 min. not 40. I'm at a loss of what to do because NO I do not have a HRM and have heard those are basic in caluclations as well.

I guess what do YOU think should enter if YOU were me? If you do the TIU shremdill2.0 workout what do YOU enter? or does any of this even matter that much?

I am at my 10-15 lb plauteau. 5'2", 38 yrs old and 120. My problem is ab flab, love handles. I WANT it gone. I have worked out for 20 years. Started intervals for the past year but have never really beena s determined as now. I am getting up at 5:00 am every morning to workout and have never done that before. I am NOT seeing any results in 2 weeks SO i want to make sure I am entering my calculations right, thus this whole explanation.


  • weeziews
    weeziews Posts: 162 Member
    Get a heart rate monitor to accurately track calories burned. Two weeks isn't ling enough so you have to have some patience. You really should take your measurements to track inches lost. If you want to reduce flap maybe strength/toning is where you should focus. Hope this helps!
  • sidddiq
    sidddiq Posts: 17
    i run 5.2-5.3 km in 30 min at the speed of 13-14km/hr and i burn around 360 calories the calories burnt is shown on the treadmill i use that and record it, as far as HRM goes i also dont have one therefore i use the figures shown on treadmill. i sweat like crazy while running but i am not sure of the calories burnt but 360 is what i usually see displayed.
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    I heard HRM are not accurate either and just general. And yes my PT took my measurements and nothign changed. I will be seeing her again in a few weeks.