Who owns a treadmill?

I'm looking to purchase a treadmill (probably around Christmas), that isn't too expensive, but is sturdy enough for lots of running.
The climate here is pretty darn cold, and I'm hoping to take my running indoors when there's snow and ice on the track.
Anyone here own a treadmill that was priced nicely but holds up to a lot of use? :)



  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    $200 for mine off of Craigslist.... last owner NEVER used it. Score!
  • MrsRadder
    MrsRadder Posts: 207 Member
    I own one. Bought it second hand from my mother-in-law. I have a monthly goal of one mile a day and if I don't make my goal every month then I have to get rid of it. I see too many people not use theirs and I am not going to be like that! :smile:
  • SGrensberg
    I also got mine 200 off craigslist in new condition. Check there.
  • shelbert13
    Bought mine at Walmart. Think it was around $300 but it has a built in fan and speakers for my ipod or whatever I want to listen too. LOVE it! Plus it has training programs on it.
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    I got mine at Play it Again Sports....it was $500 I think - totally gym quality. LOVE it.
  • bidwhist
    bidwhist Posts: 40 Member
    $75 off of Craigslist. One the incline legs was broken, but if I want to incline I just stick a book under it. Other than that it works and looks great.
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    I bought mine new from Nordic Trek... I think it was on sale for around 900 (both Nordic Trek and Pro Form always have some sort of sale going). But I have seen some really good deals (as others have mentioned) on both craigslist and playitagain sports. One of my best friends swears by craigslist for exercise equipment. And hey, if you can get a completely unused one for about $200, hellz yeahz! I don't know if all treadies have an odometer, but if you're able to inspect the one you're buying (if not new), check the odometer for mileage.
  • Lotstoluv263
    i bought mine off of home Shopping Network (HSN), very good quality retails at 1300, came with the ifit from Julian Micheals. I paid $600 but in 4 monthly payments. It was a good deal and I love having it at home!!
  • TreadmillManiac
    i bought a fule f85 which is branded as sole in the US. It wasn't cheap but the running board is as good as a commercial one.
    If you intend on using a treadmill a lot and especially for running then it will cost unless you can score a good deal off ebay/craig. I believe you should look at the best brands which include life fitness/precor/cybex/sole/landice. Look for treadmills that have a continuous hp of 2.5 at least, the more the better. A max speed of 15km and elevation of 15% are the standard on good treadmils. Also check the max user weight, that is a good indication of sturdiness. Mine is rated upto 400ibs user.
    The frame and motor on the good treadmills will have a lifetime warranty and 5 years on the electrics. If you can find a reconditioned commercial treadmill with a warranty then that will be great.
    This is just my opinion, personally i hate the cheaper treadmills that rattle and shake when you run on them and have a tiny running deck.
  • fabalas_seanne
    I bought mine (australia) 2nd hand $1500.... I love it