what are you doing for holidays this year?

MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
if you celebrate thanksgiving, christmas, other holidays what is your plan for not going overboard. right now i am giving myself thanksgiving and christmas off and realizing i will probably eat more those two days. but, i'm going to try to stick to my plan the rest of the "holiday" season. if you are planning on taking it easy, what things are you planning on eating/not eating or just doing portion control. just thinking ahead because i typically gain about 10 lb during thanksgiving/christmas/new years and i want to avoid that this year!


  • auntied
    auntied Posts: 113 Member
    My Dad's sugar cookies will be the death of ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • beautyonhold
    Last year, i found it rewarding to slice my food up into small pieces so that it took me longer to eat as well as it looked/felt like i was eating more. My mind was telling my stomach that i was fuller sooner. I also realized that taking one helping of pie is still satisfying my taste buds and i don't need to go for seconds. It helped me out alot.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    I start off with the veggie trap & try to fill up on it before I hit anything else.
  • staci2476
    staci2476 Posts: 42 Member
    I have no clue! Haven't even thought that far ahead yet. I can't wait to see the responses.
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    It is definitely going to be tough and I'm unfortunately expecting a bit of a gain. I'll be spending the Christmas Season in California with my family and there are definitely a few things that I've missed living in Australia that I will be chowing down on! Our favorite local pizza place, MEXICAN FOOD, Dad's cooking... oi! A family holiday in Napa with gourmet meals is going to be a tough one too! I plan to just do the best I can, continue to log and try to be as active as possible. I'll be planning a Thanksgiving feast here in Australia and just plan on that being a cheat day.

    To be honest, I have cheat days probably more often than most. I almost always go over on the weekend, but in the end, I am still losing weight because I am doing better overall. I'm typically making better choices and avoiding fried food and sweets so it seems to be working out for me. My big downfall is alcohol, but there's just no way I can see myself avoiding it. Many of my friends are wine students and wine is a very social part of my life. I expect to see a lot of drinking over the holidays as well!

    I think the biggest challenge is going to be my Dad to be honest! My Mom isn't a huge eater and my sister is super healthy, so I think they will help me be good! But my Dad is a snacker, eater and a drinker (Oh... so that's where I get it?!). Luckily, he has been improving his diet as well (for the very unlucky reason of being on the verge of diabetic), so hopefully we can all make it a goal to keep ourselves in line, but still have fun and indulge from time to time. I'm not going to let the holidays scare me because they are my favorite time of the year! It's a hurdle to jump over and then back on track. ;)
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm going to make my usual Thanksgiving dinner: turkey, celery root/leek/walnut stuffing, freshly made cranberries, steamed green beans sauteed in butter with garlic, my cheesy mashed potatoes and both plain and pumpkin cheesecakes. For Christmas we'll probably have a prime rib roast, mashed potatoes, a vegetable of some sort, and I'm not sure what else. I'll definitely be making some yummy desserts!

    Even if I weren't pregnant I'd definitely be indulging on holidays. I (hopefully) won't be buying a ton of Halloween and Christmas candy and I'll try not to keep too many baked goods in the house around Christmas. But, I believe that in moderation, treats never hurt anyone. I also believe that we should all eat the way we plan to eat after we reach our weight/health goals. That means pizza and ice cream now and then and fully enjoying birthday and holiday meals!
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    I don't track on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Eve. I'm still careful on Thanksgiving, though. Thankfully (no pun intended) there are plenty of veggies on our Thanksgiving table -- steamed kale, yellow corn, mashed potatoes (though of course they have sour cream) . . . I fill up on those, have one serving of turkey and one roll, and call it a night. I stay far away from the desserts.

    Christmas is much tougher. I always gain a few. Hard not to with an Italian family. My mom bakes cookies for a month straight, and our neighbors bring over their own cookies (as well as one neighbor who makes from-scratch cinnamon buns and icing), and Christmas Eve family supper is an endless supply of homemade wedding soup and homemade ravioli with homemade sauce . . . oh dear.

    But I enjoy every bite. Then I climb back on the wagon. :)
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    it's probably all the cookies and candy that get me. maybe if i stay away from stuff like that, it won't be too bad.
  • the_new_robin2016
    the_new_robin2016 Posts: 97 Member
    I don't know about you all, But i'm already regretting Halloween! Lol That is the one time of the year that kills me! When it comes to meals for christmas/thanksgiving/new years its pretty easy to plan for, just like you would a normal dinner! Especially if you already know whats going to be there (my family usually has the same thing every year). But when it comes to halloween candy, i'm doomed! Because all of a sudden i've eaten all the crispy crunches, but i swore there was 10 left! (my daughter is almost 3, and cant eat a lot of the stuff she is given, but likes dressing up and going door to door) Lol So what's my plan? ... long pause of thinking right here....the only thing i can think of is hoping someone else eats them before i do! Lol.
  • kiwi1855
    kiwi1855 Posts: 218 Member
    I've taken over cooking everything for my side of the family, that way I know what's in it, and I can preplan what I'm going to have, put a slightly smaller plate at my spot, and know what I'm going to eat ahead of time.
    For my husband's side, I will try to stick with things that don't have sauce - the white turkey meat, veggies, and salad, no gravy, no mashed potatoes (which is gonna be hard because I LOVE mashed potatoes). But, I'll bring a couple desserts for their gathering, just so I know I can have something sweet and not feel guilty!

    Plus, I fully intend to get up early and exercise a bit extra on both days (Sunday and Monday for this year... next weigh in is gonna SUCK - maybe I'll do it a day early, before the dinners... just so I don't get too discouraged...)
  • the_new_robin2016
    the_new_robin2016 Posts: 97 Member
    Lol i was just going to say Sarah, EXERCISE, BURN OFF THOSE CALS! Lol And if anyone can, maybe double your work out/water intake for the rest of the week/ week before the big dinner(s), so that if by chance you can't resist certain things. Then you know you have worked hard to preburn/burn off the weight that you have gained/going to gain from the dinners!
  • the_new_robin2016
    the_new_robin2016 Posts: 97 Member
    Lol i was just going to say Sarah, EXERCISE, BURN OFF THOSE CALS! Lol And if anyone can, maybe double your work out/water intake for the rest of the week/ week before the big dinner(s), so that if by chance you can't resist certain things. Then you know you have worked hard to preburn/burn off the weight that you have gained/going to gain from the dinners!
  • kiwi1855
    kiwi1855 Posts: 218 Member
    Lol i was just going to say Sarah, EXERCISE, BURN OFF THOSE CALS! Lol And if anyone can, maybe double your work out/water intake for the rest of the week/ week before the big dinner(s), so that if by chance you can't resist certain things. Then you know you have worked hard to preburn/burn off the weight that you have gained/going to gain from the dinners!

    lol - it'll be fun... we'll help each other out this year... :)
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    yeah i think maybe doing about 1200 calories day before and day after those holidays would probably make it all even out. that way there is a splurge day. the only thing i have trouble with is 1 splurge day leads to 10. not very good at getting back on track when i get off track for 1 day.