Artificial Sweeteners

I have always substituted some kind of artificial sweetener for sugar to cut back on sugars, but recently I have been reading that artificial sweeteners might be just as bad because they trick your body into thinking sweet things are low calorie.

I was wondering what other people had been hearing and what is accurate. Should I completely cut out artificial sweeteners as well? Is any artificial sweetener better than the others healthwise?

Thanks in advance


  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    I have also been trying to learn about artificial sweeteners as I am concerned about other ramifications on our bodies. I am eager to hear any info you have. Thanks!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    For 99% of people, there's no problem with sweeteners taken in moderation. I personally have 2 per cup of tea, and around 10-12 cups a day.

    there's a lot of scaremongering going on, as you're about to see in this thread :)
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    Some people are allergic to artificial sweeteners and they give some people headaches. Not me thank goodness! I loves my splenda!

    Oh, and just because it's on the interwebs doesn't mean it's true :wink:
  • ansleya
    ansleya Posts: 192 Member
    I'm a splenda girl! I can't do anything else. I even use the essentials with Vitamin B now. I am a tea fool, so I use it all day long. :drinker:
  • mrshickey
    mrshickey Posts: 239
    im not convinced my body knows the difference from a low cal or high cal sweet, it just recognises that ive eaten something sweet. if i eat real sugar my body will digest it just as any other food- thats what it does. im not a dr, or nutritionist etc, this is just my personal opinion and for me- sweetners are a godsend. i eat a low carb, low fat, high protein diet so i rarely have sugar cravings- but if i do,a little sweetner has never hurt me.

    on the other hand i have approx 2 teaspoons a day in fat free natural or greek yoghurt and the occasional diet can of pop, not a huge amount of sweetner in my opinion.

    i have read on here that some people have had bad effects so it may be trial and error- my husband suffered migraines we thought were due to sweetner so he cut it out. turns out its red meat that causes the migraines!!
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    I use Stevia check it out read about it!!
  • penelofur
    penelofur Posts: 81 Member
    I read that having artificial sweeteners can make you consume more calories (because you are filling your stomach with empty cals). I have probably more than I should have- but I try to limit my intake. I have tried Stevia (natural- plant based sweetener) but it does not have the same taste as my lovely splenda does ♥
  • Cocowgill
    Thanks everyone. I'll have to do some more research. I just read some article on some site so I didn't put a lot of stock into it, but I thought you all would have some additional input.

    Woo splenda!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    I have always substituted some kind of artificial sweetener for sugar to cut back on sugars, but recently I have been reading that artificial sweeteners might be just as bad because they trick your body into thinking sweet things are low calorie.

    I was wondering what other people had been hearing and what is accurate. Should I completely cut out artificial sweeteners as well? Is any artificial sweetener better than the others healthwise?

    Thanks in advance
    I drink diet Pepsi a couple of times a day, but then again I don't deprive myself from having ice cream and candy.
  • gritgirl
    gritgirl Posts: 95 Member
    I actually took my self off all artificial sweeteners lately. I was drinking quite a bit of diet sodas and using NutraSweet at home on other things. I've been having trouble with my liver/gallbladder. Been ultra sounded for gallstones and nothing, so I figured why not take this one thing out of my diet.

    It's been a challenge because I've had to figure out how to do my coffee in a somewhat low-calorie way, but I'm hoping this will help. I've looked at some of the medical journal articles. It's not looking good.

    This is an article about aspartame:

    Effect of long term intake of aspartame on antioxidant defense status in liver.
    "It can be concluded from these observations that long term consumption of aspartame leads to hepatocellular injury and alterations in liver antioxidant status mainly through glutathione dependent system." (Basically, it leads to liver damage.) (

    I haven't been able to find research linking sucralose (NutraSweet) to liver damage, but there does seem to be some link between NutraSweet and inflammatory bowel disease (IBS).

    Either way, going to just try and go without for a while and see how my liver does.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I have read and heard the same....but if I go back to sugar I guarentee I will gain weight! Not doing it. I like Stevia preferably organic.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Again, people dissing Aspartame and singing the praises of Stevia...

    Stevia has been linked to several long term side effects which has made it a reason for controversy and doubt in the recent years. Although it has been used since centuries by the natives, there are several claimed dangers of stevia. The following are some of the claimed dangers or side effects of stevia.

    * Firstly, it is said to be the biggest hindrance in the process of metabolism in the body. Regular consumption of stevia slows down or stops energy metabolism and hence, disrupt the process of conversion of food into energy.

    * Secondly, one of the biggest stevia dangers is its link to cancer. When tested in a laboratory, it was found that stevia was capable of bringing mutations in cell's DNA or the genetic material. This is only a claimed side effect as this effect has not been observed in human beings till date. However, scientists and researchers have still not confirmed whether stevia can cause this mutation in human beings or not.

    * Thirdly, difficulties or problems in reproduction is also believed to be one of the stevia side effects. Long term regular consumption of stevia is claimed to affect the male reproduction system, specially leading to a decreased amount of sperm production. When tested on female animal, it was found that stevia led to decreased number of offsprings.
  • MelissaJ6807
    Splenda was discovered by mistake when a company was trying to create a new rat poison. Artificial sweeteners can wreak havoc on your liver. Your liver works over time to process artificial sweeteners and doesn't have enough energy left over to properly process the rest of the food your body takes in. If you have a sweet tooth, a little pure sugar is better than all you want artificial sweetener.