Hurt foot - how to excercise?

I sprained and bruised my toes almost three weeks ago and I am still recovering. I am in a boot on my left foot and finally just got off the crutches. Anyway, do any of you have any suggestions as to how to exercise since I can barley walk right now?


  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    stationary bike?
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    did you see the Biggest Loser show tonight? one of the women has a stress fracture in the knee area and can't do any weight bearing exercises...they had her sitting/standing doing arm exercises and like doing jumping jacks (without the jumping part) etc...also a lot of swimming.
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    swimming, and air punches are good for cardio... you can even add some weights in there
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    I am afraid to do a bike because I cant move some of my toes still as they are still bruising and painful. But I am watching Biggest Loser right now on my DVR and have not gotten to that part yet. That might work for me if I can sit down and do it......which I am sure I can. :) Thanks!
  • beautyonhold
    Do anything that doesn't involve leg work. I'd suggest lifting some weights, or if you go to a gym do some upper body strength. If you can swim, that's a beautiful exercise as well. You could also do sit ups/crunches or pull ups. Any upper body exercises would be great. Just don't over do it! Slowly work into getting back to walking/exercising your legs. I've broken my leg five times in the last few years due to sports so i'm familiar with the healing process on injuries like that. It's frustrating, but just take it easy and let it heal.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    when I hurt my foot, I concentrated on upper body workouts, and there are some standing exercises that you can do that increase heart-rate, like squats and in a seated position on the wall. Also, you can do lots of crunches.

    The main thing for me was to not let myself get slack, so going to the gym, walking (even when it hurt a bit), was still OK. You could also use this time to increase your flexibility.

    After the pain subsided a little, I did the stationary bike, the recumbant was the best as it put the least amount of pressure on my foot.

    Good luck, and great healing.

  • winslow44238
    I completely understand, as I am still struggling with a bad knee. (Dropped my motorcycle July 5th and then got an infection that re-opened the sutures) I know exactly what you mean about the fear of making it worse. Lots of ice will help the swelling, and get some stretches in. Think yoga type. Focus on your core and try to do as much as possible sitting or laying on your back.

    I would do some flexing of my legs with only gravity tugging as I swing my leg in small circles while laying on my back. Also, put a thin magazine under the small of your back while laying flat, and have someone try to pull it out while you press your back to the floor. It actually strengthens the stomach muscles. Since you hurt your foot, focus on your core, and back. strenthening those muscles is important because limping from your foot is going to pull everything out of whack. Get your posture strong and work the upper body, the foot will follow in time.

    Hopefully you start physical therapy soon. They will help you too.
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    Thank you for all of the info and tips! I should have no excuses!!
  • Nyrissa
    Nyrissa Posts: 40
    I have a disorder that causes one of my feet to swell up to a point where only surgery to remove the extra tissue can make it go away. So I know all too well what you mean.

    You can try Yoga. I was doing it on the Wii Fit and it wanted me to do both legs (when a pose involved standing on just one), but you can just do the one. There are also a lot of sitting poses you can do.