new year's resolutions: lose 5-15 pounds by thanksgiving



  • Okay I just signed up but I have found that challenges really help me stay motivated so although I am late I will join in! I am a social worker at a hospital with a very busy floor, have a husband who has battled cancer, and a going on 6 year old and 15 month old. So my life is busy and stressful but now is a time I really want to lose this weight for GOOD. I am also in a wedding this coming summer- so more inspiration!

    start weight: 175.8
    9/14 -
    9/21 -
    9/28 - 175.8=<
    starting day
    10/5 -
    10/12 -
    10/19 -
    10/26 -
    11/2 -
    11/9 -
    11/16 -
    11/23 -
    goal weight: 159
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 589 Member
    start weight: 181.9lb (82.5kg)
    9/14 - 181.9lb (82.5kg) no loss no gain
    9/21 - 181.9lb (82.5kg) no loss no gain
    9/28 - 181.2lb (82.2kg) - 0.7lb
    10/5 -
    10/12 -
    10/19 -
    10/26 -
    11/2 -
    11/9 -
    11/16 -
    11/23 -
    goal weight: 166.9lb (75.7kg)
    Good luck everyone
    I finding life difficult at the moment. I am going to continue my weight loss journey
  • 9/14 - 155
    9/21 - 153
    9/28 - 154.4
    10/5 -
    10/12 -
    10/19 -
    10/26 -
    11/2 -
    11/9 -
    11/16 -
    11/23 -
    a gain this week :( i knew moving was going to have an adverse affect...
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    if anyone wants to do a challenge this weekend, it is: TO RETRY A FOOD YOU THINK YOU DISLIKE. i will post the challenge on thursdays after the weigh-in. it will be a random idea and you can chose to participate or not. if you do, have fun experimenting with your taste buds. :)
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 589 Member
    start weight: 181.9lb (82.5kg)
    9/14 - 181.9lb (82.5kg) no loss no gain
    9/21 - 181.9lb (82.5kg) no loss no gain
    9/28 - 181.2lb (82.2kg) - 0.7lb I need to change as scale r out of whack 179.5lb (81.4kg)
    10/5 -
    10/12 -
    10/19 -
    10/26 -
    11/2 -
    11/9 -
    11/16 -
    11/23 -
    goal weight: 166.9lb (75.7kg)
    Good luck everyone
    I finding life difficult at the moment. I am going to continue my weight loss journey
    Just a minor change
  • ralison
    ralison Posts: 109 Member
    start weight: 145.2
    9/14 - 144.6 (-.6)
    9/21 - 143.8 (-.8)
    9/28 - 144.4 (+.6)
    10/5 -
    10/12 -
    10/19 -
    10/26 -
    11/2 -
    11/9 -
    11/16 -
    11/23 -
    goal weight: 132

    This just hasn't been a good week. Exercise is nowhere to be seen. I'm not eating all that badly. The week brought a wedding, Flyers game, and to top it off my house was robbed. The Playstation which I use for my exercise DVD's is gone. I'm wiping the dust off a crappy DVD player today and tomorrow I'll get some exercise in. Good luck everyone. I need to get back on track again.
  • linbaby4
    linbaby4 Posts: 96 Member
    start weight: 148
    9/14 - 148
    9/21 - 146 (-)
    9/28 - 145 (-)
    10/5 -
    10/12 -
    10/19 -
    10/26 -
    11/2 -
    11/9 -
    11/16 -
    11/23 -
    goal weight: 133-135

    I'm a little late but Glad to see a loss this week! Definitely slacking on the exercise! But I started taking my dog for a hour walk every other day! and let me tell you being dragged by a 100+ lb doberman is exercise!! lol
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    start weight: 184.6
    9/14 - 187.6 (+3)
    9/21 - 183.2 (-4.4)
    9/28 - 184.2 (+1) Lets hope this is due to TOM visiting
    10/5 -
    10/12 -
    10/19 -
    10/26 -
    11/2 -
    11/9 -
    11/16 -
    11/23 -
    goal weight: 167
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    This just hasn't been a good week. Exercise is nowhere to be seen. I'm not eating all that badly. The week brought a wedding, Flyers game, and to top it off my house was robbed. The Playstation which I use for my exercise DVD's is gone. I'm wiping the dust off a crappy DVD player today and tomorrow I'll get some exercise in. Good luck everyone. I need to get back on track again.

    oh no alison! i am sorry your house was robbed. we had that happen to us last year after coming home from a funeral. we had been gone for 10 days and the night we arrived home, we were robbed. it is scary to think that we were in the house and we didn't hear a thing! i hope the police will be able to recover your goods.
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 589 Member
    This just hasn't been a good week. Exercise is nowhere to be seen. I'm not eating all that badly. The week brought a wedding, Flyers game, and to top it off my house was robbed. The Playstation which I use for my exercise DVD's is gone. I'm wiping the dust off a crappy DVD player today and tomorrow I'll get some exercise in. Good luck everyone. I need to get back on track again.

    I am sorry to hear that your house been robbed Alison.
    Exercise has not been happening here apart from walking more than normal.I real need to sort things out & make a big effort to do exercise
  • jaimieht
    jaimieht Posts: 106
    start weight: 173
    9/14 - 173 (same day lol)
    9/21 - 171.2 (-1.8)
    9/28 - 170.4 (-0.8)
    10/5 - 170.4 (same)
    10/12 -
    10/19 -
    10/26 -
    11/2 -
    11/9 -
    11/16 -
    11/23 - goal weight: 158

    I weigh in twice a week, Wed and Sat, which is why my sig says a lower weight than that... I weighed less on Saturday. lol. Just the shifting of the tides, I guess... heh. Hopefully a downward shift next week :)
  • bellecraic
    bellecraic Posts: 22 Member
    start weight: 252lbs
    9/14 - (-)
    9/21 - 244lbs (-8)
    9/28 - 245lbs (+1)
    10/5 - 243lbs (-2)
    10/12 -
    10/19 -
    10/26 -
    11/2 -
    11/9 -
    11/16 -
    11/23 -
    goal weight: 237lbs

    2lb lose this week .... wooohoooo :)
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Start Weight: 234.8
    9/14 - 229
    9/21 - 229
    9/28 - 226
    10/5 - 223.4
    10/12 -
    10/19 -
    10/26 -
    11/2 -
    11/9 -
    11/16 -
    11/23 -
    Goal Weight: 219
  • ralison
    ralison Posts: 109 Member
    start weight: 145.2
    9/14 - 144.6 (-.6)
    9/21 - 143.8 (-.8)
    9/28 - 144.4 (+.6)
    10/5 - 144.8 (+.4)
    10/12 -
    10/19 -
    10/26 -
    11/2 -
    11/9 -
    11/16 -
    11/23 -
    goal weight: 132

    Not in the right direction. I actually worked out before work on Monday and Tuesday. It felt great. Wasn't able to get up this morning as I was up late last night doing homework. Maybe I can get to it tonight after dinner with my parents.

    Good job this week everyone and good luck for the upcoming week!
  • ralison
    ralison Posts: 109 Member
    This just hasn't been a good week. Exercise is nowhere to be seen. I'm not eating all that badly. The week brought a wedding, Flyers game, and to top it off my house was robbed. The Playstation which I use for my exercise DVD's is gone. I'm wiping the dust off a crappy DVD player today and tomorrow I'll get some exercise in. Good luck everyone. I need to get back on track again.

    oh no alison! i am sorry your house was robbed. we had that happen to us last year after coming home from a funeral. we had been gone for 10 days and the night we arrived home, we were robbed. it is scary to think that we were in the house and we didn't hear a thing! i hope the police will be able to recover your goods.

    I'm glad we weren't home when whoever came. Though they probably wouldn't have robbed the house at that point. I have to sleep with the tv on so now we keep the bedroom door open. This way I can actually hear what's going on outside the room.
  • ralison
    ralison Posts: 109 Member
    This just hasn't been a good week. Exercise is nowhere to be seen. I'm not eating all that badly. The week brought a wedding, Flyers game, and to top it off my house was robbed. The Playstation which I use for my exercise DVD's is gone. I'm wiping the dust off a crappy DVD player today and tomorrow I'll get some exercise in. Good luck everyone. I need to get back on track again.

    I am sorry to hear that your house been robbed Alison.
    Exercise has not been happening here apart from walking more than normal.I real need to sort things out & make a big effort to do exercise

    Atleast you're walking. It's better than nothing. Keep pushing and it'll get easier.
  • 9/14 - 155
    9/21 - 153
    9/28 - 154.4
    10/5 - 153.4
    10/12 -
    10/19 -
    10/26 -
    11/2 -
    11/9 -
    11/16 -
    So sorry aabout your home being robbed. Hopefully you will be able to shake of some of the erieness...

    This morning was a hoot over on my side of the world. On the way to work a friendly truck decided they wanted to be in my lane right where i was :(. Thus i had to swerve into the next lane and the car decided to spin out in the middle of the four lane highway. Luckly no one was hurt and:)) But the worst part of it was the truck who caused the whole thing just kept driving....

  • ItsMeLori
    ItsMeLori Posts: 346
    Good Morning!
    start weight: 163.5
    9/14 - 162.5
    9/21 - 166.4 (TOM)
    9/28 - 166
    10/5 - 163.8
    10/12 -
    10/19 -
    10/26 -
    11/2 -
    11/9 -
    11/16 -
    11/23 -
    goal weight: 150
  • jennyhynek
    jennyhynek Posts: 17 Member
    start weight: 149
    9/14 - missed
    9/21 - 149
    9/28 - 150 (+)
    10/5 - 149 (-)
    10/12 -
    10/19 -
    10/26 -
    11/2 -
    11/9 -
    11/16 -
    11/23 -
    goal weight: 137-140

    Great job everyone!

    Alison, I'm sorry to hear about your house being robbed!
  • btor
    btor Posts: 144 Member
    start weight: 184
    9/14 - (actually 9/15) 183
    9/21 - 183
    9/28 - 182.6 (-.4)
    10/5 - 181.6 (-1)
    10/12 -
    10/19 -
    10/26 -
    11/2 -
    11/9 -
    11/16 -
    11/23 - goal weight: 174