weight loss, work out, plastic surgery

I was talking to a girlfriend this morning who has an amazing weight loss story. She lost her weight using WW and exercising 3 hours a day. The weight's been gone for 2 years and some of her frustrations came up in our discussions this morning that I just couldn't answer:

1) 2 different surgeons told her that she now has JM's physique . . . with about 3 - 5 pounds of extra skin laying on top. It would cost about $20,000 to remove the skin and put everything back in place. How do you afford that without taking out a loan?

2) She must still work out 3 hours a day to keep the weight off, she took last weekend off to go to a wedding and gained 5 pounds. She's already at the top end of her weight per WW, with only 2 pounds of breathing room. How can she back off on some of the exercise without gaining weight?
aside: She tried mfp and her net was 1600 calories, which she thought was unreasonably low, and she "balooned up" while doing it which means that her calorie net was to high (imho)

3) A question that I have that I didn't pose to her: How is this fit and active woman that has an amazing and physique in risk of getting in trouble with WW? Are their weight expectations really reasonable?

I had suggested that she try removing one workout and see what happens, let her body regulate, then another. Maybe back of 30 minutes at a time. I don't know if she will or not, but that was the only suggestion I had.


  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    No idea on the surgery but I too am curious.

    With the weight fluctuating- maybe it's what she's eating or failing that a thyroid issue?
  • SeeMeShrinkDown
    Can't help with #1 or #3. For number 2, she probably needs to trim her calories. That's why I don't want to exercise for hours & hours every day-it's not something I want to do forever; I'm speaking for myself btw. If you love the gym or whatever, go for it. But for me, that's just not sustainable.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i cant really answer your questions, but this is exactly why i keep my exercise in moderation (30-50 mins 3-6 times per week) so that i dont HAVE to do loads just to maintain.

    I had a friend who was super active and exercised twice per day and put on 7lbs when she had flu and couldnt work out for a week.

    i dont see how she would put on weight eating 1600 cals a day though? even if she wasnt exercising. The thing is any change to her routine will take a few weeks for her body to get used to so she needs to stick at it for 3-4 weeks before deciding it isnt working.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Unless there are other issues (thyroid), her WW points allowance must be too high if she has to exercise that much to maintain. What's her daily diet like? The 5 lbs she gained in one week-end were probably water weight, though....
  • yojibalinese
    I guess if she thought 1600 calories a day was not enough, then she does need to exercise that much. I'm no where near a good physique at all, still 50 pounds overweight and I only eat 1350 a day. I guess if I exercised more than three times a week for an hour each I could eat more...but I really don't want to. Everyone's different. Maybe she could see a nutritionist?
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    $20,000 is not worth removing 3-5 pounds in my opinion. I am proud of my loose skin, its far better than being unhealthy.

    working out 3 hours a day is insane! I always stress to people you have to find a way to lose your weight by controlling what goes in your mouth more than killing yourself at the gym. after all, lifestyle change should be 80% about what goes in your mouth and 20% spent at the gym. She needs to change her eating habits and spend less time at the gym. I have never killed myself doing exercise because some day I know I won't be able to exercise but I will be able to control what goes in my mouth.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I also agree that the foods she ate at the wedding probably led to water weight gain. When you consume a good diet and veer off that diet and eat foods you have not prepared, you will gain water weight. remember it takes 3500 calories to equal one pound.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I have a friend who's like what you described in point number 2. She's spending hours(3+) doing cardio and when I pointed out that she doesn't have to do that and that I only do 30 to 60 minutes 3X a week, she snapped back that for the results she wants she has to do way more then that.. otherwise it won't work. I just wanted to shake her and be like.. No, you don't need to be killing yourself. 30 to 60 minutes will work if you are eating right and not eating crap/drinking 24/7.

    I personally could never work out 3 hrs a day.. I don't have time to work out 3 hrs a day. 30 minutes is enough for me... and gave me a pretty banging body I think, so I think I'll stick with it!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Looks like I'll have to have another food conversation with her. She said she stuck to the calories on mfp and gain a lot of weight. This is no longer about results, this is what she has to do to maintain, I just find it very stressful to watch her go through it because I know she doesn't want to spend this kind of time at the gym, she's so bured out.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    There is a new FDA approved cosmetic bodycontouring procedure called coolsculpting, which I was checking out "just because." The website is http://www.coolsculpting.com. It's nonevasive and can be done during a basic office visit and supposedly takes off 20%, rather than 50% of the more evasive liposuction procedure.

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Looks like I'll have to have another food conversation with her. She said she stuck to the calories on mfp and gain a lot of weight. This is no longer about results, this is what she has to do to maintain, I just find it very stressful to watch her go through it because I know she doesn't want to spend this kind of time at the gym, she's so bured out.

    Maybe you should try and talk her into having a complete week off, so no exercise and no calorie counting so that her body can rest, and then start again? she might see an initial weight gain, but it wouldnt last long.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Seem like she shot her metabolism to hell. What kind of workout does she do. Maybe way too much cardio and not enought strenght training.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Seem like she shot her metabolism to hell. What kind of workout does she do. Maybe way too much cardio and not enought strenght training.

    This is what I was thinking as we were talking. She does a variety of exercises and likes to mix it up to keep it interesting including Zumba, Step, Pump, RPM, Athletic Conditioning, Swimming, BodyFlow, and Yoga. I wish I could help her reclaim her life.

    The other issue with her putting on pounds is that I'm pretty sure that she's working for WW now, and she just can't put on weight. I can't remember what she called it if she does, I just know it's not an option, which is a shame because I think it would take about 4 or 6 weeks to get her regulated back out.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    It sounds as though she may need to integrate some intense weightlifting into her regimen? How is her protein intake? She may need to increase her lean body mass. Also, if she can workout for three hours a day and maintain, what does her intensity look like? Maybe less time, and more kicking of the *kitten*?

    Lastly, the dreaded skin. I don't know what insurance plan she has, but if some will approve skin removal with a little work on her part. She would have to make frequent visits to her doctor, complaining of rashes and yeast in the folds, but some plans will at least cover that partially.

    I have many friends/family who did gastric bypass and had no problem getting it removed. Ironic, huh? I haven't had any work done...yet.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    If she is not really into the weights, I would be glad to PM you my workout, and you could email it to her. It is designed for total body, and is focused on keeping the HR pretty high to maximize fat loss.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    Final note: I adore spending hours at the gym. I would do it even if I were underweight. But your body does adapt, which is why I have to police the diet so closely. I don't even eat back my exercise calories for the most part, I usually just stay around 1400 cal/day...no matter what. But if I go over, the scale will show it briefly, and then the extra pounds will disappear and take some of their friends along with them. The extra calorie intake will shock the hell out of my metabolism, and after a few days at a higher weight...I'll suddenly drop it plus 2 extra. As long as I come back to The Plan right away, that is...

    Maybe she has some sort of insulin issues (similar to that discussion from last week). She may have some kind of carb sensitivity.